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Geez I Love Bkk


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Just on a 40 hour stopover here in BKK. Although based elsewhere at the moment, I have lived here on and off for the past 10 years.

Having just been in London and Paris for a social visit, which are great cities in their own rights, in my book BKK beats them both hands down.

The raffish charm of the city, the markets, people.

The food....oh how have I been pigging out since I landed.

The weather, so warm....

The security guard at my building, half asleep as I wandered in, made me smile.

Even the crazy driving and the traffic jams are endearing.

So good....all of it. It will always be "home"

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Having just been in London and Paris for a social visit, which are great cities in their own rights, in my book BKK beats them both hands down.

The raffish charm of the city, the markets, people.

The food....oh how have I been pigging out since I landed.

The weather, so warm....

The security guard at my building, half asleep as I wandered in, made me smile.

Even the crazy driving and the traffic jams are endearing.

So good....all of it. It will always be "home"

I agree, Samran.

I have been having the same feeling for a very, very long time.

Far before I was actually living in Bkk.

And I'm a "full" farang, not half Thai,... :o

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