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Considering A Move To Thailand


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Hello all,

Greatings from LA. I've been contemplating making a move to Thailand because I feel like I really need a change and I have some questions for those of you with Thailand experience. I'm an experienced expat having lived in Rio de Janerio and Acapulco, Mexico for several years. These places are easy for me to get by in becuase I speak Portuguese and Spanish, but I hear Thai is very challenging... how did you find trying to communicate and get things done with little or no knowledge of Thai? Can you get by on a phrasebook and some English for starters? Getting setup to live for an extended time is a lot more difficult than finding a good restaurant... Or, does one need to make an expat freind quick?

I make my living via various internet businesses so I can pretty much live wherever I can get online so I was wondering how available fast braodband is in Thailand, in the obvious areas... Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, etc. and how easy it is to get hooked up. Also if there are there any restrictions about "tourists" contracting service.

By the way, where is the best place to live (for someone like me who really likes an ocean view).

I guess the other thing I'd like to know is recomendations on apartments. I have no qualms about paying extra for something nice and secure. In LA you can't rent a rat hole for $500 a month. In Acapulco $500 will get you a nice place, Brazil too. How is Thailand? What can one get for say $500 to $750 or so a month there?

Can one get a phone line easily that can receive international calls free?

I guess that's enough for now. I thank you in advance for your help and I hope all of you hyper-witty sorts with an aversion to stupid questions will take it easy on my lack of knowledge.

Thanks again,


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Start packing your bags!

Phone lines are easy with all the usual features that you would expect.

Internet is plentiful, with broadband available.

Plenty of nice places to live, for not much money. And lots of places with lovely views

It is easy to live here without knowing any Thai. A nice Thai friend will be able to help you out with the language. and nice Thai friends are very easy to come by.

Best move you'll make

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Yeah, Thai is a difficult language, a phrasebook won't do. And outside the tourist destinations it is rare to find somebody with reasonable English. I found language the main hurdle, you can't always rely on someone to translate, specially in social situations.

Everything else seems surprisingly easy, getting visas could turn into a headache, check the subforum for this.

Plenty of interesting places by the sea, check the local forums.

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Also visit as many Thai/BKK websites in your free time and go to their FAQ page.

Read up on stuff like the cost of appartments, internet etc. Check out forum pages such as 'How to' or 'computers, internet etc, to find out most of the answers to your questions.

Old forum hands tend to pass over the obvious 'newbie' questions because they simply repeat themselves week-in wee-out but the specialised pages tend to get better reponses.

I personally made all my plans when I moved here by reading FAQ's and forums down to the apartment block I would be staying at. It's easy.

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Ok I am speaking form Phuket, High speed access near the beaches possible but not guarnetted.

House with ocean view $800-2,000/month!!!

I also do internet work, run my own sites and marekt a few from the states.

I live in kamala and CAN"T get a phone so need to work with a wireless modem!! and they say Phuket is going to be the next cyper capital of Asia hahahaha

all in all a great palce to live. You can get by with only english but you would be missing out on the best part of living here.

Plenty of Ex pats ( american here) and if you wnat a easy life i recomend it.

Bangkok>>>> only go if you have to or need to

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My guess is that what you would miss most of all in a place like Phuket is a reasonable level of intellectual or professional companionship. It may indeed be 'an easy life' there, but it will fall far short of the kind of expat community you probably found in a place like Rio. Thailand, alas, does not attract 'the best and the brightest.'

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The only informaiton i can give is in respect of rental prices in the Jontiem and Pattaya area.

Telephone lines and internet connection is very easily arranged and fitted.

Within walking distance of Jontiem beach you can find 2 bedroom bungalows for about 25,000bht a month Fully furnished.

On Soi Bukcow in pattaya (between 2nd and 3rd road) you can rent long stay appartments for 6,000bht a month

I hope this information is of help to you

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Please also beware of visa and work permit requirments.

It is difficult to get long stay visas for Thailand. Many people opt for 1 or 3 month visa trips.

There can also be considerations for working:

What work are you doing?

Is is located in Thailand and do you need a work permit?

Can you get a work permit?

Do you want to set up a Thai business and start paying Thai taxes VAT/Withholding Tax etc.

If you set up a Thai company you need 7 shareholders.

You can own the majority of the capital but you cannot own land.

Some considerations.

Have fun.

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You do not say how old you are?

Over 50 you can get a retirement visa, but under that it is much more difficult.

Look in the Thai Visa section.

Phones are no problem.

Broadband internet depends on where you live and is somewhat limited at the moment.

Outside Bangkok $500 will get you a good place to live.

The language is really quite simple if you can master the tones

"Mai" can mean "New", "Wood", "No", "burn" depending on the tone.

The grammar is very basic, not like spanish/portugese/english.

"I do", "I will do", or "I did", that is it.

Another draw back is no point of reference to other languages,

in the way Spanish and Portugese are similar and have Latin roots.

A Thai girl or boyfriend will help you learn and there are schools a well.

Outside the main tourist areas a knowledge of Thai is essential.

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I have read Chaz statement, and find some of his statements to contain a certain amout of truth, however i am 35 and my british wife is 25, we have bought a house in jontiem and spend a lot of time there. We intend to do 50% england 50% thailand.

I never have personally come across the blood and money thirsty part that Chaz expressed an opinion on

Thailand is a wondersul place, if you use common sense you will never have a problem.

My father lives in Thailand, I have been holidaying there for 5 years taking several trips a year, If thailand is your dream, live it, and dont worry about other peoples dreams, only work with your own dream

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