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Of course, now I get curious about those 18 yr old old northern beauties...?

How does that work again? Mine is 21 already, do I need to replace her?

We've got a couple of kids already...

/// DFW

Of course, now I get curious about those 18 yr old old northern beauties...?

How does that work again? Mine is 21 already, do I need to replace her?

We've got a couple of kids already...

/// DFW

She's been breeding. The time for replacement stock is nigh. :o

Of course, now I get curious about those 18 yr old old northern beauties...?

How does that work again? Mine is 21 already, do I need to replace her?

We've got a couple of kids already...

/// DFW

She's been breeding. The time for replacement stock is nigh. :o

Nigh being the operative word here I guess I'll hang on to her for a couple more weeks/months or so... thanks Doc!! The fact that I'm madly in love with her makes that decision somewhat easier to bear... whattodo withouth the sound advice of senior TV members?

Family pic

Dunno if this link'll work, but if it does it'll show what keeps draggin' me back in...

Wife and kids... let's face it - I'm a softie...

/// DFW

I fixed the link...

Oh well dfw  ...  fai's fair  ...  she's stuck to you all this time  ...  through thick and thin    :o

Well, she actually's been sticking to me through thick and thicker...

" Tilac, if you are very pompoi nobody else will want you...so that's the way I love U!"

She's actually six months pregnant right now - next kid in October - I'm crazy happy!!!

/// DFW

I think most of the advice given here is cynical & callous.

Rodeo never used the word sex in his plea for some warm experienced advice from so called Knowlegeable Farangs.

I think the girl must love you Rodeo otherwise she would not want to Marry you.

Make sure you do not register the Marriage & have a great experience.

I suspect the local Thias will create a great day for you.

Be careful that your wife does not find out about this.

You should then have many happy hours of good company with your "Thia Wife" in the future.

Trust me...... go on Marry her and let us all Know how you get on.

Go for it if you want,,it is not a marriage unless you go to the amphur and register it,,the Thai Buda ceremony is just a jump the stick thing that holds no water with any law in any land,,Thailand and Mexico are similar in many ways,and a religious ceremony is neither lawful or binding in either place,it must be a civil ceremony.

So if you are of a mind to do it,,knock your self out.

Then you can screw her eyeballs out in her own village and she will not lose face.And thts what you pobly have in mind anyway.


Have I blown it?

Typical email :

you make me to go the hospital. what can you give me trust .if you not go to ceremony party my home towe.

i never and never to do destroy our relationship. only you make it.because you not sure to love me.

i all ways loyal honess love you 100% .that why i give you and my home towe ceremony party . if you not go that mean you not love me sure.

WHO am i in your life ...... every ones can know about your idea your heart you give my life

what you want to take care of me for ever? if you not want to go ceremony paty my home towe. this time

for get it about you love me. only you kill my love i give you.


Seriously, you need to make up your mind. Either be with her, then quit asking yourself questions - or don't, and in that case tell her honestly. Me smells troll.


What does Troll mean please?

I copied & pasted the above email from my Hotmail account I could post at least a dozen more emails I do not have the time to mess about with this.


Troll Definition

Me smells troll too, rainman.

Seriously... really... if I were you, I would think a million times before I bought the hospital crap. If you can keep your blood in your brain long enough, you will figure it out what the right decision is.

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