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Senior Programmers Wanted

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One of Asia's leading online hotel reservation services is seeking Senior Programmers for it's Bangkok office (to be opened in September).

We are WiredDestinations, one of Asia's leading online hotel reservation services. With over 5,000 hotels live in 32 countries we serve over 10,000 customers per month. We are now seeking top professionals from the IT industry to work as Senior Programmers for our new Bangkok office located in the Software Park.


Any Nationality.

Should have a university degree in Computer Science or similar discipline.

Must have an excellent command of written and spoken English.

Pro-active with good communication skills

Familiar with OO programming and design

Must have 2 or more years experience in the following skills:

Languages: PHP, JavaScript, HTML, XML

RDBMS -prefer mySQL

OS: Unix/Linux


Job Description:

Application Programming and low level design of an Internet application.

Production and execution of test plans & results.

Maintaining system documentation.

Communicate with our Phuket reservation office by chat/webcam, phone daily

At WiredDestinations we offer a work environment that is demanding, but also flexible, professional, prospering and innovative. If you feel that you have what it takes to join our company and would like to join our team, do not hesitate to contact us for an appointment. Please provide us with a detailed CV including a summary of your past experience, your salary expectations and a photo of yourself. Please email all to [email protected] or visit http://wd-travel.com/theteam/jobs.htm

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Familiar with OO programming and design

Must have 2 or more years experience in the following skills:

Languages: PHP, JavaScript, HTML, XML

Sorry to be picky, but it might help if your job description was more accurate for your applicants.

These aren't OO programming languages :

PHP - server side scripting language

Javascript - client side scripting language

HTML & XML - markup languages

What OO programming languages are your prosepective candidates supposed to know ?? Java, C#, Object Pascal(Delphi) ????

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What is the senior part? Or do you mean experienced. Everybody want an experiencd programmer but they are not cheap.

Most companies expect a senior to be head of a department or project team.

This just sounds like you need a good script jockey and a good graphical designer.

Most senior programmers have a lot of experience that can be used for guiding younger people.

Quote a salary range so you are taken seriously.

If you want to know my salary range for a reference. (20 years experience of which 6 in database driven web applications)


And take care of the red tape and work permit of course.

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These aren't OO programming languages :

PHP - server side scripting language

Javascript - client side scripting language

Not exactly true, you can write OO PHP and Javascript

Never yet found the need to do so though, I must admit.

not "OO programming" languages.Of course you can "OO script".

Comp Sci 101 :

programming langauges are "compiled"

scripting languages are "interpreted"

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Arent you guys picky. Everyone is always complaining that there are no jobs around for foreigners and now there is actually a job available.

150 k - 200 k a month is a good range for you however I know of various skilled programers (foreigners)here in Phuket with many years of experience who are earning less then 80 K a month.

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Arent you guys picky. Everyone is always complaining that there are no jobs around for foreigners and now there is actually a job available.

150 k - 200 k a month is a good range for you however I know of various skilled programers (foreigners)here in Phuket with many years of experience who are earning less then 80 K a month.

Pickey, maybe.But personally I would never apply for a job where the job description was erroneous etc... What does that say about the calibre of the company ? On the flip side, if you were an HR manager, what would you think of a candidate resume with spelling mistakes,technical errors etc.. ? Cuts both ways IMHO.

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Arent you guys picky. Everyone is always complaining that there are no jobs around for foreigners and now there is actually a job available.

150 k - 200 k a month is a good range for you however I know of various skilled programers (foreigners)here in Phuket with many years of experience who are earning less then 80 K a month.

They will be lucky if they get 50,000 bt in Thailand

A thai national woud be no more than 25,000 bt for that job

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These aren't OO programming languages :

PHP - server side scripting language

Javascript - client side scripting language

Not exactly true, you can write OO PHP and Javascript

Never yet found the need to do so though, I must admit.

not "OO programming" languages.Of course you can "OO script".

Comp Sci 101 :

programming langauges are "compiled"

scripting languages are "interpreted"

Not true. PHP is a programming language. Compilation has nothing to do with being a "programming" language. I think we had this conversation before, but you still didn't get it. You must be new in the business.

The first programming languages were not "compilable" and still were called "programming language"

Scripting has not nothing to do with being "interpreted". Some programming language can be executed in "interpreted" mode, that does not take away their "programming features", and that does not make them "scripting languages" either.

Programming != Compiling


So get a clue.

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Arent you guys picky. Everyone is always complaining that there are no jobs around for foreigners and now there is actually a job available.

150 k - 200 k a month is a good range for you however I know of various skilled programers (foreigners)here in Phuket with many years of experience who are earning less then 80 K a month.

Pickey, maybe.But personally I would never apply for a job where the job description was erroneous etc... What does that say about the calibre of the company ? On the flip side, if you were an HR manager, what would you think of a candidate resume with spelling mistakes,technical errors etc.. ? Cuts both ways IMHO.

You might be right but 99% of offers are written by clueless HR who think all IT is one giant happy pot of individuals with all the same skills.

Some of the job offers we come across are so funny, you can't believe they are real. IT is too complex for most HR exective to get a clue.

So how do you resolve all this ? you don't, you reply with a resume with the same stupid description they ask for.

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Arent you guys picky. Everyone is always complaining that there are no jobs around for foreigners and now there is actually a job available.

150 k - 200 k a month is a good range for you however I know of various skilled programers (foreigners)here in Phuket with many years of experience who are earning less then 80 K a month.

Pickey, maybe.But personally I would never apply for a job where the job description was erroneous etc... What does that say about the calibre of the company ? On the flip side, if you were an HR manager, what would you think of a candidate resume with spelling mistakes,technical errors etc.. ? Cuts both ways IMHO.

I just asked our ###### here at the company if the job description for that job makes sense. He says it does.

Anyway, I am sure that company will find someone suitable as when I posted a job offer before many IT professional applied and they were more then happy to work for a salary of around 50 K a month. Its totally stupid to start mentioning salary demands of 200,000 THB a month. You are so out of the loop.

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Arent you guys picky. Everyone is always complaining that there are no jobs around for foreigners and now there is actually a job available.

150 k - 200 k a month is a good range for you however I know of various skilled programers (foreigners)here in Phuket with many years of experience who are earning less then 80 K a month.

Sounds like me, you dont happen to know me in RL do you Jimbo?

For Bangkok the salary would have to be around the 100k mark otherwise there would be no fincial advantage of moveing off phuket.

Interesting discussion about programming though. I wont spout my opinion on the matter for fear of making you all look silly :o

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These aren't OO programming languages :

PHP - server side scripting language

Javascript - client side scripting language

Not exactly true, you can write OO PHP and Javascript

Never yet found the need to do so though, I must admit.

not "OO programming" languages.Of course you can "OO script".

Comp Sci 101 :

programming langauges are "compiled"

scripting languages are "interpreted"

Not true. PHP is a programming language. Compilation has nothing to do with being a "programming" language. I think we had this conversation before, but you still didn't get it. You must be new in the business.

The first programming languages were not "compilable" and still were called "programming language"

Scripting has not nothing to do with being "interpreted". Some programming language can be executed in "interpreted" mode, that does not take away their "programming features", and that does not make them "scripting languages" either.

Programming != Compiling


So get a clue.

Why don't we just agree to disagree.Like all things that are a matter of style, you are always going to get differing viewpoints and camps of people that stand by them.

See mate, it's easy to state your opinion without getting petty and throwing unsubstantiated ,rash, reactive, personal jibes.

This wikipedia has some well written viewpoints on the matter.It makes comparisons between interpreted/scripted and compiled.

Wikipedia link

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George and Dr P,

Why is the word I.T M.A.N.A.G.E.R banned? I used it in my previous post and it ended up looking like #######

You don't want to know. Some ugly story behind that guy. Let's just say he deserved it. He was also clueless as an IT professional.

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Penelope, better if you return to school (assuming you never went to university) and learn a little bit.

PHP is OO also (but it sucks and mostly reserved to the afficionados) since 4. x.x

your comments are okie for the old releases.

Also, what is a programming languages? Java? Cobol? ... in fact the only one I know is assembleur (using directly the processor instructions .... can you do that? Do you have ever thought it was possible to do it).

I just finish a website, ecommerce, fully made in OO with php (client specifications).

Penelope .... Are you related to Ulysse by any chance ??????????????? go to do your home work (sew or something like that) or maybe open a good book .... May I advice some best sellers from O'Reilly .... maybe PHP for the dummies will be enought for you.

kidding .... today it's the birthday of my first ban in thaivisa ... I miss it lol


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Why don't we just agree to disagree.Like all things that are a matter of style, you are always going to get differing viewpoints and camps of people that stand by them.

See mate,  it's easy to state your opinion without getting petty and throwing unsubstantiated ,rash, reactive, personal jibes.

This wikipedia has some well written viewpoints on the matter.It makes comparisons between interpreted/scripted and compiled.

Wikipedia link

I would love to agree to disagree, but these are not opinions but facts. I can understand this is difficult to get for the new comers, but it does not change the reality of things.

The IT industry is infested with "fakes", new comers, wanabees who failed to understand "basic" IT concepts but still love to brag about how much they know. No wonder this industry is doomed. Too much money and too much incompetence.

My last comment was not for you penelope, but you understand what I mean.

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Some ugly story behind that guy. Let's just say he deserved it.
Well he was just backstapped by some friends of him ..... Some people in this site have claim he was a pedophile .... if true why he is not in jail now ? ...... Maybe he just bothered some "important personn" Who knows

Wonder how is HK now?

He was also clueless as an IT professional.

Sure, I agree with that, he was working for a website who given fake information to ICANN .... thing who can lead to the loose the domain name ... not professional at all. I wish the website have rectified the informations, 200 Soi nakhaton in Nakhon Nowhere is not a serious address ... lol.

For info ICANN is the top level organisation who take care of the internet number assignement. It's like APNIC .... But it's north America mostly ( we had africa in the past).

Still wondering how is HK byt those days?


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These aren't OO programming languages :

PHP - server side scripting language

Javascript - client side scripting language

HTML & XML - markup languages

What OO programming languages are your prosepective candidates supposed to know ?? Java, C#, Object Pascal(Delphi) ????


PHP is a great server side scripting language that can be programmed by using OO technique.

For example, take this forum. It's developed by using PHP following OO technique.

Also take OS commerce shopping cart system. That's also same.

Java Scripts, HTML & XML can be mixed with PHP to take out some time consuming PHP coding.

Anyway..this ad is not real or they are insane. :o

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I forget to precise that :

Javascript, for humble it is, is full OO language.

the notation is : method.object.

it's possible to inherit from the parent.

sometimes I hate my english, so difficult for me to explain ... but I think some native who are technies can develop it.

About oscommerce, I pretend to know it well (I curently install 3 per weeks) it's 30 % OO, 50 normal style, and 20 % Maximal style... They did a mutation (change) since 1 year, before that OO was used only for the news letter and the mail. Now they try to implement (install) it widely. But it'scalled OO because they use mysql_fetch_object rather than mysql_fetch_array ... I wonder Penelope is more looking for a dot syntax and inheritence of the classes ...

Ghost in the machine

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I just finish a website, ecommerce, fully made in OO with php (client specifications).

[Continuing to get further off-topic :o ]

Interesting, I've never found anything I've written in PHP to be 'long-lived' enough to merit creating objects. Maybe I've just been thinking about it the wrong way? Be interested to hear how you found the design & programming compares doing in this way.

As for javascript, quite right, and just as importantly you can create objects (I've also worked with objectPAL, which is object-based but not properly OO as you can't 'roll your own').

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Well to use OO with php is mostly a need for some people, who think it's great, or better.

My 2 cents opinion is that sucks lol. As the maximal style. But since some month, the new programms appear to be OO .... why not.

But what a client need must be made ...


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People, read and remember before you personally attack me :

OO scripting , OO programming

I'm not disputing the OO'ness of the various languages , but whether or not you "label" a language as scripting or programming ....a matter of style, taste, preference.

The way one "describes" a language is no way reflective of ones technical ability or industry experience.

Please PM me and I will give you the details of my office in BKK if you want to get personal.I'll make an appointment and we can discuss it over a muffin.

There are many people who "label" PHP as scripting.There are others who don't.


What is PHP? PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language

To conclude, yes PHP, Javascript, etc... are OO languages. Never disputed this.However whether you call them programming or scripting langauges is as they say in LOS "up to you".

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