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California Millionair Dies


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The Thai girl appears cold hearted to us but probably not to him, if he was lucky made his last years rather nice... he has given her a great freedom now to do whatever she wants (which after all is all money is good for, the ability to wake up in the morning and do what you like). Ex-wives and children can easily end up as the enemy if they group together, however sad that is it is one reality. The best thing you can do for your kids is make them self-sufficient rather than dependant on your money!

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watching the video, I can't bring myself to really feel sorry for anybody involved in this mess. I don't feel sorry for the guy for dying. sure it sucks, but thats life, it ends. I don't feel sorry for the thai girl. she's got it made, as she stands right now. I'm not sorry for the rest of the family. sure it seems unfair on the surface, but this is reality biting them in the shiny surgical plastics, not some huge horrible injustice that has been perpetrated against them.

none of this is newsworthy. if I ever meet the thai wife there, I'll buy her a pint (or whatever she wants to drink) and give her a toast for putting up with the most annoying section of the most annoying class of the most annoying state of one of the most obnoxious countries on earth for so long.

as that *blank* in the video said,

If I could deport her I would

some people need to be deported from the states. but the problem is that most of them are from the states, and need to be deported because they have absolutely no perspective.

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Re-read the article. The divorce happened after the bankruptcy.

Yeah, it was probably the very next case on the docket. :o

Obviously shallow "reality TV" exploitation. I didn't sense a lot of family sympathy for dear ol' departed dad. These girls oughta wake up and smell the coffee. They are out of high school, not highly educated or ready for the world, but they do know what they want when it comes to external appearance and financial expectations.

Lemme see here ..... blonde, uneducated, spoiled, ignorant, californian, signs of severe bimbo-ism, decent looks but not super attractive, greedy for a quick buck and don't really seem to care how they get it. Can anyone say "born for porn?" :D

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I did a little research on who the American millionair was. His name was L.L. Knickerbocker. He had and still has many companies running in Thailand! Making millions still! Google his name or search the Bangkok Post. There is alot about him.

My wife says, " his thai wife was probably one of his office managers, who fell in love with him, or his money". She probably helped with his companies for many years, even while he was still married to his american wife! After the divorce, he remarried the Thai manager. From what I read, only one of his companies went bankrupt.

I'd like to see his two daughters run his businesses in Thailand! HA! They would be out of business in a month. I'm sure the "mail order Thai bride" as the family labels her, is far better suited to run his business here!

BTW. My wife handles all our AR, and AP for all our companies! Along with all our computer graphics! She will run everything long after I am gone. If she decides to sell it all and return to Thailand full time, I would'nt blame her. She may do as she wishes.

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Show is as vapid as it gets I had the unfortunate pleasure of flipping the channels one night and basically these rich birds whinging how tough a life they lead.

Get a job just like everyone else - work your way through uni ect. Most people have to do this so get on with it and stop whinging. Well done to the thai bird - she will most likely appreciate her fortune more than the vapid pain in the arse people in California. :o

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Some of you are missing the point. What makes children think they have an automatic right to a parents money, or a wife or an ex wife for that matter.

Who you leave your money to is your business (if you have made a will ) If you haven't made a will then you don't care, let the government deal with sorting it out. Once your dead none of it is going to affect you one way or the other.

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Who is not a millionaire in the US these days.... ? A vast majority that is who. Including me for that matter. Bahts... well that is different storry.

Good investigating & thanks for shareing the "rest of the story." To me, she did not look like mail order material. But even if she was, so what? If they made each other happy good for them.

I wish her all the luck. His daughters, just can't cope that someone un'meriken is going to be doing much better than they are.

Thems the breaks, and it helps tons when you have a smile that can make birds sing and flowers bloom and a body that can cause heart attacks.

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An awful lot of people include their primary residence/home in their net worth, which although is standard for accounting purposes, IMO is a bit impractical (and wishful thinking) if you don't believe in using your home's capital for leverage. Just look how common homes from 400's to 600's are nowadays stateside. I'd say 5 million is the new 1 million.


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Me I live on less than $4000 a month from my disability pension. I own a house, which I pay mortgage, have cable with all the channels, 14Mbit cable internet, 2 HDTVs, 2 cars, plenty of toys, and still save half of my income. The only debt I carry is my mortgage, and I manage to travel to SEA in Business, or First class usually twice a year. And on top of that I support my relatives in the Philippines. For 99% of Americans a 6 figure income would be huge.

So you do that on $2000 a month? :o

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