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Complaining Expats?


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If everything was always perfect, don't you think life will be a little boreing. The road of life if filled with many potholes, that's what makes life so interesting.

Also for us who were born in the West, one of the great things we were taught was to express yourself, freedom of speech is a wonderful thing. We all have opinions, and they always don't agree with others, is that complaining, or just expressing our feelings and ideas.

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:D Don't you all get it, people the world over love to complain, it creates conversation and when people agree with you, one feels so much better. Complaing is a sort of therapy. What about the weather. you are standing in a bus queue next to someone you don't know. To start a converstaion, you say," these buses are never on time." There you go, a conversation develops. It's the same with this forum. Someone complains and everyone joins in. How anyone can live in a cuckoo land of fantasy that everything is perfect, here or anywhere, is beyond me.  Long live moaners.  :D

He's got it - well done Simbo I couldn't have worded that better.

It annoys me that certain posters in the past have always moaned themselves, saying 'Why don't you go home if you don't like it here' which really annoys the crap out of me... It's like saying we shouldn't wear sandals of we don't like mosquito bites or that we shouldn't drink if we don't like hangovers. :o

What these people are trying to say is...

*Adopts sarcastic swotty voice*

"Hey, I love Thailand and I'm really at one with the culture and the people and you guys are not a model expat like I am".

*Resumes normal voice*

I also find these are also the types that are still in awe of Thailand and still only a few months into their original stay.

I moan about my mother but that doesn't mean that I don't love her.

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Yes it is a bit odd about the expat whingers

Read the Pattaya mail letter to ed section

There is always some old git whingeing about baht buses,potholes,double pricing etc.

The answer is pretty simple.

It was the same when you first came here and it may never change

Take your whingeing back home.

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I moan about my mother but that doesn't mean that I don't love her.

Yes. But would you go as far as to calling her a bitch? (no offense)

Some of the farang moanings are not moanings but in fact racial discrimination in disguise.

And yes, I agree with Simbo. That's human nature. (farang culture as well, I suppose)

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You love to label everything with farang dont you, racial slurs, discrimination, gee thats farang culture, blah blah..

The most racist people I have ever met were the chinese, especially ones from HK. However rude and ignorant they are, however unwilling to adopt Australian culture and life, however insular and myopic their views might be, I dont run around telling them to go home.

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The most racist people I have ever met were the chinese, especially ones from HK.
I don't disagree. But is that a reason for a farang to be racist?
However rude and ignorant they are, however unwilling to adopt Australian culture and life, however insular and myopic their views might be, I dont run around telling them to go home.
Well, you should!
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:o mmm, there are certain types in this forum, who like many Thais, bury there heads in the sand, not liking to question anything that may upset the powers that be, for fear of possible reprisals, or they are so satisfied with their little lot, that it;s sod you ,Jack, I'm ok, if you don't like it, piss off. In a democracy, in case you have forgotten, having been here too long, We have freedom of speech. Whether you like it or not, WE have the right to voice our opinions free from of persecution from you lot. Am I right, Dave? :D
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Some time ago I stopped reading most of the Bangkok message boards for this very reason. I didn't post a question about why so many people complain, because this could be taken to imply a criticism of the complainers and they could quite fairly give the obvious answer, "if you don't like it, why are you reading it?", so I stopped reading it.

I logged on here for the first time a few days ago, because I had a specific question, browsed a few of the other topics and found it much the same, with the obvious exception of this thread. So, as someone else has started it, I thought I'd join in. I have conducted a small (7 people) and unscientific (my friends and acquantances) survey and found almost 100% agreement: looking for information or jobs, use the boards, but reading for pleasure - not really. I've been here about two years and the other people I asked from 2 to 5 years, with the exception of one person who has worked here for 20 years and been retired here for 5 more.

It isn't the fact that people complain, this is human nature as several other posters have pointed out, it is the sheer spite, venom, hatred and aggression in some of the posts that leave me feeling quite unsettled. I finally stopped reading after the excellent April Fool on this forum about the water shortage, public showers, double pricing for farang, etc. Brilliant, I thought, it was beautifully done and even mimicked the government spokesman English. I thought it was an obvious giveaway that everyone quoted in the article had names like (from memory) "Pol. Capt. Kikiat Abnaam", etc. , and couldn't actually fool anyone for a second. But what was the reaction? Loads of furiously angry posts, lambasting the Thai government and the Thai people for greed, stupidity, racism and anything else that came to mind.

Does anyone else ever feel like this, or am I just a ludicrously sensitive flower?

OK, I fully expect the full wrath of the TV community to fall on my head, so I'll read the replies tomorrow morning to avoid being so upset that I can't sleep.

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... Kikiat Abnaam...

:o:D:D The very words she says to me some nights!!

:D Don't you all get it, people the world over love to complain, it creates conversation and when people agree with you, one feels so much better. Complaing is a sort of therapy. What about the weather. you are standing in a bus queue next to someone you don't know. To start a converstaion, you say," these buses are never on time." There you go, a conversation develops. It's the same with this forum. Someone complains and everyone joins in. How anyone can live in a cuckoo land of fantasy that everything is perfect, here or anywhere, is beyond me.  Long live moaners.  :wub:

But I think Simbo got it right - we like to complain as a way of starting a conversation about our experiences, and to see if someone else agrees. But of course we still love the place or we wouldn't be here, would we? But that doesn't mean we're not going to talk about the pot-holed roads, suicidal air-con minibus drivers, over-jealous girlfriends, corruption, double-pricing, increased visa charges, etc, etc. Still better than where we came from! :D

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Yep, no accounting for all the whingers out there... :o


Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.

Boon Mee, did someone rescue you from your windswept crag? :D:D

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Still better than where we came from! 

I completely agree. I think we should also remind ourselves that it's ourselves who've created that life here. Many of us don't survive here for various reasons, but to survive and be content and be able to say 'Still better than where we came from! ' we must work at it...Let's face it, we must be proactive to maintain our sanity here at times, na'?

Because we have gained these survival skills, it should enable us to build and grow here, in my way of seeing things. To me, this forum is invaluable for learning more about where we live by us sharing our experiences, bouncing ideas off others, ....and complaining-- to let off steam, and also, I think, to try to find some kind of resolvement of our frustrations. And there seems to be a certain sense of security and bonding in a room full of people all whining (happily?) in agreement :o

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Yep, no accounting for all the whingers out there... :o


Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.

Boon Mee, did someone rescue you from your windswept crag? :D:D

I thought it was sorta clever Latin expression! More PC than: "Stercorem pro cerebro habes"! :D

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Yep, no accounting for all the whingers out there... :o


Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.

Boon Mee, did someone rescue you from your windswept crag? :wub::(

I thought it was sorta clever Latin expression! More PC than: "Stercorem pro cerebro habes"! :D

:D:D:D Illud iterum dicere potes! -_-

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I have been here 7 years and never complained about anything..

Seriously I think that immigration should devise a test, a set of questions to see if you are a natural whinger or not, all whingers visa denied..

Forcibly send home anyone who constantly complains or tries to change all the things that made them want to stay when they first arrived, from my experience its the ones who get married and then decide every one else is having more fun than they are.

Its been said before if you don't like it go home we all like it just the way it is, warts and all.

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I must admit i was also guilty of moaning about Thailand, until i got a job and have to leave for 2 or 3 months at a time........then you realise it aint so bad after all.

Now i moan about other Farangs moaning! 

Always something to moan about!  :o


Life in Japan as a 90 days tourist visa, because you have a job there....

Yes, working in Japan is different from vacation in Thailand....

But I think, you need some money, otherwise you would not be a tourist in Japan for 2 or 3 months....

I for one appreciate the forum warts and all, because it is the only place foreigners can vent their real feelings and observations about living in such a foreign culture. It helps me to put my own experiences in context.

I also get a laugh from some of the ongoing ridiculous banter or arguments going around, because it makes me feel part of a community.

And there is not really any other space for foreigners in Thai culture to aruge unabashedly as westerners tend to do without broaching cultural mores.

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because it is the only place foreigners can vent their real feelings and observations about living in such a foreign culture.

Complaining aka 'venting.' Lots to vent about in LOS. So many things here are so off the wall a normal person has to respond in some manner. Venting is normal and is better by far than blowing a gasket. Keep 'it' in and 'it' eats away at your insides.

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I'm sure things are off the wall for a thai also if they went to where your [sic] from?? :o

That is probably why Southern California (Los Angeles area) is considered to be Thailand's 77th province, it's so 'off the wall" for the many Thai people living there.

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(Ben Dover @ Fri 2004-08-20, 11:28:41)

I have been here 7 years and never complained about anything..

Never lied either I bet.

Doh!! Nemesis

The reason the second line starts seriously is because the first line was not serious... sarcasm my good man.. I've not posted much here yet but have been browsing for a while and its so obvious that people don't bother to read properly before posting, either that or homer simpson does most of the posting on their behalf.. lay of the duff Nemesis

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Many complaints I've read on this forum strike me more as observations, points of view, or cultural issues that are in conflict from home nations.

True, a few have been bitter and negative but maybe that's due to "the grass is greener on the other side of the fence" effect. Disillusionment, stress, finally and firmly put some in the "glass is half empty" mode.

For the most part, everyone loves the LOS, misses it when they're away, and wish they could stay longer for what ever reason.

I only complained one time (off forum) about being rained out in Phuket for weeks on end, and of course it was the rainy season...

The GF and I were sitting quietly out on the porch listening to the evening rain. She reached her hand out and caught a few rain drops, after a while she calmly said, ... see how they glisten then disappear. their existence undeniable. To be aware of all existence but cling to none is both the journey and the challenge, do you not agree. Well actually I was ready to complain about the rain again but she got me thinking, not sure I fully understand, (might have to pass this on to the Buddhism Forum), my point is I don't complain anymore about what I can't control. :o

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Strange that Thai's wonder why there are complaining expats.

It seems to me that there need to be a few more complaining Thais in society.

Corruption is rampant, the poorest are neglected, the wealthy are getting wealthier, natural beauty is being ravaged by logging and industrial pollution.

Why do I get annoyed????? Because I care for this country, it's people and it's future.

Blind national pride is one of the most insidious characteristics for any country. The right to complain, discuss, debate and criticise the society that surrounds oneself means that a society has a chance to improve.

I left Thailand a couple of years ago for an unamed EU country. The level of national pride I encountered was staggering. Yet, the schools are collapsing there, the social system is in a mess, unemployment is 10%, facilities for kids are appallaing, housing is overpriced because of governement regulation, litter was everywhere. Yet action to solve these problems was absolutley minimal. I wondered why this should happen in a European country?

It became apparant that there was no inward debate and action by the people to want to change these things. They were happy to feel superior to neighbouring countries, and the politicians fostered this feeling to make people content.

I now realise that there is a similar problem in Thailand.

Until the people of a country really learn to look at themselves, their country and culture and be able to criticize themselves honestly, the society stands still and they become subservient to their government, which learns to to keep it's society content with pathetic short term handouts.

People everywhere should be proud that their country is strong enough to withstand criticism of it's people, it's culture, but to view it through rose tinted glasses believing the all is as good as it can be, leads to stagnation and eventually regression.

If you love your country, be willing to criticize it and your country will become stronger. To believe that all criticism and debate is inherently wrong will eventually lead to the degeneration through self satisfaction and lethargy.

Do not believe that criticism from foreigners is wrong. Maybe, as a Thai you should be more willing to criticise your own country

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its a national pastime of people who come from farang land ..... it's normal and part of the culture........we get taught to ask questions and to criticise at school and uni so I thinks it is quite notmal that people would complain about stuff.

But having said that, i think it is also a personal thing. If people are not happy they will oftenfind negative things about everything and they will let it be known. It is sort of like crying for help but not wanting the help.

It's healthy to question, but try to think when and where you vent your frustrations. If you are brain dead fat fella drinking beer for a livin then u can expect that the frustrations will grow n grow until you explode in a pall of beer mist and guts. If you want to complain try to find a positive way to vent your views and opinions and dont criticise Thais as this will get tou nowhere. God I'm confused now. haha

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