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As A Child What Did You Want To Be When You Grew Up?


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  • 2 weeks later...

"the lady who helped ladies have babies"

then a vet

then a complete blank from the ages of 12 till about now (26)

Now it's just to be happy, healthy, fulfilled (and filthy rich of course!).

3 out of 4 aint bad I guess!

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I wanted to be a fire engine. I am lucky I managed to fulfill my dream :D

No, that's not true. I wanted to be a journalist and achieved that dream.


This made me laugh! I really did have a childhood friend who wanted to be a fire engine! :o

I went through periods of wanting to be a hairdresser, air hostess and vet ( I was a huge James Herriot fan) but eventually decided in my late teens that I wanted to be an early years teacher, so that is what I did.

After working in that field for most of my adult life, hubby and I are going in for a lifestyle change. We are moving back to our home country, have bought a house and will start our own permaculture garden. We hope to be able to grow enough food to feed our family and then some. Looks like it is going to be a farmer's life for me! :D

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I wanted to be a vet. Infact, I didn't just want to be one, I was 100% going to be one, so I told everyone from being small up until I was 15. I used to spend all my spare time helping out local farmers, game keepers or at livery yards, as well as a couple of evenings a week in my local vets. I loved every minute of it all. If I'd followed my dream, I'd just have got my final result this last week or so, and be about to start on my vetting adventure.

But, instead, I fell in love, and he meant more to me than my school work, and so, I decided against picking all science A-levels that I would of had to have worked for. And so, threw away my dream for love and an easy life! Makes me sad sometimes, but I don't regret it.

Me and the guy had an amazing few months together, that I wouldn't change for the world. OK, it ended up a mess in the end, but, I don't regret that either, as it was running from that mess that I found myself living and working abroad, and loving it!! So, it has all turned out dam_n well so far, and at 23, I can still change my mind in a few years and retrain and do something completely different if I want to!

Funnily enough, the only job I knew I DID NOT want growing up was to be a teacher, it was my idea of hel_l. And so far, I am absolutely loving teaching my little people in Kindergarten English, so a complete turn around here!

Edited by kato
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  • 2 weeks later...

I wanted to be dentist.. [even when I wasnt able yet to pronounce the word, and dont ask why?!?!? really a dentist what kind of a dream is that for a 3year old?! :o ] anyway I went from wanting to be a princess, a mommy onto a photographer adn guess what......

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