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Sleeping On The Floor.


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All my life, if I have gone to bed pissed as a fart ( mostly on days ending in "Y" ), I end up sleeping on the floor. Stay in the bed, the room spins and saying hello to the big white telephone is a certainty.

Lie on the floor, the wife puts the boot in ( makes her feel better ) the room stops spinning and a gentle nights rest ensues until morning breaks and the ##$$%^&&%hangover takes over.

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the thing with beds - the higher there are the warmer air there is. The difference might be a centigrade or two, considering that tiled floors are cool and roof tiles are hot for many hours after the sunset.

I like to sleep in thailand on the floor for that reason, but on a blanket or thin mattrace - but if it's really hot I would sleep just on the sheet for the first few hours and later during the night move on the mattrace.

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Sleeping on the floor seems to help my backache problem cured. No matter how I got this backache but it went away after half an hour or even a few hours laying down on the floor. It hurts, of course, but to me, I think, it's kinda pain I enjoy and worth doing it.

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