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New Siam Commercial Bank Atm Withdrawal Fee?

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I noticed an odd thing...in the past few days... And wondered if it's begun happening with anyone else....

For the past year, I have met my daily cash needs by using a variety of U.S. bank ATM/debit cards and withdrawing money from the Thai bank ATM that happens to be closest and most convenient to my home, which is an Siam Commercial Bank ATM right next to one of their currency exchange booths.

No matter what USA debit card I used, always the same type transaction and no surcharge/fee involved.

Then in the past week, I made four different withdrawals in the same manner, one each on the 12th and 13th with no fee. And then, I made other withdrawals on the 14th and 15th, and suddenly started seeing a 20 baht per transaction fee assessed which shows up on the printed SCB ATM receipt... even though the withdrawal amounts and the ATM card used were the same as I always typically have done where there was no fee...

So, perplexed about that, I went back, and pulled out of my file folder piles of past SCB ATM withdrawal slips over the past few months...and checked each one, and found NONE that had any fee assessed -- none except the two receipts I had received in the past two days....

Which makes me wonder, have they for some reason started assessing a new withdrawal fee... Because, at my end of things, I'm doing nothing different now than I've done for all these past months... If so... interesting timing, that just happens to coincide with the sudden rise in the value of the dollar and weakening of the baht...

I was going to call SCB's call center to inquire about this...but thought I'd check with others here...to see if anyone else is having the same experience...

PS... I checked the records for my USA bank account that I'm pulling the funds from. It shows just a single withdrawal amount for each transaction, and no separate ATM fee being assessed. My USA bank does refunds for other banks ATM charges. But since the SCB 20 baht charge isn't showing up as a separate fee at the U.S. end, I'm not sure I can get them refunded. Based on the resulting exchange rates, it looks like SCB is just tacking their fee onto my withdrawal amount, and passing the total along to the U.S. bank as a single amount.

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I noticed exactly the same thing. A withdrawal from SCB on 16 June had 20 Baht fee added, whereas on all my withdrawals previously I never saw such a fee printed on the ATM slip. This is using a VISA debit card issued by a UK bank.

I wonder if all the Thai banks are doing this now? e.g. Bangkok Bank? Thai Farmer's? Can anyone let us know?

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Would that UK bank be the Nationwide ?

Looks like SCB ATM's are now to be avoided...

Still you could try doing a withdrawal in branch and see what happens ? Does the charge still apply then ? (This is when you talk to them and they swipe the card - this may only be possible if you have a bank account with the bank)

<br />I noticed exactly the same thing. A withdrawal from SCB on 16 June had 20 Baht fee added, whereas on all my withdrawals previously I never saw such a fee printed on the ATM slip. This is using a VISA debit card issued by a UK bank. <br />I wonder if all the Thai banks are doing this now? e.g. Bangkok Bank? Thai Farmer's? Can anyone let us know?<br />
<br /><br /><br />
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I had just sent and received an email from my USA credit union and they said their fees are no different. I pulled the same amount out on June 11th and June 23rd....and the exchange rate was better on the later date. BUT, I had to pay US $1.58 MORE for the 2nd exchange. Even adding the 20 baht fee to the mix would NOT explain it. By the way, my SCB ATM slip shows no fee on either day. I will call SCB to find out if they can explain it. But even a new 20 baht fee would not explain my problem. BTW, I am using an ATM card from USA that is NOT Visa-branded. If I learn more, I will add the information.

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I called the "English-speaking" Call Center of SCB and I am no more enlightened. I explained that I used an InstantCash card, which the helper thought had some bearing. He said it's either Visa or MC, but since the exchange rate is the same for both of those credit cards, I don't know why he was so interested. All visa cards start with numeral 4, and MC with 5. My InstantCash starts with the number 6. They admitted to adding a 20 baht fee. When I said the fee was NOT identified on the receipt, he asked if I would send a copy of my slips to him. I told him I don't have a fax. I asked if I went to an SCB branch in Pattaya whether they could help me. He said they would probably call the Call Center while I was there. Round and round. Pay more, get less.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just recently returned to BKK from a trip back to the U.S. to find the news about SCB having resumed, and apparently made permanent, their previously short-lived 20 baht fee on ATM withdrawals using non-Thai cards....

I generally have had very good experience with SCB, and previously had always used their ATMs for my cash withdrawals, whether from my account with them or other accounts from the U.S.

But now, on principle, I'm done with that. Many other Thai banks available with no fees and comparable exchange rates... Let's just hope the other Thai banks don't follow SCB's example by implementing similar fees.

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