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Decent Schools For Kids


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I have to apologise. I have posted a similar question before. Have been out of the country for some time... come back to find that my son has not been to school at all and is speaking less English that he was a year ago when I could see him regularly.

He's almost 3 and half - there must be some pre primary set up there?

Look forward to nice and nasty responses to this one!


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I wouldn't be put off BEST by another poster. There are hundreds of parents who are very happy with BEST school, so I suggest you go along and have a look for yourself. Also, have a look at REPS too, if it's not too far for your child to travel each day.


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When I was looking around Sathit behind Greenways Driving Range looked good.

Aksorn on Thepprasit was recommended to me by some friends whose kids went there.

Phoenix Kindergarden on Sukhumvit also looked good but was only newly established in that location.

Sathit and Aksorn are both Thai schools with a little bit of English taught. I think the OP is looking to improve his child's English.

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When I was looking around Sathit behind Greenways Driving Range looked good.

Aksorn on Thepprasit was recommended to me by some friends whose kids went there.

Phoenix Kindergarden on Sukhumvit also looked good but was only newly established in that location.

Sathit and Aksorn are both Thai schools with a little bit of English taught. I think the OP is looking to improve his child's English.

Not True, Satit Now have a full English program, look at them all including Best and make your mind up.

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When I was looking around Sathit behind Greenways Driving Range looked good.

Aksorn on Thepprasit was recommended to me by some friends whose kids went there.

Phoenix Kindergarden on Sukhumvit also looked good but was only newly established in that location.

Sathit and Aksorn are both Thai schools with a little bit of English taught. I think the OP is looking to improve his child's English.

Not True, Satit Now have a full English program, look at them all including Best and make your mind up.

Include REPS also , then make a choice.

My 2 satang is to avoid BEST as I have not heard good things about the place from other parents who sent their children there and when visitng the school was far from impressed at what was being offered.

I have children in the English Program at Satit and like the school and feel the kids are well looked after. They speak English & Thai very well.

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When I was looking around Sathit behind Greenways Driving Range looked good.

Aksorn on Thepprasit was recommended to me by some friends whose kids went there.

Phoenix Kindergarden on Sukhumvit also looked good but was only newly established in that location.

Sathit and Aksorn are both Thai schools with a little bit of English taught. I think the OP is looking to improve his child's English.

Not True, Satit Now have a full English program, look at them all including Best and make your mind up.

Include REPS also , then make a choice.

My 2 satang is to avoid BEST as I have not heard good things about the place from other parents who sent their children there and when visitng the school was far from impressed at what was being offered.

I have children in the English Program at Satit and like the school and feel the kids are well looked after. They speak English & Thai very well.

Read this and you will see my reasoning for looking at them all, Satit is great as far as I am conserned but not everyone can afford it.


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Sathit and Aksorn are both Thai schools with a little bit of English taught. I think the OP is looking to improve his child's English.

Then Montessori in Nahklua.

Native English speakers with Thai assistants.

Not long ago their headmaster was a Pedo who got caught and shot himself in the head.

I'd be nervous putting my kids in that school.

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I wouldn't be put off BEST by another poster. There are hundreds of parents who are very happy with BEST school, so I suggest you go along and have a look for yourself. Also, have a look at REPS too, if it's not too far for your child to travel each day.


Travel how? Minivan? I see those minivans all the time - not one kid is wearing a seat belt.

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Sathit and Aksorn are both Thai schools with a little bit of English taught. I think the OP is looking to improve his child's English.

Then Montessori in Nahklua.

Native English speakers with Thai assistants.

Not long ago their headmaster was a Pedo who got caught and shot himself in the head.

I'd be nervous putting my kids in that school.

Well he's not there anymore so what's the problem? Unless you believe in ghosts.

I think there's only 1 male teacher in the school at the moment so should we be worried about pedo female teachers?

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Sathit and Aksorn are both Thai schools with a little bit of English taught. I think the OP is looking to improve his child's English.

Then Montessori in Nahklua.

Native English speakers with Thai assistants.

Not long ago their headmaster was a Pedo who got caught and shot himself in the head.

I'd be nervous putting my kids in that school.

Well he's not there anymore so what's the problem? Unless you believe in ghosts.

I think there's only 1 male teacher in the school at the moment so should we be worried about pedo female teachers?

It is not unheard of! Myra Hindley springs to mind immediately. That is why stringent checks for teachers are really important, checking qualifications and taking up references.

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The guy may be dead, but a few months after that their K2 teacher was found to be a wanted fugitive from Florida. He'd been on the run from the US for 6 years and worked at Montessori for 3 of them! Yes they are now both gone but I would agree I would be nervous too putting my kids there as it is the school admin that allowed these guys to slip through and when confronted buried their heads in the sand. Kids deserve a much better service than that!

Pus it is not a recognised certified Montessori school and simply uses the name to attract expats.

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Montessori refers to a method of teaching, not to a certification of the school. The term International school attracts the expats.

You should be nervous about putting your child into ANY school in Thailand then thaiclan as the level of checking on teachers is very poor.

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Montessori refers to a method of teaching, not to a certification of the school. The term International school attracts the expats.

You should be nervous about putting your child into ANY school in Thailand then thaiclan as the level of checking on teachers is very poor.

Read some of the other replies and AVOID a school that has a track record of hiring scuzzy teachers like this farce.

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Montessori refers to a method of teaching, not to a certification of the school. The term International school attracts the expats.

Its true that Montessori refers to the method of learning and teaching. The poster is correct though that this particular school is in no way official and " accredited " by any of the several Montessori organisations such as AMS. AMI, and the MACTE Commission.

You should be nervous about putting your child into ANY school in Thailand then thaiclan as the level of checking on teachers is very poor.

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Montessori refers to a method of teaching, not to a certification of the school. The term International school attracts the expats.

You should be nervous about putting your child into ANY school in Thailand then thaiclan as the level of checking on teachers is very poor.

I am "nervous" and have tried 3 of the international schools in the area - I have withdrawn from each of them for one reason or the other.......

However the Montessori school is the only one I have come across that actively allowed a teacher (in fact the Principal) to continue working even when concerns of his pedo past arose... and furthermore allowed the other suspected teacher (the one who now faces trial in Florida for molestation of an 11 year old boy) to continue out the contracted term without doing any checks at all......

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Montessori refers to a method of teaching, not to a certification of the school. The term International school attracts the expats.

Its true that Montessori refers to the method of learning and teaching. The poster is correct though that this particular school is in no way official and " accredited " by any of the several Montessori organisations such as AMS. AMI, and the MACTE Commission.

You should be nervous about putting your child into ANY school in Thailand then thaiclan as the level of checking on teachers is very poor.

From what I see of the AMS and AMI they don't provide any sort of 'accreditation' or 'certification' of schools at all. They are set up to sell teacher training in the Montessori methods and sell Montessori approved equipment.

The only list of Montessori schools on the AMI website is in the USA and they don't even have any affiliated society in Thailand, although there are a lot of Montessori schools here.

Even the Montessori Association of Thailand exists only to sell teacher training.

Besides isn't it up to the countries Ministries of Education to certify schools?

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Montessori refers to a method of teaching, not to a certification of the school. The term International school attracts the expats.

Its true that Montessori refers to the method of learning and teaching. The poster is correct though that this particular school is in no way official and " accredited " by any of the several Montessori organisations such as AMS. AMI, and the MACTE Commission.

You should be nervous about putting your child into ANY school in Thailand then thaiclan as the level of checking on teachers is very poor.

From what I see of the AMS and AMI they don't provide any sort of 'accreditation' or 'certification' of schools at all. They are set up to sell teacher training in the Montessori methods and sell Montessori approved equipment.

The only list of Montessori schools on the AMI website is in the USA and they don't even have any affiliated society in Thailand, although there are a lot of Montessori schools here.

Even the Montessori Association of Thailand exists only to sell teacher training.

Besides isn't it up to the countries Ministries of Education to certify schools?

In which case it is down to the school to hire Montessori trained staff. Neither of the 2 pedo's had any Montessori training..............

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Montessori refers to a method of teaching, not to a certification of the school. The term International school attracts the expats.

You should be nervous about putting your child into ANY school in Thailand then thaiclan as the level of checking on teachers is very poor.

I am "nervous" and have tried 3 of the international schools in the area - I have withdrawn from each of them for one reason or the other.......

However the Montessori school is the only one I have come across that actively allowed a teacher (in fact the Principal) to continue working even when concerns of his pedo past arose... and furthermore allowed the other suspected teacher (the one who now faces trial in Florida for molestation of an 11 year old boy) to continue out the contracted term without doing any checks at all......

It also seems to be very nice of the Royal Thai Police and the FBI to allow this wanted fugitive as you described him to fulfil his contract before arresting him and deporting him to face trial?

I suspect as I said previously you are finding that ALL schools are the same when it comes to checking the backgrounds of the teachers they hire.

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Yes indeed! He wasn't actually arrested until he got to Phuket. Its no NEW news that pedo's find Pattaya a very accomodating destination with children for sale any night or day of the week and the authorities at best turning a blind eye and at worst profiting from it- this post isn't about that.

However the Montessori behaved shamelessly and far from what us as parents expect from a school advocating a child centred education - one would hope that child centred would security would be available too!

You (PatatayParent) seem to think the danger stopped when the pedo's left without questioning why they were not only there in the first place but allowed to continue working once the suspicions and follow-up evidence arose.

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It's not that I think it's acceptable thaiclan, it's that I think it's common with ALL schools so your only option would be to not send your kids to school at all.

I think it is highly unfair of you to tar all the schools with the same brush as the Montessori. The Regent's and St Andrew's both require criminal background checks. If the Montessori had done this then the US fugitive would easily have been discovered.

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How good is a criminal back ground check in Thailand or an other country.?????

Anyone know.?

My friend (UK teacher) had to get the check from her local police station in the UK and then it was sent to the British Embassy here by the school to be stamped...

I know that the 'top' international schools prefer to hire teachers with experience directly from the UK therefore these teachers will have had police checks there also.

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