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I believe almost all Thai girls use pads

I first started to think that when I noticed the range of tampons was so small conpared to all the pads on the shelves, but I was seriously shocked when a 32 year old Thai male saw a tampon and asked me in all seriousness what it was!! And he has had a Thai girlfriend for many years ...

They must not ever had ads on TV or in magazines for tampons and now I really think Thai girls don't use them at all, why is that??

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well as i am a thai female,

when i first saw tampon ad on magazine i though it has strange looks but i never have that silly surprised reaction toward the thing. (that when i was 10 years old something )

i have used it countable time, but never feel right ,my head keep telling me " you have something inside ,you have something inside"!!!and i couldnt walk like normal funny huh?

but can u give me tip how to stop my head saying " You have something inside, you have something inside"and walk like normal ?? please

LMP (i know u r laughing , i laughing at myself too)


Edited by little_muppet
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I really don't know little muppet, in UK we are taught from a faily young age to use them for hygene & to be able to be more active (swimming at school etc) & they are advertised widely so may not have so many issues with them as thai people, but I dont' remember them being uncomfortable or having a psycological reaction to them, it could be that you have been taught that only one thing goes in there :o or it could be just your own idea about it.?

It is possible that you tried to use one that is too big or didn't get it in properly, I know if it isn't inserted far enoguh I can feel it there, You could try using one with some ky jelly to make it easier to insert but I remember at 12 getting my first period & my mum handing me the tampons & me getting on with it (we were a very open house so I knew about periods & tampons & what they were for & how they were used) so I can't see why you would have that much problem physically :D

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right ,maybe it is just my mental issue... u said about using ky jelly to help but my head telling me now " Oh no isnt it for use with the lively living thing? hahahahaha

i got the smallest one but everytime when i try to use it , it just Urgghh!!! i feel disgus of myself.. i just hate the female thing really dont even want to think about it, touch it when it need to be clean and for that time is enough lol

anyway maybe i really got mental problem

LMP :o

(ohh ohh now ppl know my silliness)

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I didn't mean to imply you were mental :D but it is possible that you have some separations issues regarding you lady bits. Being able to differentiate the use of a tampon to other things that can be done there :o A lot of women are the same & this may be why you have a problem using tampons.

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I really don't know little muppet, in UK we are taught from a faily young age to use them for hygene & to be able to be more active (swimming at school etc) & they are advertised widely so may not have so many issues with them as thai people, but I dont' remember them being uncomfortable or having a psycological reaction to them, it could be that you have been taught that only one thing goes in there :o or it could be just your own idea about it.?

It is possible that you tried to use one that is too big or didn't get it in properly, I know if it isn't inserted far enoguh I can feel it there, You could try using one with some ky jelly to make it easier to insert but I remember at 12 getting my first period & my mum handing me the tampons & me getting on with it (we were a very open house so I knew about periods & tampons & what they were for & how they were used) so I can't see why you would have that much problem physically :D

About the lack of use in Thailand and other Asian countries I'm wondering if it's a hygene thing because most public toilets (apart from shopping centres) don't have soap and you really need super clean hands to be using tampons.

Muppet - I originally had to use tampons with an applicator to get it in the right position because I could always feel it (horrible!!) if I did it myself, but after a few months you get the feel of how deep it needs to go and you can't feel it then. I can understand your psychological block about maybe getting germs inside or something but it really makes things a lot less messy if you can get it right!!

I think this thread has been hijacked by periods!!

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right ,maybe it is just my mental issue... u said about using ky jelly to help but my head telling me now " Oh no isnt it for use with the lively living thing? hahahahaha

i got the smallest one but everytime when i try to use it , it just Urgghh!!! i feel disgus of myself.. i just hate the female thing really dont even want to think about it, touch it when it need to be clean and for that time is enough lol

anyway maybe i really got mental problem

LMP :o

(ohh ohh now ppl know my silliness)

I also can't use them. Every couple of years or so I try again just to see if I got over it and it just doesn't feel right. It hurts like hel_l! That's probably because my best gynecologist strongly discouraged me from inserting anything other than live things..

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Agreed Boo, you have to make sure it has been pushed in enough so that you can't feel it anymore. Otherwise you feel not comfortable LM. It's so good to use them tho as you can swim etc whereas normally you can't during that time. I hope no men are reading this... about half your finger should go in as well to get it in the right place LM... sorry for being so graphic :o

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Agreed Boo, you have to make sure it has been pushed in enough so that you can't feel it anymore. Otherwise you feel not comfortable LM. It's so good to use them tho as you can swim etc whereas normally you can't during that time. I hope no men are reading this... about half your finger should go in as well to get it in the right place LM... sorry for being so graphic :o

I'm sure plenty of men are reading this and those of us with wifes/partners will certainly totally understand!

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If it feels uncomfortable then you are not inserting it in far enough. Try with the smaller ones with the cardboard insert bit and then progress from there.

You should not feel any discomfort if you have done it properly. Even with the ob ones.

Good luck.

PS and this is coming from a 44 year old who is still waiting for her mother to tell her about the birds and the bees and that only married ladies use tampons..!

Edited by Patsycat
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ohhh thanks guys very helpful but im afraid it will stuck in there and never come out if it push it too far??

To. Seonai i completely understand wat u explained but i want to ask u something Have u ever feel yuck when u have to put ur finger inside that thing during that time? for me ewwww i dont like it its disgusting, even it my own thing , or it is just my problem??



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ohhh thanks guys very helpful but im afraid it will stuck in there and never come out if it push it too far??

To. Seonai i completely understand wat u explained but i want to ask u something Have u ever feel yuck when u have to put ur finger inside that thing during that time? for me ewwww i dont like it its disgusting, even it my own thing , or it is just my problem??



LM, it's just blood, and "that thing" is your female body. I don't like tampons either because they have always been uncomfortable for me, but many of you Thai women concern me the way you talk and feel toward your female genitalia. This is for another discussion, but I think you guys have been brainwashed by Thai culture to believe that your female parts are dirty and "disgusting".

I don't mean any offense, but it is something that I have observed for a long time from different sources, and it makes me sad.

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but speaking of tampon stories. I had three of my sister-in laws over on night and for some reason they saw a tampon and asked me what it was. I told them to guess, they took it out of the package and had no idea. So we put it in water to watch it expand and they immediately started cleaning their faces with it!! :D

:o That is really strangely cute.

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BOO thats ok i got mental problem with manythings u would be surprised hahahaha.

Then trust me, you don't need one about your genitalia because women have enough mental trips to deal with as it is. :o

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Hi LMP, well I do see what you mean about your finger in private places and I guess I had the same problem a few years ago. But I learned how to use tampons cos it's easier when you want to go out for the evening or swim etc.

When I lived in Thailand first - around 1992 - Thai women I spoke to thought tampons may interfere with their virginity :o

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very strange stories about tampons. sorry to hijack the thread.

one of my thai girlfriends says she feels nauseus when she uses them!

another one thinks it will get 'lost' in there (what....like she will sneeze and it will come out??)

LMP - your body is nothing to be ashamed of. its amazing the way it works. as soon as you accept your body, then others will do so. there is nothing disgusting about the human body and it did take me a long time to accept this.

anyway, i missed vegemite when i was in phuket. could only find it in the deli in patong. but now im in bali, i can get everything i need. even twisties and samboy salt and vinegar.

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We hijacked the thread already so here’s my serious question. I’ve seen a photo of a girl forgetting to hide her tampon string when taking photos. I suppose when the tampon is full let's say after wearing 2 or 3 hours, we'll pull it out to throw away. It is huge by now and will make your private part big. This is a problem for a virgin. When I was 18, I put my middle finger inside out of curiosity and I felt something like a wall, and I had pain after that.

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I've seen a photo of a girl forgetting to hide her tampon string when taking photos.

What on earth are you talking about photos and strings...the string is not so long that it hangs out your pants!

I suppose when the tampon is full let's say after wearing 2 or 3 hours, we'll pull it out to throw away. It is huge by now and will make your private part big. This is a problem for a virgin. When I was 18, I put my middle finger inside out of curiosity and I felt something like a wall, and I had pain after that.

That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!! The vaginal walls are extremely elastic (babies come out of there you know :o ) so having a tampon expand by a couple of centimeters does not "make your private part big"!!! The vaginal muscles return to the same as before after removing a tampon! I'm not sure why you had pain after feeling your internal walls unless you scratched it or something..it can feel a little uncomfortable but if you experience pain, there could be a medical issue. It obviously comes down to lack of proper education about the female body and being fearful of "private parts".

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We hijacked the thread already so here’s my serious question. I’ve seen a photo of a girl forgetting to hide her tampon string when taking photos. I suppose when the tampon is full let's say after wearing 2 or 3 hours, we'll pull it out to throw away. It is huge by now and will make your private part big. This is a problem for a virgin. When I was 18, I put my middle finger inside out of curiosity and I felt something like a wall, and I had pain after that.

This thread is just going to stay off topic, and seeing as it may be helping to soothe anxiety of some members, why not?


It is possible but unlikely that you broke your hymen, which is a thin tissue that is sometimes associated with "virginity." It would hurt for a little bit. Now some women are born without hymens and some break them in bicycle accidents or by doing things other than having sex. Sometimes having sex does not break a hymen. It may also be possible that you have/had an infection or some other problem and if you still have pain, you really should see a doctor. There's nothing else that you could "break" by using a tampon and tampons very, very rarely, if ever breaks hymens. Really, virginity means different things to different people anyway.

I thought Thai Cosmopolitan magazine would talk about stuff like this, but then again some of my Thai friends also ask me questions about sex. It's a shame that there is so much misinformation (and not just in Thailand) and fear about women's health.

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I've seen a photo of a girl forgetting to hide her tampon string when taking photos.

What on earth are you talking about photos and strings...the string is not so long that it hangs out your pants!

I suppose when the tampon is full let's say after wearing 2 or 3 hours, we'll pull it out to throw away. It is huge by now and will make your private part big. This is a problem for a virgin. When I was 18, I put my middle finger inside out of curiosity and I felt something like a wall, and I had pain after that.

That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!! The vaginal walls are extremely elastic (babies come out of there you know :o ) so having a tampon expand by a couple of centimeters does not "make your private part big"!!! The vaginal muscles return to the same as before after removing a tampon! I'm not sure why you had pain after feeling your internal walls unless you scratched it or something..it can feel a little uncomfortable but if you experience pain, there could be a medical issue. It obviously comes down to lack of proper education about the female body and being fearful of "private parts".

The string in the photo I saw was about 2 cm and white. The girl was wearing a bikini.

For so many years, I believe that I should not touch the inside of the private part. Washing is only done for outside because inside there, it has its own environment and nature chemicals we should not interfere.

Thanks for your reply.

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It is possible but unlikely that you broke your hymen, which is a thin tissue that is sometimes associated with "virginity." It would hurt for a little bit. Now some women are born without hymens and some break them in bicycle accidents or by doing things other than having sex. Sometimes having sex does not break a hymen. It may also be possible that you have/had an infection or some other problem and if you still have pain, you really should see a doctor. There's nothing else that you could "break" by using a tampon and tampons very, very rarely, if ever breaks hymens. Really, virginity means different things to different people anyway.

I thought Thai Cosmopolitan magazine would talk about stuff like this, but then again some of my Thai friends also ask me questions about sex. It's a shame that there is so much misinformation (and not just in Thailand) and fear about women's health.


I've read about all these from newspapers and magazines.

In my case back then, I bet I was too scared I might harm it. I was in a horror but couldn't stop my curiosity to know what was in there :o . Thanks for your reply.

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Ha Ha Suegha, no need to get your coat! :D

Well as we are all going "Off topic" I will add my two cents as I feel a little bit responsible as I was the one to introduce "Tampax tampons" into this topic about Products you cannot live without!!

:D Apologies if off topic but I also feel from the number of reponses and comments that it is a topic that people are genuinely interested in finding out more information about.

I remember when I first came here and Thai friends also were mesmerized by tampons and how they worked - very funny in hindsight. However, in a way, I feel sad that feminine hygiene is not promoted more at school/family/public product advertising level here in Thailand, particularly as all my Thai female friends are very aware of cleanliness and body odour etc and always look immaculate :bah: .

In the UK, I remember all the girls had a combined talk during on of our weekly Social Responsibility/Awareness class by a known female teacher all about our Bodies (developing boobs/breasts and pubic hair :o ) the Birds and the Bees (Sex) and how Babies are made. :bah: Afterwards, all the girls were given a small pamphlet/brochure and 2 free Tampons with a discreet Tampon holder for our handbags. We were told to take them home and talk with our Mums/a female relative about it if they had not already discussed things with us.

I must admit that upon starting my period, I did faint a number of times upon trying to insert a tampon, however, I am one of those people who tend to faint at the sight of blood, when I get too hot and when I get up too quick!!! And bearing in mind I was about 14 years old. :D To this day I cannot even take a sauna without fainting! :D

Since moving to and living in Thailand, I find it sad more than anything that Tampons are not promoted more widespread amongst females. Especially due to the terrible heat in this country!!` How horrendous to wear a pad in this heat and these conditions, I cannot even contemplate it. I personally would find it extremely unhygienic (and if I am honest, also a little bit smelly!). :D

However, I would also like to add that I cannot use the "NON-APPLICATOR" compact tampons i.e. Lillets/OB brand tampons - I can only comfortably use the APPLICATOR tampons i.e. BOOTS or TAMPAX brand tampons.

So, if any of our Members would like to try tampons, I would just like to suggest a trip to Boots and have a go using the NON-APPLICATOR tampons... If not, that is fine, as we girls know, it is up to us what we do with our bodies! :o

Good luck and Kind regards to all gals reading. ;)

Edited by Andiamo
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