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Online biz from los

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I posed a similar question with no results, here goes again. Am moving to Chiang Mai, will live on U.S. social security and entering with multiple entry "O" visa. Want to buy thai handicrafts and sell them on e-bay, e-bay store, and mail orders from kingdom. Collection would be through pay-pal. Think I would only need work permit to cover mailings. Heard frequent mailings were monitored. Is there a way to mail through a local exporter or get a permit through their company. Any suggestions welcome Thanks.


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I too was thinking of doing something similar when I move to Thailand next year.  I know you need a work permit to do this legally but as far as going through another company and using whatever permits they have, I am not sure.  Hopefully somebody on here can answer that question for you.  There is already a store on Ebay called "Thailand Treasures."  Dont know if you have seen this or not but maybe you want to go and take a look at it to get an idea of what they're doing already and make sure your idea is special.  I will keep tracking this topic because I too would like some answer's regarding this.  Good luck
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Sounds like everybody is planning the same type of online ventures to help support themselves. I've talked to my friends with thai wives here in the states who are planning to do the same thing before their retirement in Thailand next year. Hopefully it's a big pie and everyone can get a piece of it.
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Sounds like everybody is planning the same type of online ventures to help support themselves. I've talked to my friends with thai wives here in the states who are planning to do the same thing before their retirement in Thailand next year. Hopefully it's a big pie and everyone can get a piece of it.


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