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Chiang Mai To Mae Sai On A Small Bike


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Don't wait, go! And without rain gear would be my advice. Over the many years of biking here, I was in a lot of rain, but it never bothered me. Unlike home, the rain here is warm, not cold, and it rarely last more than a few minutes. And during the rain, you can stop in one of the sala's set up along the road, where you can meet some nice people! :o

I agree wholeheartedly with Ajarn. I have driven from the city northwards up through Thaton and into Chiang Rai countless times since the road was built, and even a few times when the section between Thaton and Mae Salong was still all dirt. And some of fondest memories is hanging out with Thais in the salas or local noodle shop awaiting the rains to stop or ease. If you speak even some modest Thai you will most likely get some invitations to some homes for a meal. But be careful as more than once I was offered up a glass of lao khao while waiting out the rains in a sala.

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