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Is This Just Another " Sick Buffalo"- Story?


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a guy say a thai girl goes to pattaya for excitement is hilarious! although it could be true............lol.

if you dont help to raise girl when she get older she prolly going to pattaya for excitement too!

Although I never judged most of the girls of pattaya I mean life offers the girls of Issan a pretty tough life.

I still find the idea of my Daughter going there oneday to be pretty misrable.

Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind, the hypocrasy of my thinking.

I remember seeing a cartoon in Pattaya where a new born girl says " hello welcome".

I was so gled when the baby scan said it was a boy, I was dumbstruck when a girl popped out, but you get over these things quickly.

Sod it things seem different in LOS that is why I am asking these questions here, because there ain't no balanced advice in London

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Sorry but I don't buy the "she was in Pattaya trying to work in a hair salon" unless she really had only been there a short time because what happens is they see the girls going into the salon with all the latest mobile phones, gold, money etc. and they get turned by it. The girls themselves actively recruit through these places. I know, we did !

Whatever, it does not make her the devil incarnate if she turned a few tricks to make ends meet. You don't get many good girls going on camera talking about wanking though !

I reckon you're due to send something over, whatever is may be and for your kiddie and the family so try and get something together. I know that's probably going to be hard at the moment but I hope you've knocked the fags on the head as the prices in the UK are scandalous and the money is needed elsewhere. I'd try and aim for a minimum of Bt25,000 which is about £400. You obviously don't have the 100k so there is no point in going there.

Then you're up for the weekly costs. Now my nearly 7 month old daughter gets through about 1 1/2 - 2 tins of the Dumex a week I reckon and maybe a packet of porridge. That's about Bt500 or so per week. Nappies, baby wash, cream etc. comes in at about another Bt500 or so and clothes perhaps a couple of thousand a month. I couldn't work out seperate laundry bills but I guess it'll be done by hand. So there you have about Bt5000/6000 per month. Add in medical costs for injections etc. and transport costs and you're a minimum of £100 per month. To add a bit to the plate and with transaction costs, you're going to have to aim for Bt10,000 per month or about £150 which I know is nigh on impossible if you're not working.

Another thing to think about if you have the resources is whether your girl can earn something near home and be a mother to her baby ? Flitting around the country for what might be an extra couple of thousand a month is daft if you can make that up.

Whether the debt is real or not you've got to send her something so get a figure you can stick with and start with that. If you can send a lump sum, I would, though perhaps not all the 100k. If you can get proof then all the better. Perhaps it only came to light now because you are back in the UK and they think you have access to funds. Having heard what you've been through, I think they would have asked for more if setting you up but some are happy only to rip you off for a small amount. ON the balance of probabilities, I'd say there is a debt but it is not so urgent and they'd like some help with it if you can manage to return their hospitality.

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You don't get many good girls going on camera talking about wanking though !

I agree with the most of your post so thank you, but I have to ask " what constitutes a "good girl", at the time of that segment we were pissed up before we knew she was pregnant.

Once she did the test she didn't drink again.

I am of the impression that a good girl is somebody with a good heart, not somebody who might/or might not have done some stupid things.

Also X has a crap phone, and no jewlery to speak of.

Blimey you have me defending her honour now.

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Difference between a bad girl and a good girl Danny?

When you're with a bad girl, it's all about her and she lets you know it.

When you're with a good girl, it's all about her, but she makes you think it's all about you.

That's life, the smart ones know how to get what they want without all the drama.

I think on that basis you have a good one.

Good luck.

Excellent post by torrenova BTW.

Edited by Robski
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I would suggest a trip to Planned Parenthood for a snip. You have 4 kids with wife A & 1 with wife B - that is plenty. You're too irresponsible to use a condom. Cut off your swimmers.

Blimey having worked in Texas and seen all the repressed thinking I thought on here I hadn't dialed up.

bible belt dot com.

In answer to your post- the first 4 kids were planned and due to my wife's poly cystic ovaries, were celebrated when born, as we were told "no way".

In terms of Thai girlfriend-jesus how many people think that just one time with no condom will constitute pregnancy??

I was married since very young, maybe I didn't way up the odds, But like I say I was on a self-distruct mission.

But the past is the past, we have to move forward and I have no plans here in UK to even try and find female company.

I just wanted answers to this problem, not some moralizing, bur thank you anyway

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Difference between a bad girl and a good girl Danny?

When you're with a bad girl, it's all about her and she lets you know it.

When you're with a good girl, it's all about her, but she makes you think it's all about you.

That's life, the smart ones know how to get what they want without all the drama.

I think on that basis you have a good one.

Good luck.

Excellent post by torrenova BTW.

Thanks man, that is funny, and probably very incisive.

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I'm Rushing off so this will be a fast reply, a more detailed one later.

1. In 2004 My wife and I and 4 kids were in LOS on Beach when Tsunami came, we ran.

2. On arriving back uk 2005, My wife and I argued a lot.

3. By Nov 2005 she was having an affair which she wouldn't end.

4. I had to leave our house, a house where I expected to live forever.

5.At that house in an Out building I had built my studio to work from.

6. During 2006 it became apparent that wife wanted me nowhere near my House/work.

7. 2006 spent working BKK, and Texas, sleeping various places when back in UK.

8.2006 Aug sick of wife carrying on with ex friend, decide to go back to LOS to have one last good birthday ( aug).

9. X gets pregnant- 2 peoples error.

10. I decide to stay and help as uk nothing going on, can't work from studio etc.

11.Wife in England contacts our joint account takes my name off it ( don't know how), my ATM card gets swallowed in BKK,

my Debits to all my credit cards cease.

12.In Asia surviving on whatever, then accident.

13. Back to uk, no Car, House, atm cards, credit Cards, bank account, Job.= Bad way at 40.

14.Found solicitor battling for access to my studio, in order to sell or re-set up.

Tune= I'll find out later I forget the name, but on Montage music does change for those who hate cuban

Jackanory... :o


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Hi mate if this is for real I think you have recived a lot of good advise and the inevitable crap.

I can only say what I would do if I was in your position.

Do not send all the cash maybee half at the most, tell her you are looking for work, and you will send her money to bring up your lovely daughter having seen your video she is inded a beautiful baby.

Other posters have given you an idea how much that will cost per month.

I think that is the least you can do for the lady and your daughter.

use your time to save and get yourself a home in the UK.

Tell her thats what you want for her and your daughter.

You will need a home if you are to bring her back to the Uk. So that should be a priority

By sending a lump sum if it is for the loan shark it will give you breathing space as the shark will think ok more Later.

Just stalling tackticks and time for you to sort your self out

Anyway the very best of luck. Time is on your side at 67 its not on mine, but then again at my age if you got it spend it,

thay dont put pockets in them coffins unless you request em

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Looks like you already got lots of advice, I gotta say "Follow your heart". As far as the mom's debt goes, it is a Thai daughter's big duty to help out her parents. 100K baht ain't all that much money anyhow. We have all been burnt before, and if you you let the past rule your life by being gunshy of this sort of request, what is going to happen to your present and future? I must agree that your first responsibility is for your child and woman. Good luck man, and congratulations on being a daddy!

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Then you're up for the weekly costs. Now my nearly 7 month old daughter gets through about 1 1/2 - 2 tins of the Dumex a week I reckon and maybe a packet of porridge. That's about Bt500 or so per week. Nappies, baby wash, cream etc. comes in at about another Bt500 or so and clothes perhaps a couple of thousand a month. I couldn't work out seperate laundry bills but I guess it'll be done by hand. So there you have about Bt5000/6000 per month. Add in medical costs for injections etc. and transport costs and you're a minimum of £100 per month. To add a bit to the plate and with transaction costs, you're going to have to aim for Bt10,000 per month or about £150 which I know is nigh on impossible if you're not working.

Give a poor family(with debts) 10,000 baht a month - do you really think it will go on a baby? Nappies :o They will start using your daughter to get money from you. next it wil be school, books, etc.

1000 a month is what I suggest.

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I'm Rushing off so this will be a fast reply, a more detailed one later.

1. In 2004 My wife and I and 4 kids were in LOS on Beach when Tsunami came, we ran.

2. On arriving back uk 2005, My wife and I argued a lot.

3. By Nov 2005 she was having an affair which she wouldn't end.

4. I had to leave our house, a house where I expected to live forever.

5.At that house in an Out building I had built my studio to work from.

6. During 2006 it became apparent that wife wanted me nowhere near my House/work.

7. 2006 spent working BKK, and Texas, sleeping various places when back in UK.

8.2006 Aug sick of wife carrying on with ex friend, decide to go back to LOS to have one last good birthday ( aug).

9. X gets pregnant- 2 peoples error.

10. I decide to stay and help as uk nothing going on, can't work from studio etc.

11.Wife in England contacts our joint account takes my name off it ( don't know how), my ATM card gets swallowed in BKK,

my Debits to all my credit cards cease.

12.In Asia surviving on whatever, then accident.

13. Back to uk, no Car, House, atm cards, credit Cards, bank account, Job.= Bad way at 40.

14.Found solicitor battling for access to my studio, in order to sell or re-set up.

Tune= I'll find out later I forget the name, but on Montage music does change for those who hate cuban

Jackanory... :o


<deleted> are you so cynical????,

Is your life so boring that my life seems like a story?

If so I'll write the book because I was under the impression everybody had an intersting life if put under a Microscope.

I only put this on the forum because I had nowhere else for advice.

Please all posters keep to the original question, I can get jibes anywhere, they are cheap and not very useful.

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My bet is that Danny came here on a family holiday, got the bug and the marriage fell apart back in the U.K. shortly after.

Probably felt guilty and walked away from the house and assets and came back to LOS with access to bank accounts etc

The Ex wife heard that Danny has taken up with a new girl and "hel_l hath no fury like a women scorned" she has cut the access to money off and wants to make his life a complete misery.

Danny has got the GF pregnant and had the accident and that is where the slippery slope starts.

What he needs to do now is get back to work, any work, and start afresh, he did say he is looking at a messy divorce so maybe thats where his assets are at the moment.

She can't have 98% is they are not yet divorced but maybe she is the custodian of the joint assets until a court decides otherwise.

Whatever the story, I feel for him and wish him the best of luck, but he needs to remember, the harder you work the luckier you seem to get.

My two cents worth

Brilliant. A regular Sherlock Holmes. I try not to post worthless responses, but what the heck, with some many worthless responses from others, what's one more?

All in good fun. :D

A mans got to have a hobby :o

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Lots of good and paranoid advise you have received. I would tend to believe the situation you described as it happens all the time. my wife's parents have land in 'hock' but luckily the house they live in is free and paid for.

You can buy some time by a partial payment to hold off the wolves and you SHOULD at least support your child and mom. YOU planted the seed, so YOU should take care of the tree!!!

Get a life and send some of your $....a little will go a long way.

If she took care of you when you were down, then now it's your turn.......

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More than likely the loan/mortgage is being held by some rich Chinese or Indian shark and the security they have would probably be the 'chanot' land papers and it is probably pre signed over to the shark. 20kbaht would probably get them off their back for a while and if and when you/they pay back the loan [with insane interest], they will get the land back in their names.

putting the land in your child's name is not legal as far as i know, but if you want some security after paying off, you could have a 30yr lease made out to you. or you can own the house, but not the land it sits on.

So what if she worked in a bar to make ends meet and to help moma and papa......that's normal here and i would do the same if there were no other choices and you have been here long enough to know for sure that the average Thai has much fewer choices than the average falang.

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I guess the obvious objection to all this is the very fact that a grown man needs advice on what to do in this instance. He's knocked some Thai girl up. Putting aside my misgivings about the age of the girl and how the OP's timelines don't stack up, I will assume this is all genuine. If it's genuine, why are you even asking the question. You have obligations, man. Meet them. Stop whining about your misfortunes and take care of your responsibilities.

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I guess the obvious objection to all this is the very fact that a grown man needs advice on what to do in this instance. He's knocked some Thai girl up. Putting aside my misgivings about the age of the girl and how the OP's timelines don't stack up, I will assume this is all genuine. If it's genuine, why are you even asking the question. You have obligations, man. Meet them. Stop whining about your misfortunes and take care of your responsibilities.

In Theory I agree with you, but I have not been whining about my mis -fortunes, that was to put into context why I couldn't just pay off what would have been nothing a few years ago, and to put in place the reality of the situation.

In terms of obligations, when is it the case to get screwed.

I was originally asking if this was a common story to which I was now playing the mug.

I think you'll appreciate after now losing the last 20 years income, It is not something to replay.

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Re VDO. I did note that the clip taken in a bar (?) a girl called out...'Hello, welcome, sit down please'. Hmmm I wonder what X does for a living? Another clip X laughs about 'chuk-wow' and 'aroy'. Nice.

That portion of the video was me on the loose solo, it has nothing to do with X

I have already explained the Chuck wow clip.

Jesus where did all these puritans come from???????

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Middle aged, broke, just out of a divorce, no money, no job and shacking up with a beautiful young twenty-two year old. God bless the birth lottery! Of course, all is not certain and random luck has once again jumped up to bite the 'unlucky'. Time to make the necessary changes to care for your daughter.

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Taking the Op's comments as legitimate then there are a few issues and some things we need to know.

What was the girl doing in Pattaya ? he says they met in a disco ? Now the higher chance is that she was on the game as against being down from Bangkok for the weekend. If so, there would be reasons for this and usually financial. However the underlying reason would probably remain as she could have gone to sell clothes rather than work in Pattaya. If she was not working then why do we not hear about her job prior to the pregnancy or at any time until lat eon in the story ?

she was in Pattaya trying to work in a hair salon, On a subsequent visit back to Pattaya, I could tell she only vaguely knew her friends, and everything I witnessed lead me to believe she had only been there a

short time when I first met her.

We must not forget, although pattaya is boom boom city, a lot of girls just go there because it seems exciting, X hates it now.

Before that she had done the usual, rice picking, reebok making, clothes selling route.

Now she seems to be working for some Thai/Spanish mob who move around from Trat to Bangkok to Rayong Buying clothes and shipping to europe.

:o:D:D pray tell me, where did she learn to speak English? :D:D:bah:

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i never heard the word ageist before I came to Thailand. Relax mate, I am not criticizing you for taking advantage of life's offerings, I just think its kinda funny. I mean, the difference between Thailand and the West. Can you imagine a man in your situation, I mean the broke, jobless stuff, being able to BOOM knock up a gorgeous 20 year old? I am not saying that I am not also benefiting from the birth lottery, its just an amazing thing, ain't it?

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Can you imagine a man in your situation, I mean the broke, jobless stuff, being able to BOOM knock up a gorgeous 20 year old? I am not saying that I am not also benefiting from the birth lottery, its just an amazing thing, ain't it?

It is amazing, but in this case I think it was more down to the effect that for all her life the thais had slagged X off for being dark and ugly for it.

Now the racism in Thailand is incredible ( see all the skin lightener adverts on tv)- I just came along and said " you are beautiful" I think this had a resonance with her- the fact that a light skinned person was saying this after a life of insults.

But before X yes the difference is incredible, a man could quite happily f##k off there till he died.

and I met many such Falanges in Trat- and who can blame them

Edited by dannyh2000uk
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its not the color of her skin that makes her unsightly................lol .

this guy is a troll or wot? he playing all of us like a fiddle.

i dont think anyone cares about yr opening concern, bout the old lady with the debt. people here want u to be a man and take care of baby.

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its not the color of her skin that makes her unsightly................lol .

this guy is a troll or wot? he playing all of us like a fiddle.

Blizz. I am not a troll, I am a man in very bad place who has come here for advice from thai experts that is all and please refrain from insulting X she has done nothing to you.

And as far as I am concerned she is beautiful-in looks and the fact that she looked after me when I was mashed up.

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