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A Big Thanks!

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Hi All :D

Although i have never posted before, i have been trawling through these forums for the past 12 months since i decided to get engaged to my thai gf and bring her to the UK, and i felt that i should post to let you all know how helpfull these forums have been.

Thanks to you guys we went into the application fully prepared with all the documents and information required and everything went without a hitch, well... apart from the embassy deciding to change the forms in October and us not knowing about this until we got to UKVisas. No expensive agents needed!

I have heard so many stories of rejections due to poor preparation but thanks to all the info here tirak will be arriving on these shores Saturday morning, just in time for new year.

Im sure i'll be referring back here in the future for the next stages and i'll be sure to check these forums regularly as i would really like to put something back into this site in the near future.

Thanks again guys

Im off to fly the Thai Visa flag now


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Congratulations and Good luck to you and your wife. Im sure you will have a Happy New Year.

My wife came to the UK in June this year.One thing that has surprised me is the fact that lots of people have caught colds , sore throats etc. but she has not caught any illness yet, i thought she would be sniffling and sneezing all the time as the winter kicks in.

regards Scooty

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