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Cm Christmas Toy Ride

Hog Head

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The new Richco Motorsports shop in Chiangmai is willing to be the annual sponsor of a Christmas Toy Ride and I foolishly offered to get it organised.

Initial thought is to model it along what I am familiar with in Canada, literally thousands of bikes brings a new toy, goes on a nice ride, and donates the toys to charity. Naturally some will not have the forethought to bring a toy so money will need to be handled. It has already been suggested that perhaps in CM, cold hard cash is better than toys

It is for the kids, and everyone is welcome from Aprilias to Zundapps.

Perhaps during CM Bike Week?

Given that Christmas is not a big deal to the local community, other suggested dates include:

Dec. 2007

5th Fathers Day, King's Birthday.

10th Constitution Day.

31st New Years Eve.

January 2008:

12th Childrens Day.

OTOH there is nothing like a fat hoghead in a Santa suit riding a bagger loaded down with toys.

Any and all comments are welcome, as are offers to help me organise it.

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A nice idea, and I think Children's day would be the most fitting for a leisurely drive out to the Wiangping Orphanage with a sack load of toys. Give them a call and see if they they are interested. The poor mites out there are well aware of children's day, and this would be a great day for them. Count me in for a toy donation.....

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I know just the TV Member that would be perfect for the Father Christmas role :D

Sorry about this Dustoff,but I have been going on about you looking like Santa for some time now :o

I know you will take it as harmless fun ( I hope) :D

He'd make a great Santa, albeit a slim one. :D

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Add me in - I was involved in the Christmas toy run in Oz. Agree with Maejo Man re Children's day - seems to me to be the most appropriate date and the kid's at the orphanage would certainly appreciate the toys. That said not sure about the fat bloke in the red suit heading out there to do it. May be better that bit out and just do it as a nonsectarian donation from the farung community.


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Count me in too! I did the Hahndorff (Spelling?) Toy Run in Adelaide in 2001 I think it was. Great fun, and what a site to behold!

I only ride a Honda Dream on occasion but these things are usually a leisurely ride?

The one in Adelaide ended up at a big field, with a huge wire basket to launch your donations into. Had a few rides, and booths to raise money too.

HTT lake is near the childrens home, and have loads of space. This may be a good place to end it? And have the kids come from the orphanage to HTT?

Just a thought.



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I know just the TV Member that would be perfect for the Father Christmas role :D

Sorry about this Dustoff,but I have been going on about you looking like Santa for some time now :o

I know you will take it as harmless fun ( I hope) :D

Ho, Ho, Ho (no reference to your mia noi)

Not gonna get in a red suit but I was the Prez of a huge motorcycling organization in Hawaii (www.sbumaui.org)(check out events, rides and runs) for several years and we have been doing the annual Christmas "Toys For Tots Run" every year for the past 30+ years and I am more than willing to participate.

There is nothing like a mob of grubby bikers reduced to tears as they kneel down to present a gift to a needy child!

Keep me posted and let me know how I may help.

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Count me in.

Austhaied in full Santa regalia, leading a ravening horde of nasty, snarling bikers, in full colours, riding staggered formation....

Crow Boy with full walkie-talkie telecom setup in the rear, maintaining order.

Mountains of toys, smiling kids, good vibes all around.... :o

Sounds like a winner to me.


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Thanks for the input and offers to help. This will be a big job, needs to be done right, and far too much for me to handle alone.

A Children's Day ride seems most appropriate, however this is a Saturday, and a lot of people work Saturdays. Perhaps having it Jan 13, or the Sunday before may be be better?

Had a meeting last evening with David of GT Rider fame and he has offered to set up the ride portion of the event, and suss out several hill tribe villages that could a hand.

Is anyone available to set up a web page for this event?

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You can count us in, too. Used to do the Vancouver Toyruns. Great stuff. Was actually thinking about the same thing a while back, but too busy to organize.

I'll mention it to the Black Rabbit MC in Chiang Rai, when I ride up on the 7th and to some of the other clubs in Mae Sai, where we have a soccer tournament on the 8th of September. Please post definite date as soon as it is confirmed, so our guys can make arrangements (take time off work etc.)



13th Chapter MC, Thailand

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This ride needs to be done right, and has the potential to be a really big event.

It is becoming apparent that the organisation will be a bit more than I can hope to do alone, and I would like to get a committee together to work on all the details.

Any volunteers willing to meet at Tuskers later this week to get things rolling?

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This ride needs to be done right, and has the potential to be a really big event.

It is becoming apparent that the organisation will be a bit more than I can hope to do alone, and I would like to get a committee together to work on all the details.

Any volunteers willing to meet at Tuskers later this week to get things rolling?

You could well be right, and if the local Thai bike clubs want to join in, it could be huge. You will get everything from exotic choppers to the ubiquitous Honda Dream.

Whichever date you decide upon you will need a meeting point to set out from, and would suggest suitable press coverage for the event. Thapae Gate would seem the obvious meeting point, and should be open then. If you are looking at Childrens day proper, you will probably find it already scheduled for parades and the like. A future committee member will have to approach the Chiangmai Tessa bahn/Amphur to obtain permission, and the local police will have to be informed. They will also be only too pleased to supply "outriders" for the procession, and will control junctions etc. (and probably need a beer at the end of it too)

If you are still looking to support the orphanage, Huay Tung Taew lake would be a fitting end to have the party, and would give others, that cannot participate in the ride, the opportunity to join in.

Also people that will be away at the time, or just can't join in, could donate toys or sealed cash envelopes to the future "treasure"

You've certainly started something here, and as you say, it's not a one man job. I trust you can get a bunch together this week that has the time to get stuck in.....MM

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You might also want to add some entertainment at the end of the ride. Who knows, someone like Carrabou or Tuk from the Brasserie might decide to help out, if approached. Both have awesome bands and are involved in the riding community.

I'd certainly be willing to help out with ideas. Coming to Chiang Mai for meetings might be difficult for me, because we have our restaurant/guesthouse to run and I have some other commitments as well. I am more than willing to spread the word with the Thai bike clubs, in the North here, when a specific date is confirmed. Might want to make up little Toy Run Pins, too, for people who participate. Thai's love Pins, T-shirts and such of events they participate in.

Maybe a few sponsors...Beer Chang comes to mind. They sponsor a lot of stuff like that.

T-shirts could be sponsored by some of the pubs, restaurants, etc. around Chiang Mai. I'd certainly be interested in something like that.

I know it was always very easy to get sponsors for bike events in Canada. We used to go and collect all kinds of bike parts, t-shirts, leather gear and stuff from local bike shops, too. Who were always willing to donate for raffles and door prices at such events.

I think a toyrun will be awesome. If organized good, it will be a huge event in future years. Please try to make sure that it doesn't conflict with any of the "Bikeweeks" around the country. Then the turnout will be high for sure.

PM me, if I can be off help from out here.



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I was first to mention HTT lake at the end of the event. I am directly involved (In that i now pay the rent, internet and electric), for a coffee shop on HTT lake.

I am willing to organise it so that everything at the end of the toy run is at cost price at my place on the lake. This should help. Alternatively, we could have the usual pricing, and donate profit to the cause.

I can certainly approach the management of the lake (Government), and try to organise something with them.

Anyway, PM me, or write on this thread if this is of use?



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Oh, and in case you think I have a conflict of interest, I dont! :o I pay for the coffee shop to exist with Wireless internet, but my employee(From my other business) and another girl share the profit! :D I get nothing. Its a perk for them! :D

In this case, I can make sure beers etc are at cost. And I can certainly help with the mannagement of the lake.



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Thanks for the input and it is apparent that this is going to be far too big for me to arrange on my own and a committee will be needed.

Richie from Richco Motorsports, David from GT-Rider, and Chas from Tuskers have volunteered to help and we are planning to meet at Tuskers later this week to get the ball rolling.

Any others willing to participate in the organising committee?

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  • 1 month later...

Lets meet at Tuskers this Thursday at 7:30 to thrash out ideas.


Hi Robert,

Did you guys get together at Tuskers? Any news on the Toyrun? Sorry, been busy, but still interested in helping out.

When there is a certain date for it and all is organized as needed, I can pass on the info to some of the clubs in Chiang Rai, too. The following link http://www.openbike-ut.com has some of the clubs posting messages. It may be a good place to get the message out to the Thai bikers, once things are organized. They also post other upcoming events on that site.



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The event will be held on Jan 6, 08 as the Chiangmai Childrens Day Toy Run.

Meet at 10:00 AM at the Tesco on superhighway, parade through CM, and end up at HTT Lake on the canal road to Mae Rim at 1:00. There are 2 parade routes, around town and directly to the lake, or around town and via the Samoeng looop to the lake. Toys will be donated to charity at the lake, and distributed to needy children on Childrens Day the following week.

Everyone is welcome from Aprilias to Zundapps, and the only entrance requirement is to bring a toy.

email me directly at [email protected] and I will take you up on the offer to promote the event to the clubs in Chiang Rai.

When there is a certain date for it and all is organized as needed, I can pass on the info to some of the clubs in Chiang Rai, too. The following link http://www.openbike-ut.com has some of the clubs posting messages. It may be a good place to get the message out to the Thai bikers, once things are organized. They also post other upcoming events on that site.



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