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Pnom Penh Consulate Fiasco

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This will be a short posting cos I'm so ###### angry that I want to forget the experience. Got back from PP one week ago and it's taken me this long to cool down enough to write.

For about a year now I've been doing monthly trips across the bridge at Nong Khai but on the last two occasions on entry to Thailand the Imm Officer (politely) suggested that it was unwise to keep asking for 30 day visa on entry stamps and that I really should get a "proper" visa. I decided to go to Pnom Penh and get one. Arrived PP Tues. Went to consulate. The girl there (Thai) was abit concerned that I had an overstay stamp (from 6 months ago) but I showed her a letter from the hospital that I was admitted to and she kinda let me off with the warning "Okay, but only this once". I handed over $25 fro a single entry tourist visa. Went back to collect on Thurs. Collected my passport which had a post-it note saying "visa not granted". Looking in the passport I saw a toursiust visa had bee stuck in there but it had been cancelled. There are 15 red ink void stamps covering the entire visa.

I used the internal phone and spoke to the girls who I'd seen on Tues. She said that she had stuck the visa in but when she gave it to her boss for signature he refused to sign it. Reason: I had too many 30 day stamps!! What should I do I said " GO to the border and get another 30 day stamp" came the reply. I bit my tongue and didn't point out the illogicality of this response and tried patiently to explain that I was only here because the immigration officer had suggested that I already had too many 30 day stamps. I went on to explain that I was living in Khon kaen, supporting 3 Thai citizens and that this decision was problematic to me and what advice could she give me that would enable me to stay in Thailand and continue to support these three unemployed Thais in the manner to which they had become accustomed. "You must get a tourist visa", she said, "but not from here. You're living in Khonkaen, you must go to Vientiane because it's nearer".

As Trink would have said "Any comment would be superfluous", but I have a few points to make to any Thai or concerned individual who might chance upon this thread.

1. I calculate that in the time I've lived in Thailand I've been a net cash importer of more than 7 million Thai baht. Do you want this money or would you prefer I helped the economy of another, more deserving country?

2 I have provide accomodation, food, transport, education, curtains, blankets, cookers, wasing machines, motorbikes, LOVE!!, doctors and hospital fees to at least 5 Thai people AND their dependants for 7 years. Do you want me to continue to do this or should I leave them to fend for themselves?

3 Since when has there been a requirement in Thai law that you must go to the nearest consulate for a visa?

4 Is it not about time that the Thai Foreign Services started talking to TAT because the ads say I'm wanted here but the consul tells me to **** off!

5 Can I please have my $25 back?

Anyway, it's all academic. I'm outta here!


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If there is one rule to live by in Thailand it is the following: Never give a Thai the opportunity to screw a you, as they definitely will. Non believers... chookdee.

Often this means planning ahead, reclarifing every detail etc. The Thais you often deal with can be uneducated people with power over your situation.

Vague laws create the opportunity to screw the farang which must be actively avoided. Best to get your paperwork 100% with a generous time buffer.

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in the first place: why didnt you get a proper visa supporting three thai citizens?

a non immigrant o visa is usually issued for support of a thai spouse.

unfortunatly you picked the strickest consulate in south east asia. i have heard of many applicants in PP turned down for non immigrant and sometimes tourist visas. also the void or cancelled stamp after waiting two days is routine for that office, however stamping it void 15 times sounds like a he had a seizure.

plan on laos or malaysia. very straight foward and they respond well to smiles.

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Thanks guys (m or f) for your replies.

Let me try to respond to your points:

are you eligible for a retirement visa ?? will save you a load of hassle.
If I was married, I would be. Unfortunately, as you probably know, the Thai authorities (for some reason which escapes me) require 800,000 baht or 80,000 baht per month, or an equitable combination of income and capital. My overseas income is approx 60,000 which falls short of this figure. How it is possible to require twice as much to secure a retirement visa if you are not married than it does if you are is another question. The biggest drain on one's resources is a Thai wife, how the ###### can it be reasonable to require 2 times as much money fronm someone whio doesnt have one beats me! Of course I've considered this, I'm not stupid. Come to think about it, that could be the problem; Logical, intelligent thinking is surplus to requirements in Thailand.
If there is one rule to live by in Thailand it is the following: Never give a Thai the opportunity to screw a you, as they definitely will.......

The Thais you often deal with can be uneducated people with power over your situation.

First point agreed. As to the second........why do we allow them such power. Look at the postings in this forum and look at the level of support that average farang gives to the average farang. Yet, those people who either live and work in Thailand, or who have retired here MUST be contributing a phenomenal amount to the Thai economy. Without the farang resident or regular visitor Pattaya, patong beach and Sukhumvit would be devasted. I dont want to leave Thailand but it's the only way I can claim my power back!

in the first place: why didnt you get a proper visa supporting three thai citizens
Danone, no offense, but as an advanced member of this forum you surprise me. I have lived in Thailand for almost 8 years. In that time I have had several non-imm B visas, I've had three businesses. But, under Thai law, I cannot obtain a non-imm "O" unless I have documentation to show that I am married to a Thai or that I am supporting a Thai child. Documentation! Failing that , my only option is to show 800,000. I have more than that, but a lot of it was earned here, in Thailland and so doesn't qualify.
i have heard of many applicants in PP turned down for non immigrant and sometimes tourist visas. also the void or cancelled stamp after waiting two days is routine for that office

So, how many of these people have complained? Can they complain? I guess not. I'm still kinda fired up here so maybe I'll try. Maybe an open letter to the consul in Pnom Penh?

The truth is that farangs here, if they flex their economic muscle, might, just might be able to influence this government. Alas, there seems to be no groundswell about doing that. Make no mistake, if you dont bring a small fortune into this country on a year on year basis, you are not wanted. (Unless, of course you're prepared to work for a pittance as a teacher). I refuse to be exploited in this manner and, in the absence of a forum to make my views known, I must accept the inevitable, bite the bullet, and move on to somewhere where I feel as if I'm wanted.

I can confidently state that the good days are over. We are at the mercy of a racist, monetarist culture and I for one will not wai to that. What about the rest of you?

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are you eligible for a retirement visa ?? will save you a load of hassle.

If I was married, I would be.

you dont need to be married to get a retirement visa, just be over 50.

Unfortunately, as you probably know, the Thai authorities (for some reason which escapes me) require 800,000 baht or 80,000 baht per month, or an equitable combination of income and capital.
800,000 p.a =66,000 per month
My overseas income is approx 60,000 which falls short of this figure.

only just falls short and with a sympathetic immigration official (and most are ) who knows that you are supporting a wife, and a good attitude on your part then i feel pretty sure that you would get a retirement visa.it only takes half an hour.

and you would never have to do a funds consuming border trip again.

but you need a non-immigrant visa before you can apply for the retirement visa.

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Pieman, sorry to hear your story. Seems you got double punched by chosing a place like PP and by having too many 30-day-stamps at a time when obviously the authorities have a special eye on this.

Actually, I was a bit surprised first time I heard that it is (was?) possible to get one of these tourist-exempted entries after the other.

OK, you realized this and tried to change the situation. Do following, a) get a new p/port. Overstay and denied visa-chop is not positive for a new application, neither, AFAIK, however, will be registered in the computer. :o Try another place with the new p/port.

As mentioned above, try Penang. I would even apply for a non-O explaining you want to use it in LoS to change for retirement.

Also check for your actual income from abroad. Just an idea, Euro, US$, Sterling

are stronger than 2 years ago, i.e. you receive more Baht, maybe just enough to qualify.

Good luck to you.

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...also the void or cancelled stamp after waiting two days is routine for that office, however stamping it void 15 times sounds like a he had a seizure.

Looks "nice" when giving your passport to another consular office... :D

Why doesn't the visa officer consult her supervisor before placing the visa sticker in your government's passport?? :o

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Why doesn't the visa officer consult her supervisor before placing the visa sticker in your government's passport??  :o

Case in point. Maybe you didn't read the above:

"If there is one rule to live by in Thailand it is the following: Never give a Thai the opportunity to screw a you, as they definitely will. Non believers... chookdee."

Kao Jai mai

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Failing that , my only option is to show 800,000. I have more than that, but a lot of it was earned here, in Thailland and so doesn't qualify.


You had my full sympathy until I read this!

You are working illegally in Thailand without either a proper Visa or a Work Permit, quite obviously the Immigration Officer suspected that this was the case - hence the Visa refusal.

The rules are designed to - hopefully - catch people just like you.

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You are working illegally in Thailand without either a proper Visa or a Work Permit, quite obviously the Immigration Officer suspected that this was the case - hence the Visa refusal.

The rules are designed to - hopefully - catch people just like you.

Mr Brownstone, please dont be too hasty with your judgements. I have owned 3 business in the years that I have been in Thailand. All legal, taxes paid up, non-imm B visa and work permit. Right now I dont have either a business nor a wfe, nor a dependant.

You are just as guilty as the Pnom Penh consul in making rash uninformed decisions. Fortunately the consequences of your judgement dont affect me. They just make you look like an idiot.

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Never mind all the hassles - They destroyed your passport based on a stupid whim and lack of prior research!!!! Any cancellation is suspect. What's worse you were in the hospital! Oh, just this once ...screw them. Anyone defending this action on this board should be boiled in lard.

Go back to your home country and get a new passport and come back to Asia. There's always the Phils, Cambodia or if you are not on constant pussy patrol India/Nepal can be great. Other options Malaysia and Indonesia. There's also Nicaragua, Panama and Cuba too!

Thailand does suck far too often these days. This board is far too apologist of the Thai government. They take it or leave it attitude displayed by so many new commers -all of which have not been involved in such situations YET.

They could have warned you and sent you on your way to get your life in order. The action like so many Thai -churlish and petulant.

People like you make things too good for the "have's" and bloated mafia government.

Take care sir and good luck.

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I agree with you on most all topics as I too have been her for four (4) years taking care of a Thai family of five (5). I pay all the same expences that you do. But it seems to me that most of the negative comments on this website come from our fellow Farungs who are only in business because they rip other Farungs off...

I dont mean this to all but if the shoe fits wear it! I know most say "Well you should have the proper Visa in the first place" But forget about all the could haves and should haves...This is a forum...Lets talk about what we currently have and how to get what's right or needed!!!

I'm not going into any details of my situation but I want all on this forum to understand that the ONLY REASON Farungs come to this web site is for HELP or ADVISE not to be belittled by other Farungs!!!!

If this forum is not intended to help other farungs then so be it! I believe if you have nothing positive to say THEN SHUT THE #### UP. We all only need positive feedbacks, help, guidance etc...

I know some are the goody two shoes, but alot of us are like the Pieman, are getting screwed because the ones that have business's or contacts have it made and don't care about us little people with good intentions or a heart.

I hope I haven't rocked anyone's boat but if I did, before you speak Sit back and Take a good look at yourself and think why am I part of this Forum if not to help others........


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to khundan and i pieman,i agree 100% with u,racist monetary country[but not all are like that]and im here in this forum a couple of months ,i joined because sometimes i need help or advice,most of the i got it,but i said also before that some guys talk about to much their income or their millions of baht or whatever,and also most of the guys are really kissing the a.. of the immigration,so now im waiting somebody is telling me why not leave this forum,this orignal thaistyle,they also say"if u dont like it here go away"but most of us here have families so it is not that easy to do that,im living here because it is much cheaper than europe and because i have a family here,but im also very tired and bored with the treatment i get here and thinking more where to go,not that that easy if u have 55000baht pension,some savings a house a car and a honda,and special a girlfriend who doesnt want to leave thailand,except to europe,and a 3year old daughter who just started school and speaks only english and thai,so please u 20mio 30mio baht guys before blaming anybody of us turn on ur brain a bit,and sorry again if anybody feels offended

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Never mind all the hassles - They destroyed your passport based on a stupid whim and lack of prior research!!!! Any cancellation is suspect. What's worse you were in the hospital! Oh, just this once ...screw them. Anyone defending this action on this board should be boiled in lard.

Go back to your home country and get a new passport and come back to Asia. There's always the Phils, Cambodia or if you are not on constant pussy patrol India/Nepal can be great. Other options Malaysia and Indonesia. There's also Nicaragua, Panama and Cuba too!

Thailand does suck far too often these days. This board is far too apologist of the Thai government. They take it or leave it attitude displayed by so many new commers -all of which have not been involved in such situations YET.

They could have warned you and sent you on your way to get your life in order. The action like so many Thai -churlish and petulant.

People like you make things too good for the "have's" and bloated mafia government.

Take care sir and good luck.

eye'm in agreement w/ this dude. when thailand gives ewe a hassle like this 1, eye think it is thyme 2 go 2 another country. many people think thailand is da only country in da world. it is quite da contrary. so many places, like countries mentioned by da dude, are easier two deal with regarding visas. eye no that eye'm outta hear if da thais try dis crappola w/ me. their r to many but kissers on dis forum who act like thailand is da beginning and end of life. eye'm inn need of a brake please

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eye'm in agreement w/ this dude. when thailand gives ewe a hassle like this 1, eye think it is thyme 2 go 2 another country. many people think thailand is da only country in da world. it is quite da contrary. so many places, like countries mentioned by da dude, are easier two deal with regarding visas. eye no that eye'm outta hear if da thais try dis crappola w/ me. their r to many but kissers on dis forum who act like thailand is da beginning and end of life. eye'm inn need of a brake please

Sounds like you/ll be a real loss..... :o

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eye'm in agreement w/ this dude. when thailand gives ewe a hassle like this 1, eye think it is thyme 2 go 2 another country. many people think thailand is da only country in da world. it is quite da contrary. so many places, like countries mentioned by da dude, are easier two deal with regarding visas. eye no that eye'm outta hear if da thais try dis crappola w/ me. their r to many but kissers on dis forum who act like thailand is da beginning and end of life. eye'm inn need of a brake please

Sounds like you/ll be a real loss..... :o

eye'll stay hear unless eye get n e similar problems like pyman has received. my plan is two stay hear and get an english teacher job. 4 now eye have too stay hear on touring visas. eye have know choice 4 da moment, dude

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eye'll stay hear unless eye get n e similar problems like pyman has received. my plan is two stay hear and get an english teacher job. 4 now eye have too stay hear on touring visas. eye have know choice 4 da moment, dude

I can tell you will make a fine addition to the English teaching profession........ :o

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I dont mean this to all but if the shoe fits wear it! I know most say "Well you should have the proper Visa in the first place" But forget about all the could haves and should haves...This is a forum...Lets talk about what we currently have and how to get what's right or needed!!!

If this forum is not intended to help other farungs then so be it! I believe if you have nothing positive to say THEN SHUT THE #### UP. We all only need positive feedbacks, help, guidance etc...

Tough though it may be, the news about the way the Thai government,

and especially the Immigration Dept runs is not always GOOD.

It would be very dangerous to paint a rosy picture when the opposite is true.

If you want to live in any country you have to abide by the rules.

If you don't like it, then the answer is simple................

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I agree with you on most all topics as I too have been her for four (4) years taking care of a Thai family of five (5). I pay all the same expences that you do. But it seems to me that most of the negative comments on this website come from our fellow Farungs who are only in business because they rip other Farungs off...

I dont mean this to all but if the shoe fits wear it! I know most say "Well you should have the proper Visa in the first place" But forget about all the could haves and should haves...This is a forum...Lets talk about what we currently have and how to get what's right or needed!!!

I'm not going into any details of my situation but I want all on this forum to understand that the ONLY REASON Farungs come to this web site is for HELP or ADVISE not to be belittled by other Farungs!!!!

If this forum is not intended to help other farungs then so be it! I believe if you have nothing positive to say THEN SHUT THE #### UP. We all only need positive feedbacks, help, guidance etc...

I know some are the goody two shoes, but alot of us are like the Pieman, are getting screwed because the ones that have business's or contacts have it made and don't care about us little people with good intentions or a heart.

I hope I haven't rocked anyone's boat but if I did, before you speak Sit back and Take a good look at yourself and think why am I part of this Forum if not to help others........


What exactly are you saying?

That you and others with problems are perfectly willing to take "advise" (sic) just so long as no one has the bad taste to point out that the problems you experience are rooted in your own ignorance of, or contempt for, the Thai regulations?

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I think Khundan is confused about the purpose of this board. And to stand a law-abiding legal farang next to someone who flagrantly breaks the law and say that the first should help the second is wrong - the law applies to all and those who break it deserve the penalty, not our pity.As they say, don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

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following the law or break the law is not all that different. both routes cause nothing but headaches. i've been here 4 1/2 years, legal every single minute. but its been nothing but headaches and footdragging and people pretending they know nothing about what's going on, and getting screwed because of lazy asses and never knowing if this will be the last time you get an extension or not, or if the bitch down at the ministry of education will finish you application before you die, and thousands of other things.

so perpetual vacationers aren't the only ones who are pissed off by racist <deleted> who don't know their ass from their elbow and are only interested in stealing money from foreigners.

last week at the most recent extension (my passport is full of thai immigration stamps when i haven't even left the ###### country) the woman opens my passport, takes out a pencil and starts to write on the pages she wants me to copy. i protested of course and she said 'how will you know what pages to copy, you need to copy all the visa pages' i said 'you could TELL me. and there is only ONE visa page, the current one'

so she defaced my passport because she thought i couldn't remember the two pages to copy. total disrespect from the sheep called thais.

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following the law or break the law is not all that different. both routes cause nothing but headaches. i've been here 4 1/2 years, legal every single minute. but its been nothing but headaches and footdragging and people pretending they know nothing about what's going on, and getting screwed because of lazy asses and never knowing if this will be the last time you get an extension or not, or if the bitch down at the ministry of education will finish you application before you die, and thousands of other things.

so perpetual vacationers aren't the only ones who are pissed off by racist <deleted> who don't know their ass from their elbow and are only interested in stealing money from foreigners.

last week at the most recent extension (my passport is full of thai immigration stamps when i haven't even left the ###### country) the woman opens my passport, takes out a pencil and starts to write on the pages she wants me to copy. i protested of course and she said 'how will you know what pages to copy, you need to copy all the visa pages' i said 'you could TELL me. and there is only ONE visa page, the current one'

so she defaced my passport because she thought i couldn't remember the two pages to copy. total disrespect from the sheep called thais.

Good heavens man - with an attitude like yours I am truly amazed you have survived in Thailand for 4 years!

The poor woman was obviouly only trying to help you - with a pencil yet, hardly what any reasonable person would call "defacing" a passport.

You seem to have serious problems in self-control!

If these sort of things cause you to fly off the handle you are heading for ulcers ........ or a severe beating from some "<deleted>" who takes exception to your abusive personality.

Doubtless at some time in the not too distant future you will be Posting again; to complain that your latest application for a Visa Extension was rejected by the Immigration "<deleted>" for absolutely no valid reason.

The sad thing is that you - and many others like you - really do not understand why, or accept any personal responsibility, when bad things happen to you in Thailand.

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The answer is in the original statement. I have been on several 30 day entry permits most recent but stamps of several type for 7 years. They have been most generous to you. Seems they have seen enough of the likes, get legal or leave. Your definetly not a tourist and have no reason to be issued a tourist visa or entry permit any longer. Then you blame them for you breaking the law. Par for the course and the likes.

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