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Cost Of Living 20 - 30km Outsite Cm City


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Hi guys, I'm busy figuring out the visa, so this is a totally different question. I've been reading most of the threads on the CM forum, and i am suprised that somany people are willing (or saying ) to spend US 4000 per month or more!!

That's there lifestyle, so good for them.

We however are not into hookers, nightlife, restaurants etc. All we want is a quiet life away from the city but stil not more than a one oure drive awy from f.e. Carrefour. Living in India for more then 3,5 years we are noisepolluted, and my wife is writing a book, so she longs for peace and tranquility. We love to shop and cook our own meals + a good beer on our terras together with our old dog (Chi-Tzu) whom has been with us around the world.

So this is my question: Can somebody help us out with the correct answers ( not the Mansion type guys pls.) howmuch it would cost us to rent a fully furnished house, 2 bedrooms, 1 AC and a smal garden, (down to earth standard).

We where thinking about 10-15K Bath per month. Pls also inform me about deposit (if it is there).

Thanking you so much in advance.

Ray & Jane

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I live about 10 km outside of CM and I pay 7,000 Baht/month for a 2 story 4 bedroom house and a reasonably large yard area. As has been mentioned in several threads on this topic, best to get a Thai and drive around different areas looking for 'for rent' signs. Mine is in a gated community and reasonably quiet (minimal soi dogs at our end). Quiet will depend on neighbors, dogs, moo bahn speakers, etc. Of course if you don't want to be in a gated community you have to worry some about security.

You mentioned no more then an hour drive so might consider Lampang (~26km outside of CM).

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You mentioned no more then an hour drive so might consider Lampang (~26km outside of CM).

You meant to suggest Lamphun, correct?

Thanks ovenman, I did mean Lamphun. An old girl friend lived in Lampang and I had fond memories. :o

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Most houses for rent are not going to be furnished and it is possible but unlikely he will find one driving around looking at signs.

There are many real estate websites that offer furnished houses I suggest you take a look at these or consider paying less rent and buy your own furniture.

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Most houses for rent are not going to be furnished and it is possible but unlikely he will find one driving around looking at signs.

There are many real estate websites that offer furnished houses I suggest you take a look at these or consider paying less rent and buy your own furniture.

Mine came fully furnished. Also, just driving into my moo bahn I saw two for rent signs and is also how we found our house. But you are right in doing it himself will be difficult, that's why he would need a Thai familiar with the areas to assist. The real estate websites will generally be more expensive then finding one and bartering a rental price. Of course, it is the easiest and fastest way to do it and certainly will have 10-15k listings.

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i used chiang mai habitat, think thats roughly the weblink also, i got a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, with a big kitchen and fair sized garden for 7500 a month at san sai about 15 mins into town on a bike at reasonable speed.

best idea is just to drive around and have a look, it takes a couple of days but you'll find something to your liking im sure. we paid 1 month deposit and 2 months rent, they wanted it the other way round but stand your ground and make it in your favour. all they usually want is 3 month money whichever way it comes.

Edited by thaimiller
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I also used Chiang Mai Habitat a few years ago and was impressed with their services. Got a 3 bedroom house, furnished for 7,000 baht a month. It is my impression that most rentals are furnished.

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I also used Chiang Mai Habitat a few years ago and was impressed with their services. Got a 3 bedroom house, furnished for 7,000 baht a month. It is my impression that most rentals are furnished.

Thanks to all of you, you realy helped us a lot. Now i have anothere question: I've been on 2 websites, Chiang mai habitat real estate, and CM house .com. they both have alot off choises in different priceranges, so i found out that for us it would be between 9000-13000 B. Now here's the question, who is paing for there services, and howmuch? Howmuch would be the deposit, rent in advance etc.? Is it different than renting from the owner himself? Also, howmuch is a normal monthly salary for a 5-6 ours per day domestic help @ 6 days a week ?

Thanks, Ray & Jane

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.... Now here's the question, who is paing for there services, and howmuch? Howmuch would be the deposit, rent in advance etc.? Is it different than renting from the owner himself? Also, howmuch is a normal monthly salary for a 5-6 ours per day domestic help @ 6 days a week ?

Thanks, Ray & Jane

Agents rates can be anything from 3-xx %!

that is why it has been suggested to search for yourself, rent from the owner directly - no extra fees!

there are people who rent units at cheap rates and sub-let them for 100% + increase!

Deposit 1 Month and for the sake of it 2 months rent in advance!

Domestic help from 3000 ThB up to 6000 depends on their abilities (cooking, cleaning, language-communication skills etc.) and YOUR generosity!

Edited by Samuian
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I also used Chiang Mai Habitat a few years ago and was impressed with their services. Got a 3 bedroom house, furnished for 7,000 baht a month. It is my impression that most rentals are furnished.

Thanks to all of you, you realy helped us a lot. Now i have anothere question: I've been on 2 websites, Chiang mai habitat real estate, and CM house .com. they both have alot off choises in different priceranges, so i found out that for us it would be between 9000-13000 B. Now here's the question, who is paing for there services, and howmuch? Howmuch would be the deposit, rent in advance etc.? Is it different than renting from the owner himself? Also, howmuch is a normal monthly salary for a 5-6 ours per day domestic help @ 6 days a week ?

Thanks, Ray & Jane

The way i have always seen it work is that the broker fees are not you responsibilty, thats arranged between the owner and broker so you dont need to budget that in. Also the deposit rent situation is normally that you pay a 2 month deposit, and 1 month rent in advance. When you finish the contract you deposit is held onto for upto a month whilst all bills are taken care of (electric water TV etc) and then returned to you (obviously if you havent damaged anything, if so that will be deducted too).

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I also used Chiang Mai Habitat a few years ago and was impressed with their services. Got a 3 bedroom house, furnished for 7,000 baht a month. It is my impression that most rentals are furnished.

Thanks to all of you, you realy helped us a lot. Now i have anothere question: I've been on 2 websites, Chiang mai habitat real estate, and CM house .com. they both have alot off choises in different priceranges, so i found out that for us it would be between 9000-13000 B. Now here's the question, who is paing for there services, and howmuch? Howmuch would be the deposit, rent in advance etc.? Is it different than renting from the owner himself? Also, howmuch is a normal monthly salary for a 5-6 ours per day domestic help @ 6 days a week ?

Thanks, Ray & Jane

The way i have always seen it work is that the broker fees are not you responsibilty, thats arranged between the owner and broker so you dont need to budget that in. Also the deposit rent situation is normally that you pay a 2 month deposit, and 1 month rent in advance. When you finish the contract you deposit is held onto for upto a month whilst all bills are taken care of (electric water TV etc) and then returned to you (obviously if you havent damaged anything, if so that will be deducted too).

Another importent question, More or less, howmuch would the electric bill be by using 1 AC, also the waterbill, plus i've seen on many housepictures that you cook with gascylinders (same as her) howmuch are they?

Also, we live in Goa, India for the moment, and here a long-term rental contract is for 11 months, renewable with a rental raise of 10 %. How does it work there?

Thanks again guys, Ray & Jane

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quick tips....

if you're considering moo baan, you'll have noise of neighbors, chickens, dogs, village speakers and motorcycles.

if you look in a gated community, you'll have less of the above.

this is a noisy country!!

there is a nice quiet development near Doi Saket, called Vaingdoi that has a lot of rentals in your price range and the houses have some space between them.

but that far out and you'll need 4 wheel transport [meaning it's a little far to drive a motorcycle into CM.

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I also used Chiang Mai Habitat a few years ago and was impressed with their services. Got a 3 bedroom house, furnished for 7,000 baht a month. It is my impression that most rentals are furnished.

Thanks to all of you, you realy helped us a lot. Now i have anothere question: I've been on 2 websites, Chiang mai habitat real estate, and CM house .com. they both have alot off choises in different priceranges, so i found out that for us it would be between 9000-13000 B. Now here's the question, who is paing for there services, and howmuch? Howmuch would be the deposit, rent in advance etc.? Is it different than renting from the owner himself? Also, howmuch is a normal monthly salary for a 5-6 ours per day domestic help @ 6 days a week ?

Thanks, Ray & Jane

The way i have always seen it work is that the broker fees are not you responsibilty, thats arranged between the owner and broker so you dont need to budget that in. Also the deposit rent situation is normally that you pay a 2 month deposit, and 1 month rent in advance. When you finish the contract you deposit is held onto for upto a month whilst all bills are taken care of (electric water TV etc) and then returned to you (obviously if you havent damaged anything, if so that will be deducted too).

Another importent question, More or less, howmuch would the electric bill be by using 1 AC, also the waterbill, plus i've seen on many housepictures that you cook with gascylinders (same as her) howmuch are they?

Also, we live in Goa, India for the moment, and here a long-term rental contract is for 11 months, renewable with a rental raise of 10 %. How does it work there?

Thanks again guys, Ray & Jane

My electric bill comes in on average at 2000b - 2500b a month, I have 1 aircon on at least 12 hours a day (when im sleeping) Wireless internet with 2 computers plugged in and running 24 hours a day, two fridges and two large TVs, a few fans and a wife that never turns off lights.

Water cost me around 60 b per month and no matter how much i use it never seems to go up or down ?

The gas cylinders should be supplied and full when you rent the house but from memory if you have an empty cylinder you swap this for a full one at a cost of around 100b, if you dont have the cylinder you will need to buy it which i believe to be about 600 but obviously it will be a one time cost.

In regards to rental contracts you would be lucky to find a long term contract for less than 1 year. Rental term is decided between you and the owner/broker. I have a friend for example that has rented a house for 4 years (fixed price) another for a 1 year. Myself right now have entered a 2 year contract with the option to renew at the end of the 2 years for a further year at the same price.

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I also used Chiang Mai Habitat a few years ago and was impressed with their services. Got a 3 bedroom house, furnished for 7,000 baht a month. It is my impression that most rentals are furnished.

Thanks to all of you, you realy helped us a lot. Now i have anothere question: I've been on 2 websites, Chiang mai habitat real estate, and CM house .com. they both have alot off choises in different priceranges, so i found out that for us it would be between 9000-13000 B. Now here's the question, who is paing for there services, and howmuch? Howmuch would be the deposit, rent in advance etc.? Is it different than renting from the owner himself? Also, howmuch is a normal monthly salary for a 5-6 ours per day domestic help @ 6 days a week ?

Thanks, Ray & Jane

The way i have always seen it work is that the broker fees are not you responsibilty, thats arranged between the owner and broker so you dont need to budget that in. Also the deposit rent situation is normally that you pay a 2 month deposit, and 1 month rent in advance. When you finish the contract you deposit is held onto for upto a month whilst all bills are taken care of (electric water TV etc) and then returned to you (obviously if you havent damaged anything, if so that will be deducted too).

Another importent question, More or less, howmuch would the electric bill be by using 1 AC, also the waterbill, plus i've seen on many housepictures that you cook with gascylinders (same as her) howmuch are they?

Also, we live in Goa, India for the moment, and here a long-term rental contract is for 11 months, renewable with a rental raise of 10 %. How does it work there?

Thanks again guys, Ray & Jane

My electric bill comes in on average at 2000b - 2500b a month, I have 1 aircon on at least 12 hours a day (when im sleeping) Wireless internet with 2 computers plugged in and running 24 hours a day, two fridges and two large TVs, a few fans and a wife that never turns off lights.

Water cost me around 60 b per month and no matter how much i use it never seems to go up or down ?

The gas cylinders should be supplied and full when you rent the house but from memory if you have an empty cylinder you swap this for a full one at a cost of around 100b, if you dont have the cylinder you will need to buy it which i believe to be about 600 but obviously it will be a one time cost.

In regards to rental contracts you would be lucky to find a long term contract for less than 1 year. Rental term is decided between you and the owner/broker. I have a friend for example that has rented a house for 4 years (fixed price) another for a 1 year. Myself right now have entered a 2 year contract with the option to renew at the end of the 2 years for a further year at the same price.

Hi Tipsy, and anybody else on this forum. You guys gave me already a whole lott of info. We get more possitive by the days, and it's a shame we cannot move tommorow!! But anyway Tipsy, you gave us such good news that soon we will probably will be Tipsy aswell!!

Cheers, Ray & jane

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I also used Chiang Mai Habitat a few years ago and was impressed with their services. Got a 3 bedroom house, furnished for 7,000 baht a month. It is my impression that most rentals are furnished.

Thanks to all of you, you realy helped us a lot. Now i have anothere question: I've been on 2 websites, Chiang mai habitat real estate, and CM house .com. they both have alot off choises in different priceranges, so i found out that for us it would be between 9000-13000 B. Now here's the question, who is paing for there services, and howmuch? Howmuch would be the deposit, rent in advance etc.? Is it different than renting from the owner himself? Also, howmuch is a normal monthly salary for a 5-6 ours per day domestic help @ 6 days a week ?

Thanks, Ray & Jane

The way i have always seen it work is that the broker fees are not you responsibilty, thats arranged between the owner and broker so you dont need to budget that in. Also the deposit rent situation is normally that you pay a 2 month deposit, and 1 month rent in advance. When you finish the contract you deposit is held onto for upto a month whilst all bills are taken care of (electric water TV etc) and then returned to you (obviously if you havent damaged anything, if so that will be deducted too).

Another importent question, More or less, howmuch would the electric bill be by using 1 AC, also the waterbill, plus i've seen on many housepictures that you cook with gascylinders (same as her) howmuch are they?

Also, we live in Goa, India for the moment, and here a long-term rental contract is for 11 months, renewable with a rental raise of 10 %. How does it work there?

Thanks again guys, Ray & Jane

My electric bill comes in on average at 2000b - 2500b a month, I have 1 aircon on at least 12 hours a day (when im sleeping) Wireless internet with 2 computers plugged in and running 24 hours a day, two fridges and two large TVs, a few fans and a wife that never turns off lights.

Water cost me around 60 b per month and no matter how much i use it never seems to go up or down ?

The gas cylinders should be supplied and full when you rent the house but from memory if you have an empty cylinder you swap this for a full one at a cost of around 100b, if you dont have the cylinder you will need to buy it which i believe to be about 600 but obviously it will be a one time cost.

In regards to rental contracts you would be lucky to find a long term contract for less than 1 year. Rental term is decided between you and the owner/broker. I have a friend for example that has rented a house for 4 years (fixed price) another for a 1 year. Myself right now have entered a 2 year contract with the option to renew at the end of the 2 years for a further year at the same price.

Hi Tipsy, and anybody else on this forum. You guys gave me already a whole lott of info. We get more possitive by the days, and it's a shame we cannot move tommorow!! But anyway Tipsy, you gave us such good news that soon we will probably will be Tipsy aswell!!

Cheers, Ray & jane

Glad I could help, and good luck!

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