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Ajarn Andrew Talking On Thai Tv On Thai Politics


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I believe it was flummoxed who posted a Thai TV link in these forums last week. I showed it to my Thai wife(we're in the US now but moving to Thailand soon). Last Friday, I believe, she was watching one of the Bangkok stations on the computer, she saw a Farang named Andrew talking in fluent Thai in a very Thai-sensitive way, taking care not to patronize or denigrate Thais, about politics in Thailand.

Anybody see him on Thai TV and/or know the guy?

Just Curious - I don't speak Thai so was couldn't understand what he said.

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He's lived here about 10 years and graduated from Ramk. University. He works for a newspaper and one of the tv stations.

Speaks excellent Thai according to my thai sources and understands all the nuances of speaking Thai as well. He told my wife that she speaks Thai with a farang accent when we met him. He was right as she had lived in the states for a number of years. Seems like a friendly guy.

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I've never met Andrew Biggs in person but I've corresponded with him through email once or twice since I was interested in possibly studying at Ramkamhaeng University if I could get my Thai skills up to par. The university doesn't require you to speak, read or write Thai at a very high level making it possible for foreigners to study there provided they pass a written test/interview in Thai of course. I saw Andrew at a tennis match in which Thai star Plaradon Srichapan was playing against some European guy. Andrew introduced the players (in both English and Thai) to the audience and made some comments as well. His Thai is excellent and unlike many foreigners who have picked up some Thai Conversation, he can actually read and write in Thai well enough to write his own books/articles; many of which are well-known. He's probably the biggest non-Asian celebrity in Thailand.

There is another guy (American I think) who travels around to the small villages upcountry where he plays the guitar and teaches Thai kids...his Thai is excellent although I'm not sure how it compares to Andrew's. Another one is Joe Cummings (American) who has written several books on Thai travel for Lonely Planet. Unlike English, Thai is much easier to speak if you learn to read it first since it's written in such as way that in most cases it tells you exactly how to pronounce the word.

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There is another guy (American I think) who travels around to the small villages upcountry where he plays the guitar and teaches Thai kids...his Thai is excellent although I'm not sure how it compares to Andrew's.

That would be Tod Lavelle. He's been on TV too.

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There is another quite famous farang here in Thailand(American), I understand he has been in Thailand about forty plus years, lectures in both Thai and English at Chula and originally formed the band named " Fong Nam" where he fused Thai and western music together to make a very nice sound, his name is Bruce Gaston. I have met the guy several times over my years in Thailand, he told me he came to Thailand in the Peace Core in 1963(?) and was never able to leave.

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These comments remind me of the Priest at the Mon(Hmong?) Hill Tribe Mission in Chang Mai, Father Harry Thiel, - he spoke Thai well(though I did/do not so I'm just geussing it was excellent) - its due to him that I met my wife. Harry(was getting quite old, some might have passed by now) had lived in Southeast Asia for over 30 years - he'd been a Chaplain in the US Army in Vietnam during the war.

Thanks for the info guys.


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