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2nd Tourist Visa

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My girlfriend of two and a half years ,with my support,got a 6 month UK visitors visa and stayed with me for 3 months between dec 12 and march 12. of a planned 5 month stay.

However, her grandfather was taken seriously ill and she was emotionly blackmailed to return early as it was claimed by several of her aunts that he was dying and wanted to see her before he passed on.I eventually accepted that she needed to return and she contacted her Bangkok ticket agent and got a change of flight to leave UK that evening all done and 'e' ticketed without cost in 10 minutes or so!

He was in an ICU for several months(dread to think what that cost,he is an Abbot at a Temple so I wasn't asked for support.)and finally he has recovered and returned to the Temple this week.She now wants to come back to the UK and try the Uk summer.She survived some very cold weather while she was here and we planned to do lot more touristy trips for the warmer end of her stay which she missed.

What are the chances of obtaining another VV for a trip in say July? Would this be seen as too soon? I don't want her to miss the summer and get the view England is always very cold.

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I believe you can apply for another visa as soon as the one you currently have/had is finished, a Thai can only stay in the UK for a maximum of 6 months in 1 year so I think that your Mrs having already stayed just over 2 months of this year in the UK could only stay another 3 1/2 months of this year on a new 6 month visit visa, i'm sure this will be corrected if i'm wrong.

Good luck.


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There is no rule that a Thai may only spend six months of any twelve in the UK, but it is a useful figure for general guidance. However, each case will depend upon its own particular circumstances. I don't see why your g/f shouldn't re-apply again for a second visit during the summer.


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