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Help On Drugs Test Kit, Where To Buy?


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I can understand that you may want to test your staff but check first with a lawyer what the legal implications are.

Drug use is a criminal offense in Thailand and you may be legally bound to report any employee testing positive to the police.

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The only problem with drug testing is that most class A drugs like amphetamine,s yaba, crack, coke and E's are out of your sytem in a very shot period of time..24-48 hours. But the relatively harmless ganga/weed can be detected for up to 6 weeks. So what do you do with an employee that test's positive for ganga but has only shared a spliff at party, maybe a month ago

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miserable bugger!

Did you try to express some personal opinion abut drug using??

What a ridiculous suggestion...I would have thought that what I was expressing was obvious...which of the 2 words do you have a problem with? "miserable" or "bugger" - if you do may I suggest you spend about 5 minutes on Google.....that should help to raise the shadow of ignorance that enshrouds you.

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asking for a urine sample from your staff is simply taking the piss

:o Good one.

My two baht is that the OP may really want to test himself. Sorry if that is an incorrect assumption.

'hullmonkey1', Yaa Baa and Yaa Ice is not out of your system quickly it depends on the level of usage. Can take up to thirty days to clear through your system. I concur that Coke and 'E',s get through your system a lot quicker.

Get a lump of Potassium and break some up and put in a glass of Yakult milk leave for ten minutes and drink that for a week (do not drink the Potassium at the bottom) and I am led to believe that it will give an inaccurate result to a urine sample. Not sure how it interacts with a blood sample.

Best way to pass is to not take drugs!

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I could understand if the employee was engaged in some sort of delicate work, like operating a nuclear reactor, driving a bus, or running a dive operation, but this is a crass invasion of personal privacy. Besides, urine tests are often inaccurate and more often than not give false positives.

Amazing how farangs will be the 1st to slam the military junta about abuse of civil rights but are quick to embrace activities that are illegal in the west (except the good ole USA) when it suits their purpose. I grew out of my weed stage, but if some employer demanded a drug test from me, I'd offer a stool sample and immediately provide him with a turd on his office desk.

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I think it is a big deal. During the last two years I have seen a drastic increase in Amphetamine usage. There seems to be a lot more openness about the usage and distribution. If you speak any Thai it is simple to acquire the drugs from any street in Pattaya in a couple of minutes.

It has struck close to home by turning some good friends of mine into whacked out thieves. Ladies who were infrequent visitors and workers in Pattaya have turned into hard core full time whores.

Bar owners and mamma sans are pushing the drug to keep the girls thin and awake and getting employees who need a large amount of money to support their habits and the habits of their Thai boyfriends.

Young girls are turning into bar girls instead of disco customers to support their habits.

Have you noticed the age of bar girls is getting considerably younger?

I frequent an establishment primarily for liquid refreshment and the excellent view offered of the comings and goings on a busy street. I enjoy the antics of the Farang prey and the Thai lady big game hunters. I think it beats bull fighting or football any day but that is just my opinion.

During the last two months I have become acquainted with a new waitress at said establishment. I happened to meet her on her first day in from Korat.

She was sweet and engaging and nice to be around and attentive to when I needed another drink.

She didn’t go with customers but she liked disco. It didn’t take long before a hip hop Thai wannabe started dropping her off at work. It didn’t take long before it became obvious she was going without sleep for long periods of time. It didn’t take long for her to start hustling.

Her eyes died. She got that tell tale look and the complexion problems.

She is still nice to me in a drugged out sort of way but it won’t be long and she will have disappeared from the scene she is not strong enough to take Pattaya.

I don’t know what the answer is but testing your GF or staff is not a bad idea. With those drugs they can change from a trustworthy companion or employee into a crazy person very quickly.

These kids are not mellowed out pot heads; they are ratcheted up speed wackos!

The test strips are very cheap in the West ($1.50 ea). Here the clinics are charging 200 to 300 baht for the test.

I don’t know but I think the test may also show diet pills which have the same drug but are legal here. Maybe someone who is more knowledgeable on the matter could inform me. I also don’t know how recent the usage has to have been for the test to find positive results.

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Ok, kerryk so let's say you have a worker or g-b/f that tests positive. What will your reaction be? Do you throw the person out or do you offer help? It's wonderful to say there's a problem with yaba etc. But what's the solution aside from dropping the snakeheads into the ocean with some cement accoutrements? The addict would still be there, susceptible. Sure these girls are strung out, that's what the girlie bar trade does to women all over the world. Wouls you Impose a head tax on clients to pay for detox, or are you willing to spend the time to take to shephard an addict through the recovery process? When you have masses of druggies walking around with no income, you end up with a sharp increase in property crimes and senseless violence. You need only look at some districts of Berlin, London, Los Angeles, Montreal etc. to see the damage a small population of junkies wreaks on a city.

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I think it is a big deal. During the last two years I have seen a drastic increase in Amphetamine usage. There seems to be a lot more openness about the usage and distribution. If you speak any Thai it is simple to acquire the drugs from any street in Pattaya in a couple of minutes.

It has struck close to home by turning some good friends of mine into whacked out thieves. Ladies who were infrequent visitors and workers in Pattaya have turned into hard core full time whores.

Bar owners and mamma sans are pushing the drug to keep the girls thin and awake and getting employees who need a large amount of money to support their habits and the habits of their Thai boyfriends.

Young girls are turning into bar girls instead of disco customers to support their habits.

Have you noticed the age of bar girls is getting considerably younger?

I frequent an establishment primarily for liquid refreshment and the excellent view offered of the comings and goings on a busy street. I enjoy the antics of the Farang prey and the Thai lady big game hunters. I think it beats bull fighting or football any day but that is just my opinion.

During the last two months I have become acquainted with a new waitress at said establishment. I happened to meet her on her first day in from Korat.

She was sweet and engaging and nice to be around and attentive to when I needed another drink.

She didn’t go with customers but she liked disco. It didn’t take long before a hip hop Thai wannabe started dropping her off at work. It didn’t take long before it became obvious she was going without sleep for long periods of time. It didn’t take long for her to start hustling.

Her eyes died. She got that tell tale look and the complexion problems.

She is still nice to me in a drugged out sort of way but it won’t be long and she will have disappeared from the scene she is not strong enough to take Pattaya.

I don’t know what the answer is but testing your GF or staff is not a bad idea. With those drugs they can change from a trustworthy companion or employee into a crazy person very quickly.

These kids are not mellowed out pot heads; they are ratcheted up speed wackos!

The test strips are very cheap in the West ($1.50 ea). Here the clinics are charging 200 to 300 baht for the test.

I don’t know but I think the test may also show diet pills which have the same drug but are legal here. Maybe someone who is more knowledgeable on the matter could inform me. I also don’t know how recent the usage has to have been for the test to find positive results.

Really sad, I hope someone will tell her she's on a wrong path...

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I could understand if the employee was engaged in some sort of delicate work, like operating a nuclear reactor, driving a bus, or running a dive operation, but this is a crass invasion of personal privacy. Besides, urine tests are often inaccurate and more often than not give false positives.

Amazing how farangs will be the 1st to slam the military junta about abuse of civil rights but are quick to embrace activities that are illegal in the west (except the good ole USA) when it suits their purpose. I grew out of my weed stage, but if some employer demanded a drug test from me, I'd offer a stool sample and immediately provide him with a turd on his office desk.

And if I was your employer you would be out of a job immediately. Maybe you have (too) high opinion of your own value as an employee?

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For me it is not an employee issue but a personal issue. I refused to let the lady in my house even though she was a friend. I was pleasant to her but I do not want a speed freak in my home. They steal too much.

When I ask a bar girl if she likes Ice, lately they have been very forthcoming with the answers. If they are on that stuff they are not for me.

Undoubtedly during the past few months I have hooked up with a few and they perform great but the downside of stealing and violence does not make it up for me.

I was an employer for 30 years in the West. Frankly I assumed everyone stole. I tried to keep my business secure with that assumption. Meth is a new problem and one I really did not face that much when I was operating businesses.

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asking for a urine sample from your staff is simply taking the piss

:o Good one.

My two baht is that the OP may really want to test himself. Sorry if that is an incorrect assumption.

But why would he want to test himself. He already knows if he's taken drugs.

I was thinking more along the lines of him wanting to test his girlfriend (or child if he's got one old enough).

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asking for a urine sample from your staff is simply taking the piss

:o Good one.

My two baht is that the OP may really want to test himself. Sorry if that is an incorrect assumption.

But why would he want to test himself. He already knows if he's taken drugs.

I was thinking more along the lines of him wanting to test his girlfriend (or child if he's got one old enough).

What is the problem with you guys? The man asked a simple question... if you knew where he could buy the test kits; not for your moral slam down on why he should or shouldn't be allowed to test who ever it is he wants to test. I would think he if he suspects a problem with someone close to him the proof will give him a much better idea how to deal with the problem.

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I could understand if the employee was engaged in some sort of delicate work, like operating a nuclear reactor, driving a bus, or running a dive operation, but this is a crass invasion of personal privacy. Besides, urine tests are often inaccurate and more often than not give false positives.

Amazing how farangs will be the 1st to slam the military junta about abuse of civil rights but are quick to embrace activities that are illegal in the west (except the good ole USA) when it suits their purpose. I grew out of my weed stage, but if some employer demanded a drug test from me, I'd offer a stool sample and immediately provide him with a turd on his office desk.

And if I was your employer you would be out of a job immediately. Maybe you have (too) high opinion of your own value as an employee?

for crapping on your desk or taking "drugs"?

there is a profound ignorance drug use and abuse being displayed in this thread......

"speed freaks steal" - ????????????????? No drug makes you steal?

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asking for a urine sample from your staff is simply taking the piss

:o Good one.

My two baht is that the OP may really want to test himself. Sorry if that is an incorrect assumption.

But why would he want to test himself. He already knows if he's taken drugs.

I was thinking more along the lines of him wanting to test his girlfriend (or child if he's got one old enough).

What is the problem with you guys? The man asked a simple question... if you knew where he could buy the test kits; not for your moral slam down on why he should or shouldn't be allowed to test who ever it is he wants to test. I would think he if he suspects a problem with someone close to him the proof will give him a much better idea how to deal with the problem.

i agree he just asked question!

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The OP asked a simple question.

He wants to piss test his employees. The people carrying on about civil rights are bringing the baggage of their home culture with them here. Have a look around there is little or nothing in the way of these rights enshrined in law here.

Has anyone got the answer? Personally I would start at one of the larger pharmacies like Falcino (sp?), near Tesco on Pattaya Nua.

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I could understand if the employee was engaged in some sort of delicate work, like operating a nuclear reactor, driving a bus, or running a dive operation, but this is a crass invasion of personal privacy. Besides, urine tests are often inaccurate and more often than not give false positives.

Amazing how farangs will be the 1st to slam the military junta about abuse of civil rights but are quick to embrace activities that are illegal in the west (except the good ole USA) when it suits their purpose. I grew out of my weed stage, but if some employer demanded a drug test from me, I'd offer a stool sample and immediately provide him with a turd on his office desk.

And if I was your employer you would be out of a job immediately. Maybe you have (too) high opinion of your own value as an employee?

for crapping on your desk or taking "drugs"?

there is a profound ignorance drug use and abuse being displayed in this thread......

"speed freaks steal" - ????????????????? No drug makes you steal?

Those on the front lines of the war on drugs agree. A recent survey of 500 law-enforcement agencies by the National Association of Counties finds that 87 percent have seen increases in meth-related arrests in the past three years. Most county sheriffs now say meth is their main drug problem, connected to increases in robberies, burglaries, domestic violence, assaults, identity thefts, and child neglect.

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