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Bowling For Columbine On Thai Tv - Axn Now

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If you turned over without knowing it was on, you would think it was a comedy. In actual fact they are serious in giving free guns to clients when they open a bank account - dear me!


Interesting that he got KMart to get rid of all their firearm ammunition, but I think Michael Moore acts the Buffoon too often...


I actually think he asked the right questions, although the answers were not forth coming. If he did nothing else in that movie, he stopped Kmart selling ammo - that was worth making the movie in itself.

What I took away from it was that the US media makes its people paranoid in the extreme.

11,000 + firearm murders in the US the year that was filmed. 68 for Britain, 65 for Aus, 38 for Canada and I cant remember the rest - but they were all very low in comparison.

I also loved the Canadian points regarding gun ownership and I couldnt believe they slept in unlocked houses - it takes me back to the days in AUS, when you left the door open and only closed the flyscreen in summer.

Also the points raised about working for your welfare - that lady working 70 hours a week and still not being able to pay her rent. She got kicked out of her home and stayed with her brother, went to work one morning and her six year old son found a gun belonging to the brother, went to school and shot another six year old.

How did her working 70 hours a week to pay for her welfare help produce a better society or give her anytime to spend with her son? - I really felt sorry for her.

Charlton Heston looked like a real ###### :o

I hear a lot of people call Michael Moore unpatriotic - I think he is a true patriot, that came from sh!tville and is championing and shouting for the little guy. I take my hat off to him, he aint easy on the eye, but he is passionate in his quest.

For those that might of missed it, it will be rerun in a day or so, you should watch out for it.

If you turned over without knowing it was on, you would think it was a comedy. In actual fact they are serious in giving free guns to clients when they open a bank account - dear me!

You're just jealous 'cause in Aussie, you can't have one legally! :o


Agree with you there Tornado, hasn't been anyone ever to have the balls to do what he's done, I say if he's not hurting anyone then let the man speak his mind. About time the US wakes up and smells the starbucks!

Love the part about Canada as well and how in the states the African American community is easily blamed for all crimes and how that show Cops benefits from this misconception, also the cartoon, actually the whole documentary.

Dick Clark also looked like a real #^$& too!

If you turned over without knowing it was on, you would think it was a comedy. In actual fact they are serious in giving free guns to clients when they open a bank account - dear me!

You're just jealous 'cause in Aussie, you can't have one legally! :D

Bank account or hand-gun ?? :o


I think Dick Clark reacted the same way I would to being ambushed on film....Same with Charlie Heston. I think he showed class, frankly. He (CH) tried to discuss the issues in his home, on camera, and offered his personal reasons why he disagreed in a completely reasonable way, in my view. Moore pushed hard for the camera only....He never really talked with CH- he talked AT him. And the photo of the dead kid he placed in front of his house reminded me of the anti-abortionists with their protest placards filled with pics of baby pieces...

By the way, I completely support his cause, and I'm glad he's around because he has been very effective on a number of fronts...But, like I said, in my opinion, some of his stuff is over the edge of decency- no matter what your cause.

Is the movie scheduled again soon?

Anyone know?

It's on AXN again right now. I think it started at 1PM and will be finished about 3PM.

I wouldn't have stayed up until 1AM last night if I knew it was going to be on during normal hours. :o I suspect it will be on a few more times during the next week or so.

I think Dick Clark reacted the same way I would to being ambushed on film....Same with Charlie Heston. I think he showed class, frankly. He (CH) tried to discuss the issues in his home, on camera, and offered his personal reasons why he disagreed in a completely reasonable way, in my view. Moore pushed hard for the camera only....He never really talked with CH- he talked AT him. And the photo of the dead kid he placed in front of his house reminded me of the anti-abortionists with their protest placards filled with pics of baby pieces...

By the way, I completely support his cause, and I'm glad he's around because he has been very effective on a number of fronts...But, like I said, in my opinion, some of his stuff is over the edge of decency- no matter what your cause.

I agree in tighter gun control but after a few minutes of this over the top one sided yellow journalism I turned it off. :o

Agree with you there Tornado, hasn't been anyone ever to have the balls to do what he's done, I say if he's not hurting anyone then let the man speak his mind. About time the US wakes up and smells the starbucks!

Love the part about Canada as well and how in the states the African American community is easily blamed for all crimes and how that show Cops benefits from this misconception, also the cartoon, actually the whole documentary.

Dick Clark also looked like a real #^$& too!

The Black community that does not want a better life in the states is the problem Even one of their own said it The Comedian Bill Cosby Have you ever driven through a black communtiy shopgurl?? It's the blacks that keep themselves down espacially when it's easier to sell crack then go get a real job and don't tell me they can't either.

I've worked with black people and the ones that don't act like human beings are called Niggers and that's by their own people!!!! even called that like a greeting Hey Nigger How Ya Doing???

Plus Micheal Moore is an ass Have you seen his 9/11 movie Cmon give me a break!!!! The part it shows the iraqi's all happy smiling faces all of them!!! then when the US invades One iraqi woman you killed my son you killed my son BS to the max.

I think Dick Clark reacted the same way I would to being ambushed on film....Same with Charlie Heston. I think he showed class, frankly. He (CH) tried to discuss the issues in his home, on camera, and offered his personal reasons why he disagreed in a completely reasonable way, in my view. Moore pushed hard for the camera only....He never really talked with CH- he talked AT him. And the photo of the dead kid he placed in front of his house reminded me of the anti-abortionists with their protest placards filled with pics of baby pieces...

Totally unnecessary (leaving the photo), and made me think less of him - Moore - because of it. He was making very good points up to then - with which I agreed - but hijacking Heston and implying that he was responsible for this girls death was stupid.


One point Moore did have with CH however was the pro gun rally that was held that same week after the death, it should have been cancelled out of respect or moved, rather they took it as an oppertunity as an act of defiance.

The Black community that does not want a better life in the states is the problem Even one of their own said it The Comedian Bill Cosby Have you ever driven through a black communtiy shopgurl?? It's the blacks that keep themselves down espacially when it's easier to sell crack then go get a real job and don't tell me they can't either.

I've worked with black people and the ones that don't act like human beings are called Niggers and that's by their own people!!!! even called that like a greeting Hey Nigger How Ya Doing???

Plus Micheal Moore is an ass Have you seen his 9/11 movie Cmon give me a break!!!! The part it shows the iraqi's all happy smiling faces all of them!!! then when the US invades One iraqi woman you killed my son you killed my son BS to the max.

I'm sorry IamMaiC with all due respects and even though I believe that everyone has the right to their own views but I find the post that you had made quite offensive. How can you make such a generalization? Yes I have driven into an African Amercian community, as well as a Hispanic community, Chinese Community, Russian Community, Gay community, you name it, I lived in California and I've had my share of the places that aren't exactly in the touristy things to see.

You think people want to keep themselves there? One of the reasons why you see them still like that is because people give up on them that easily and make these generalizationd, conditioning them to think and actually convince them that they'll never be good enough and will forever remain "down in the projects" and you know what? Maybe they do but that's what people already expect from them anyways, right?

Do you seriously believe that they would choose to sell crack than get a real job? Are you aware that in some cases it begins with "non-black" dealers offering freebies to get them hooked and inturn getting these kids to deal themselves? There are 13 yr olds dealing and not all of them are black. Do you think that a kid actually thinks "gee wiz when I grow up I wanna be a drug dealer"?

And regarding Moore, yes I've seen 9/11 and found it interesting. What's wrong with presenting such information, even if his way is as you say it "BS to the max" but have we all lost touch with the ability to watch a documentary that would make us contemplate such ideas or maybe reevaluate other viewpoints? Yes he might be an ass to some people, but each and everyone has a choice to watch or not watch the movie and since you said you've seen this movie already doesn't that tell you that in some way (even if you might not admit it)-Moore has gotten to you too?


The Massively Moronic Masticating Michigan Manatee is nothing more than a purveyor of extreme liberal propaganda...and George will throw me off this forum if I don't stop now! :o

One point Moore did have with CH however was the pro gun rally that was held that same week after the death, it should have been cancelled out of respect or moved, rather they took it as an oppertunity as an act of defiance.

True, but CH did say he wasn't aware before of the six year old's death before the rally. He did waffle a bit on the question of whether he would have not shown had he known before. He answered, after obvious consideration, 'maybe, I don't know'

CH was civil and polite and decent, Moore was not, in my opinion.


IamMaiC, rereading my post I just want to apologize if I was being too overly defensive...pls remember that it's regarding the issue and not a personal vendetta and maybe written after a fight I just had with someone....:o

IamMaiC, rereading my post I just want to apologize if I was being too overly defensive...pls remember that it's regarding the issue and not a personal vendetta and maybe written after a fight I just had with someone....:D

If it was a catfight, please....photos! :o:D

If it was a catfight, please....photos!  :o

Sorry to have disappointed you Khun Ajarn, no live coverage replays(unless rereading the postings hehehee :D ) or photos were able to be disclosed :D

If you turned over without knowing it was on, you would think it was a comedy. In actual fact they are serious in giving free guns to clients when they open a bank account - dear me!

You're just jealous 'cause in Aussie, you can't have one legally! :D

Boon Me you should change your nick to Boon See, then you could sign all your posts, BS, which they most certaily are you drongo. :o

The Massively Moronic Masticating Michigan Manatee is nothing more than a purveyor of extreme liberal propaganda...and George will throw me off this forum if I don't stop now! :o

Liberal Propoganda. Give me a fuc#ing break. You're like Fox news complaining about the 'elite media' when they are owned by the biggest media empire of them all.

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