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Gynecologist In Bangkok?


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Greetings. Can I possibly get a recommendation for a (female) gynecologist in Bangkok? My partner (36) is not getting a clear explanation of risk/benefit of treatment options at Phaya Thai II for what appears to be endometriosis (typical interaction: "Why don't you have some children? Or wait a few years and have a hysterectomy? But right now, would you rather have pills or an injection?").

Many thanks in advance for any pointers.

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Although I can't give you any specific names, the women's health section at Bumrungrad Hospital is fantastic (although quite expensive)..you pay for the excellent service.

I have endometriosis and had laparoscopic surgery (key hole surgery through the belly button) 7 years ago (not in Thailand). I was having unbearably painful periods and other symptoms and yes, the doctor said the fastest way to 'cure' endo was to have a child. That not being an option, he said to have a laparoscopy or go back on the contraceptive pill. I had been of the pill for 7 years and hadn't had any symptoms of endometriosis, but when I stopped taking it was when I found out I had it. In hindsight, I regret having the surgery because within 6 months of the operation, I was having painful periods again and have now got fibroids which have grown in areas where there would have been scar tissue, so I was/am no better off. I would suggest she go on the pill as it suppresses symptoms and is not invasive like the surgery.

Hope it all works out for you.

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You could try Ramathipodi hospital on Rama 6 Road . The department is on the 4th floor of the main building. I know all these people personally, I feel sure you will find some help for your problem there. Good Luck.

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I have had to start taking the pill too because of a beginning of endometriosis. I have never liked taking it because it makes me put on weight and it gets me quite moody but, as RueFang said, it's probably better than something as drastic as an operation or a life changing decision like having a child.

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Greetings. Can I possibly get a recommendation for a (female) gynecologist in Bangkok? My partner (36) is not getting a clear explanation of risk/benefit of treatment options at Phaya Thai II for what appears to be endometriosis (typical interaction: "Why don't you have some children? Or wait a few years and have a hysterectomy? But right now, would you rather have pills or an injection?").

Many thanks in advance for any pointers.

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ive suffered with endo for ten years now ive had 4 operations 3 key holes and one where they cut me open across abdomin

they to told me i should have a baby, that was after they keept telling me i must be pregnant!

ive managed to stay out of hospitals now for 3 years mostly due to management of the PILL as the solution.....

i used to present weekly in emergency due to cronic pain....i used to get blured vison from the pain its that intense....on 2 occassions they have found cysts in front of the overies so make sure they check that cos that seem to be what was generating the majority of pain.....

i dont know of any doctors in thailand but its my gretest fear coming there twice a year that i will get stuck down from this hideous disease!!

as bad as the pill is and i also put on 24 kilos, which i have since lost thanx to weight watchers it really is the only solution! I dont have any periods anymore and my lif has changed for the better!

hope u get some help...i hobbled around for years in pain adn NO ONE could help!


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Just be careful with the diagnosis - even at Bumrungrad. Some years ago I was diagnosed with endometrosis by a female doctor at bumrungrad (forget the name) and was proscribed medication. I ALWAYS come home and research any medication I've been given on the internet before taking it and discovered that it had very serious side effects and that, in fact, endometreosis can only by confirmed by visually inspecting the abdominal organs by a procedure called a laparoscopy - which the doctor had not done or even mentioned. I returned to bumrungrad and saw another doctor (Noppodol who worked in the UK for 20 years) who confirmed that the original doctor should not have made such a quick diagnosis.

Anyhow, in the end he felt that I basically suffered from cronic pelvis pain (had had it since 17 years old) and that it would most likely go away after having a baby - in the three and a half years since having my son I have only twice had a slight twinge in that area and have not had any further ovarian cysts so I guess he was right!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

A friend recently had a laproscopy done at Siriraj for endometriosis.

They went there because of price. If paying 150k+ is no object to you, then you may want to consider the private hospitals for the convenience and service. If you don't happen to be independently wealthy however, you might want to consider talking with Professor Leungsin. He runs a clinic every M,W,F from 17:00 - 21:00 directly across the street from Wat Arun on Arunamarin, and during the day works out of Siriraj. Most Thai doctors in the field know who he is.

The laproscopy, complete with an overnight stay in a private room overlooking the Chao Phraya river (request that early if you want it, there are only 6 of them), was only 26,000 Baht for everything.

His clinic is Thai style. People start queueing up at about 15:00 to get a number, and then you have to wait. Sometimes up to 2 hours. He's very well known, inexpensive, and speaks very good English. If you demand things the way they are in the West, this may not be for you. But if you are willing to do it the same way as the locals, it works well.

For anyone who is having trouble conceiving, (the reason for my friend's decision to tackle the endometriosis) he's also the cheapest IVF service in town. If you really want to save money but would like to use the services of another physician, you might consider doing the initial egg extraction here, and then having the embryos transferred to your preferred physician. Can save alot of money. FSH's such as Pergonal are expensive no matter what you do, but you will save at least 50% going this route.

Edited by gregb
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  • 9 months later...

Wanted to bump this up because someone asked me for a recommendation. Like other doctors, try and try again until you find the right one for you. I had a great, young gyno at BNH but she left and I wasn't comfortable with the replacement. We then moved to Bumrungrad and have been very happy with Dr Chartchai who is one of the endo/laprascopic specialists. The variety of treatment options I've been offered at Bummers is much greater than at BNH and I feel the diagnostics have been better handled. I have thrown a lot of questions at Dr Chartchai and he has patiently answered all of them.

Incidentally in my case the pill made absolutely no difference in my fibroid growth. Apparently there are some people that the hormone treatment just doesn't work for.

Edited by Goinghomesoon
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