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How To Close A Deceased Persons Bank Acount.

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My father died a month ago in Pattaya. :-(

Leaving some money in the bank and a car.

So now to my questions since not even the bank nor the embassy seems to know the right procedure of what to do or what papers needs to be had.

1. I have the cremation document, stating that my father is dead. In Thai/English

2. Police/outopsy report - In Thai

3. A paper from the swedish Tax and Population register, stating that I and my brother are the only 2 sons that he has. And that he was divorced. - In English

4. I have a power of autterney from my brother that states that I am the one to handle all the bank matters here in thailand. - In Swedish, I guess I need to translate that into Thai.

5. I have the bank Book and my fathers passport

The latest information that i have is that I need to have a lawyer who is supposed to put together a letter to be present my case to the court. I will then have 45 days to wait untill I will se the court. During that time I need to make an anouncment in the local newspaper to see if there is anyone with claims. (witch I know that it really the other way, but that is another story).

The fee the lawyer wanted here in Bangkok was 30.000thb to handle the case. Witch in my opinion sounds alot, I have not made the inquiries but my thai wife, she also thinks its a high price. Maybe farang price??

Is this the right way? Or is there any other way?

Any help info or reference to previous cases would be appriciated.

Thanks boys and girls.

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Thanks all so far, for your kind answers.

Nope, my father did not leave a will. He did not think he needed one, since my brother and I have always been on a good foot with each other.

Brotherly sharing. :-) I'm the big brother. :o

"Take a lawyer", why did the Bank not recommend a lawyer in the first place, if they as you say, "have one" ?

Their first question was, have you contacted the embassy?

Reply: yes, 1 month ago. "The embassy contacted your bank, to try to get info of what was needed."

Second question: Have you talked to the police?

Reply: Yes, that is why I have a Autopsy report from the police and a "death certificate" that I showed to you and that you have copied and wanted me to sign in 2 copies about 5 minutes ago.

Q: Have you contacted a Lawyer?

A: Nope. Because you told the embassy that I only needed a Paper from Sweden that proved that I was my father son. Which my brother has got for me.

And so on........

THE BANK did not give me a confident answer to my questions of what papers I needed, to close my fathers bank account. Unfortunately will a "will" or a testament not provide me the rights to close a bank account.

The embassy have not fully given me the help or tips in how to close and gain access to my fathers account. They have however been weary helpful to get a contact who would be able to handle the cremation in a temple.

I will however post updates of how it goes, so any other of you having a relative "unfortunately" dying in Thailand knows how to proceed.

Other comments and tips are welcome. Good and bad.

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