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Ladies Nite Out Ll


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Hey girls!

Last night was a real good fun! I had a chance to ride a bull for the first time in my life!! lol We started at Robin hood then Dubliner then NANA plaza!

Great fun, thanks to all the girls who made my night.

So this saturday at Q bar, who will join the party ,please hand up!!

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Candy...........you guys went to Nana plaza??? I didnt know that. I am sure you guys had fun!! :D

Count me out on Sat night.....I have 2 left feet and loads to do before my trip to Europe........but have fun. :D

LC............pls post the "pic" we took at Robin Hood on here for all the nice guys......... :o

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Yep! after Lee finished playing at the bar, he asked us to go for a drink with him, so we all LC,NAT,AIME,Aime's friends and I went to this bull place in nana plaza. I

had never see such a thing before! good laugh though.

When did you guy take pic at robin hood????? I missed that!

Oh well, I would not wanna be shown in my office outfit either. lol

LC, is probably still sleeping now, she had a hard job last nite :o

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Candy, you missed the picture taking as you were so busy chatting all the guys up there (kidding) :o

Ask LC about the pic.........if she can remember in her drunker stupor :D Once she posts it, you will remember ........I assure you!!!

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Nat.............I know what happened with honeyen!!! :D

Mai bok though...........or there will be no suspense on Thurs at "you know where"!!! :D

I think the bull would be easier to conquer than the tambourine LMAO....what outfit?? Candy is going in her "birthday suit" (kidding) :o

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Nat.........awww such nice words.....at least we got a "bite"!!! :o Not a rainbow trout.........catfish?

LC is about ready to post our pic Nat.......you know what I mean :D...errr......maybe not, she went offline :D

Candy........it should be shaking your "toom toom"......not the butt, LMAO :D

Hmmmm............"someone" received a call this morning from the "fish".........and she disappeared offline........what do you girls think? Off for a secret ........?

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Nat.........awww such nice words.....at least we got a "bite"!!!  Not a rainbow trout.........catfish?
European carp :D
LC is about ready to post our pic Nat.......you know what I mean ...errr......maybe not, she went offline

She was having trouble loading them - something to do with their size :o:D

Hmmmm............"someone" received a call this morning from the "fish".........and she disappeared offline........what do you girls think? Off for a secret ........?

Secret rendezvous for a lunch time quickie? :D Good for her :D

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She was having trouble loading them - something to do with their size :o  :D

Definitely the size. It was never like this when I loaded the picture of... err.. someone. :D

My hand's up for Saturday. And indeed dress to kill. I'm gonna kill someone all right. :D

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Dressed to kill???? :o Mai dai...........I dont want to kill anyone LMAO :D

Hope you girls have fun on Sat.........Nat ........get it all out girl LMAO!!! Just kidding darling.

Yeah LC is most prob having problems with the size (ahem) :D Sorry guys............patience is required.......good things will come to those who wait.......

I can feel the suspense and anticipation now........... :D

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