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New Trojan Targets Online Banking, Worldwide


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Members doing online banking should be aware that a new, very sophisticated Trojan entitled "SilentBanker" has recently been identified.

The Trojan, targeting over 400 banks worldwide, can intercept transactions that require two-factor authentication. It can then silently change the user-entered destination bank account details to the attacker's account details instead. The Trojan intercepts all of this traffic before it is encrypted, so even if the transaction takes place over SSL, the attack is still valid. When instructed, the Trojan can also redirect users to an attacker-controlled server instead of the real bank in order to perform a classic "man-in-the-middle" attack. The Trojan can also download updates, which it does, regularly.

More information:

Symantec - "Banking in Silence"


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This is scary. I remember reading a few years ago, an article that police had discovered that the Russian Mafia were recruiting computer geeks to create the ultimate virus which would redirect online banking transactions to their accounts.

Looks like they made it !

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This is scary. I remember reading a few years ago, an article that police had discovered that the Russian Mafia were recruiting computer geeks to create the ultimate virus which would redirect online banking transactions to their accounts.

Looks like they made it !

I thought that was "Die Hard 4"

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I not only use linux, I keep my bank account empty.  Its fool proof.   :o

I don't use Linux, but my wife keeps my account empty, is this sufficient security?? :D

I'm assuming that the new "calculator thingy" being introduced by Nationwide will prevent this type of fraudulent access as the code produced is different every time.

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