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I have been upset about my favorite baron Phi Phi Island closing because of what I fear is a common occurance here in thailand.I have recently posted the news from www.karmabar.net about the business between the farang and his thai partner. I would like to see a discussion on this topic without resorting to american politics please! Why do these things seem to happen more in this country? Is there anything that either one can do in the future to protect themselves. why do the bad Thais always get away with it, and I dont mean all Thais. Ive seen them do it to each other. Im thinking of making a business and would like to hear from others what they think.


If you engage in business there are a few very basic rules that apply independant from where and with whom you are dealing:

- Don't trust anyone

- Make always sure YOU keep control of the deal all the time - never take chances. The very moment you give the strings out of your own hands you get f.....

- Stay away from whatever sounds to be too good to be true (because there ain't no such thing in real life)

- Always be overly pessimistic rather than optimistic

- Never be considerate when it comes to money

Why is that so?

Well, for the very simple reason that the crooks out-number the legitimate players by about 100 : 1 and it appears to be in human nature that greed beats honour. Ask who ain't sell his/her soul if the price is right and for sure the queue is not going to be long.

You can either cope with this or better stay out of the game. This does certainly not go for Thailand only but rather any corner of this globe.

Well, that was me, the businessman talking but besides that, hope you are well and enjoy a good time in Thailand. Latter from my other human and buddhist side.

Since biz and humanity don't mix make sure you gotta have kind of a schizophrenic personality. :o

Hope this answers your questions.

Heaps of luck and success,



I find that one of the biggest problems is the language barrier for non-Thais doing business in this country.

But just consider the number of businesses that fail in your home country.

I know a lot of people who 'retire' to open a pub or restaurant thinking that it is easy money and six months latter they fold because of a not enough proper planning, cashflow, business experience.



Can you post a link to the article on www.karmabar.net, or better still copy it here?

This in an issue I'm interested in, but I can't post a reasoned response without first reading it.

Thx in advance.


I wouldn't be surprised to learn he made his Thai partner lose face by criticizing him on his - I quote - lack of business acumen...

Quote: "The one underlying fear in doing business as a ‘farang’ (foreigner) in this country is that at the end of the day, unless proper precautions are taken-and none were- we have no rights."

I guess it means: 4 years on the island without opening a company and working illegally in Thailand...

This farang wants us to believe he is a victim... I don't think so...



The same topic by MANUS has been locked a few days ago, yo'll find more details there:

"Business With Thais-greed-greed-greed

Phi Phi island business gone bust!"


Heres the article/original post from Karmabar.net

'Greetings everyone!

There has been a change of plans since the last posting. My partner and friend, A, or AJ as he is also known, and I have finally had a major falling out over Karma and the running of it. I have been wrongly accused, childishly threatened and have had no choice but to leave Karma. Relations between us had reached such a low point that all reasonableness was lost and communication degenerated into petty bickering, slander against my country and rehearsed threats of physical violence and blackmail on his part. I have not only lost a friend of 4+ years, but I’ve also lost the bar, which I worked so hard to create- because of greed and lack of understanding! ‘A’ and I, have always had our problems, I suppose that’s the nature of having a partnership, especially when cultures collide. The one underlying fear in doing business as a ‘farang’ (foreigner) in this country is that at the end of the day, unless proper precautions are taken-and none were- we have no rights. It can all be taken from us simply, and without much fuss. How can someone respond to the ‘this is my island, this is my country, you *! off’ speech? And all within 3 months of an amicable parting of two business partners. Trust should be earned, not demanded as it is on so many occasions here. A trusting handshake between so-called friends based on mutual respect apparently led to a kind of familiarity, which in the end bred contempt and greed. His lack of business acumen and forethought lead to a misunderstanding (as it usually did) which then exploded into bursts of childish rants and illogical thoughts. Emotional outbursts as a disguised power play,an attempt to control or punish me cloaked in the form of hurt feelings and anger.

Some of you know the bar personally, and some have been more than just a patron, you’ve been a part of the family, so none of this should come as a surprise. This news is probably not very shocking for most people, rather expected.

Needless to say, I will not be involved in any party on the 1st of November. There is not much for celebration and as far as I am concerned, Karma has left the island! The management of it and its remaining time has become tacky and clichéed. Any use of the name by others on the island are blatant copies.

I deeply apologize for the short notice for those of you planning a vacation around our party. I have received many correspondences from friends planning on returning and I appreciate the sentiments.

On a positive note! It has been a magnificent few years. I was handed an opportunity that I never could have imagined. This island and these people gave me a wonderful chance to fulfil a dream and live the life that I thought was only deserving of others. For that, I am forever in debt. I would like to say thank you to everyone that has made this dream come true, to everyone that walked on our sand or entered our hearts. Karma brought everyone together; it was a gateway to other nations and other cultures. I have gained more experience and friendships than I ever thought possible. My memories of Karma will always be positive because of the vast majority of friends I’ve made and that can never be taken from me.

You may contact us directly if you have anything to say or questions that you would like answered. This site has been updated to include the most recent pictures of the bar and of PhiPhi. Read on and thank you for the memories!!


We’ve finally managed to find a place to store some of the wonderful memories of the bar since it’s opening November 2001 as well as some useful information about Phi Phi Island. Enjoy the pictures and feel free to comment in our guestbook – particularly if you have a website with pictures as well!

For those of you who haven’t been around in a while, let us update you on the past three years. Karma has played host for some fun and exciting events, check out the pictures! The Lazy Masquerade was held the first of August 2003, guests were invited and asked to make their own mask for the party – it was a great turnout and people came up with some very creative ideas! Speaking of creative…. September 1, 2003 saw a lot of flair and hilarity as guests went crazy at the Gender Bender – the pictures say it all!

In just over one year, Karma has hosted TWO weddings presided over by Karma’s very own Reverend Jeff – believe it!! Simon and Wanna met at the bar in 2002 and were married the following February, after moving to Belgium they returned to Karma in April 2004 with their BEAUTIFUL baby girl, Yanna. Wow, a Karma Baby!! We were overjoyed to see the new family and delighted to hear that they will be back in Thailand permanently as of September! The second wedding took place after Chantelle accepted Peter’s UNDERWATER(!) marriage proposal. This couple from Holland were married in May. The best of luck to everyone!

As usual on Phi Phi, good friends come and go, some grace us for a short while and others practically move in! Sadly, we have had to say goodbye to a few individuals that were very much a part of our family. Our dear friend Ingemar passed away in January 2002 and is remembered every year at a special memorial and fireshow. Karma’s beloved dogs Simon and Chichi both passed away this year and are missed very much! We were heartened after Simon’s passing to hear that a certain lady on the island had a litter of three puppies that looked surprisingly like our dear friend. The many cats are fine and multiplying!!

Our nightly Fireshows have become even more spectacular! It is Impossible to describe them without being there, so take a look at the pictures and video clip and send yours in if you have them. Recently Phi Phi hosted a Fireshow contest and Karma is very proud to announce that Kiang and Boy walked away with First and Second prizes!

Enjoy the site and sign the guestbook when your finished!

Love to all, KARMA

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