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Unnerving Incident In Soi Cowboy Last Night


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Yesterday evening whilst my wife and I were sat - having a few beers - at the outside bar of Cowboy 2 bar on Soi Cowboy I suddenly noticed two young Thai males exit the adjacent bar (Spice Girl bar) carrying a Thai woman. (One with his arms under her back and the other supporting her legs.)

They then ran towards the direction of Soi 23 - still carrying her - running as quicly as they could.

The young woman appeared to one of the workers there and also appeared to be unconscious - although I couldn't be sure about this as I was only able to observe her for a few seconds. She could - in hindsight - have been struggling but this would have been difficult to tell as they were moving so fast.

Strangely before this event - I had noticed about four or five Thai males standing around outside Spice Girl bar for no apparent reason - at the time I just assumed they were staff or whatever.

About five minutes afterwards - I questioned the doorman as to where they had gone and all he would answer was "Phraram Khoa" - Rama Nine - Rama Nine Road I assumed - and wouldn't say anymore - all the time exchanging knowing glances with one of the girls working there - with a grin on his face.

Does anyone have ideas about this? The incident happened in the early evening - around 8.00-8.30 PM.

My wife thinks that possibly she owed money and that the two guys were working for a money lender and that she was possibly being taken - forcibly - to talk to someone about her debt OR maybe that she had over-dosed.

Anyway - all in all - it was very suspicious - and I've never seen anything like this in the fifteen years I have lived here!

Edited by bulmercke
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Nothing strange, most probably drunk :o Cowboy bars open at 4 ish

I've Seen girls have epileptic fits carried out like this & taken to hospitals

Nothing strange 2 guys holding a girl running down the road.....hmm i wonder what world you live in as it aint reality

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Probably just a drunken overdosed on ya-ba whore......standard night in those sort of places in BKK :o

Take the Mrs for a drink in a classier place in future won't need to view that nonsense

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Nothing strange, most probably drunk :o Cowboy bars open at 4 ish

I’ve Seen girls have epileptic fits carried out like this & taken to hospitals

Yes - possible - maybe she was brought down from one of the rooms that the girls often stay in - above the bars.

Of course - I should have followed behind to see what kind of vehicle she was put into -

Taxi - hospital

Private vehicle - who know?

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Maybe he said Rama 9 hospital.

Yes - that's possibly what he meant - but he didn't say hospital - I spoke in Thai to him -

Is Rama 9 the nearest or most convenient to Cowboy? Is it private or a government hospital?

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Probably just a drunken overdosed on ya-ba whore......standard night in those sort of places in BKK :o

Take the Mrs for a drink in a classier place in future won't need to view that nonsense

Thats a tad harsh aint it..this has gone from a guy getting a bit worried about a girl while having a beer to the girl being branded a yabba taking whore in all of 6 replys....

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Probably just a drunken overdosed on ya-ba whore......standard night in those sort of places in BKK :o

Take the Mrs for a drink in a classier place in future won't need to view that nonsense

Thats a tad harsh aint it..this has gone from a guy getting a bit worried about a girl while having a beer to the girl being branded a yabba taking whore in all of 6 replys....


All I am looking for is a few ideas about what may have been goin' on.

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Key word there in my post. Well put it this way you are drinking in a red-light district in Bangkok that is notorious for drug abuse and drunkness by the bar staff and customers - of course you are going to see some dodgy goings on in those nightlife areas.

At the end of the day - you more than likely will never find out what its all about and anyway...and lets just say in the unlikely event that there was something untoward about it - there is nothing you could or would have done about it - without putting yourself and your wife in serious danger. Its just being nosey i guess :o

Secondly, in the surrounding and opposite bars there is a heavy presence of Thonglor's finest on the doors.....not that it means anything but they may have risen an eyebrow should something untoward occured right in their faces to a girl. If it was a snatch and run I would imagine the culprits involved would have picked a better opportunity than a busy soi with cops and security??? - could be wrong.

And with regard to my Whore comment.....well arent they? :D

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2008bangkok how long have you been here 1 week?

This is a common occurrence as there are not a lot of AMBULANCES cruising around Soi Cowboy…so door staff USE motorcycles to get staff to hospitals (normally…if a tuk tuk can’t be found)

Epilepsy is a common illness with dancers in go-go bars due to flashing lights etc…I PERSONALLY have sent (carried over my shoulder on different occasions) 3 dancers to hospitals in tuk tuk because of seizures while dancing

Another know it all who most properly has never been to Cowboy..let alone been involved with Thailand’s nightlife for the past few decades…so what would I know fool..the world I live in is Bkk how about you?

Also if the girls was on Yaba she would almost certainly not gone quietly but manic biting of anyone who went near her..again I know from EXPERIENCE :o

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they probably are in your eyes and after reading some of your posts i can see why

do enlighten me on which posts you refer to.....

Mate, hate to disillusion you but the girls working in cowboy are hookers....sorry to break the news to you, I know you thought she was different :o

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Iv been here long enough to know that just because they work on Soi Cowboy, Nana etc doesnt automaticaly come with the drunken whore tag...

but there again you guys who have nothing better to do than end up every night in the world you live in bkk then bitter pills all round

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2008bangkok how long have you been here 1 week?

This is a common occurrence as there are not a lot of AMBULANCES cruising around Soi Cowboy…so door staff USE motorcycles to get staff to hospitals (normally…if a tuk tuk can't be found)

Epilepsy is a common illness with dancers in go-go bars due to flashing lights etc…I PERSONALLY have sent (carried over my shoulder on different occasions) 3 dancers to hospitals in tuk tuk because of seizures while dancing

Another know it all who most properly has never been to Cowboy..let alone been involved with Thailand's nightlife for the past few decades…so what would I know fool..the world I live in is Bkk how about you?

Also if the girls was on Yaba she would almost certainly not gone quietly but manic biting of anyone who went near her..again I know from EXPERIENCE :o

This is probably on eof the best examples of blinkered posting you are likely to see

where does the motorcycle come inwhen was the last time a person having a sezuire was lying still

and who says she was on yabba

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Key word there in my post. Well put it this way you are drinking in a red-light district in Bangkok that is notorious for drug abuse and drunkness by the bar staff and customers - of course you are going to see some dodgy goings on in those nightlife areas.

At the end of the day - you more than likely will never find out what its all about and anyway...and lets just say in the unlikely event that there was something untoward about it - there is nothing you could or would have done about it - without putting yourself and your wife in serious danger. Its just being nosey i guess :o

Secondly, in the surrounding and opposite bars there is a heavy presence of Thonglor's finest on the doors.....not that it means anything but they may have risen an eyebrow should something untoward occured right in their faces to a girl. If it was a snatch and run I would imagine the culprits involved would have picked a better opportunity than a busy soi with cops and security??? - could be wrong.

And with regard to my Whore comment.....well arent they? :D

She was definitely a bar girl who was wearing what looked like a skimpy outfit. I'm wondering whether she had previously escaped from a Thai place - Thai clientele - bonded prostitution - and her whereabouts had been discovered in Cowboy.

On two ocassions in the past - Pratuman - I have spotted very attactive young women escorted by Thais - who have been holding them by the wrists - whilst shopping in that area. One was a very skanky and nasty looking young Thai guy and the other an older Thai woman - equally as threatening.

Makes you wonder.

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She was definitely a bar girl who was wearing what looked like a skimpy outfit. I'm wondering whether she had previously escaped from a Thai place - Thai clientele - bonded prostitution - and her whereabouts had been discovered in Cowboy.

On two ocassions in the past - Pratuman - I have spotted very attactive young women escorted by Thais - who have been holding them by the wrists - whilst shopping in that area. One was a very skanky and nasty looking young Thai guy and the other an older Thai woman - equally as threatening.

Makes you wonder.

Stephen Leather could buy the rights :o . As you should know its no one's business and don't get involved. Thing is if you find out she was kidnapped right now.....what will u do about it??? nothing mate thats what.

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Stephen Leather could buy the rights :o . As you should know its no one's business and don't get involved. Thing is if you find out she was kidnapped right now.....what will u do about it??? nothing mate thats what.

Hello McFly its a forum mate a forum..people discuss stuff

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Yeah, I'd say Phraram 9 Hospital would probably be the closest to Cowboy.

I've just been talking about this with the misses again and she said that Rama 9 hospital is expensive and she doubts they would have taken her there.

Also - and upon reflection in the last hour - no-one accompanied her outside the bar - none of her friends as you would have expected - no mamasan that I can recall - no one.

Surely if she had overdosed then you would have expected half the bar to have gone outside - at least her best friend - or friends - and for them to have tagged along at least to the end of the soi.

But I don't remember seeing anyone leave the bar. This is Thailand - and I would have expected under such circumstances the usual commotion that you see connected with such events - but this time nothing. No ambulance backing into the soi.

And these guys looked fit to me - I don't think it took them more than 20-30 seconds to get to the end of the soi. And none of the Thais working in the bar had any comment about this? Apart from Rama 9.

And I'm not sure - too many of the few foreigners who were at that time drinking outside the bars - noticed anything either. I looked over to a group of about half dozen guys drinking across from me - on the RHS - in that bar next to AfterSkool and it looked like thay had noticed nothing.

I genuinely think that what I saw was something outside of the law. Definitely something - despite the previous postings - sinister about this.

That's my take now. The same with the misses. She still thinks it's something to do with money-lending.

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One possibility might be that she was very very drunk.

So drunk that the staff got worried, or afraid, thus removed here (or transported her to a hospital).

Remember, the girls normally make money out of being bought drinks to.

A lot of the girls drink tequila, since this drink is finished quickly, and the customer can order a new one to her again.

Some of the girls do not handle alcohol that well, but feel they must drink the drinks offered if they want to make money, and meet the montly goal, which many bars have for their girls.

Finally, I believe the word "working girl" is better then many of the derogatory words I have seen around.

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One possibility might be that she was very very drunk.

So drunk that the staff got worried, or afraid, thus removed here (or transported her to a hospital).

Remember, the girls normally make money out of being bought drinks to.

A lot of the girls drink tequila, since this drink is finished quickly, and the customer can order a new one to her again.

Some of the girls do not handle alcohol that well, but feel they must drink the drinks offered if they want to make money, and meet the montly goal, which many bars have for their girls.

Finally, I believe the word "working girl" is better then many of the derogatory words I have seen around.

Travel2003 - I don't think so. It was pretty quiet in Cowboy last night. And after I questioned the doorman - I popped my head inside the bar and I don't recall seeing a single customer sitting there - although there may have been one or two tucked away in there.

As I mentioned earlier - something definitely outside of the law was taking place. But then again I - could be wrong.

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This is going nowhere.

Well O.K. - but I was there last night and this is what I saw - and my judgement tells me a young woman was abducted - for whatever reason.

Hopefully someone - who was there - or another TV member - can add something constructive to what was goin' on. That's all.

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