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Too Many Babies


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My g/f feels it's time to come off the Pill (good call at her time of life) but I can't face going back to the bad old days. Has anyone bitten the bullet so to speak here in Chiang Mai? My friend Bobbit said his wife arranged it as a surprise present but it sounded a bit on the painful side. :o

No really, I'm looking for some serious advice here.

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Search this forum for Wat Pa Pao :o .

(I don't know. Presumably Ram Hospital ?)

Good decision, btw. Not all men are willing to do it but there are many good reasons for vasectomy, not least of which is sparing your partner from birth control pills or fear of unwanted pregnancy.

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Chiang Mai Ram sorted mine out, no problems, back in the saddle (so to speak) within a week.

If you're concerned about cost or any more detailed information then just send a PM. I'll see if I can find the receipt but I'm sure that it can't have been too much otherwise I'd have been on to Blinky Bill's Patented Bovine Balls Bagger supplier.


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I did it at Mc Cormick 18 years ago after my 2nd son's birth.

Short time surgery, back home the next day, however I made the big mistake of returning to work almost straight away, in Burma's jungle of all places, and it was not the best place to be at that time... :o

So, my advice is to take it easy for a period of 2 or 3 weks, with medical facilities at hand...Just in case..


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Donot make a big deal out of it, it takes about 20 minutes, you may have some "non pleasure feelings" there afterwards, but it is not really a big thing.

All the guys i know who had it done ( including me) have had minor pain or discomfort afterwards.

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Had mine done long, long ago and it was quick and painless but then, that was in a place where such things are commonplace.

It strikes me that any procedure that is not at all common in Thailand, I would go to Bumrangrad in Bangkok and spend the money before letting someone carve into my sack. A poorly done snip and stitch can grow back together, leading to a very sorry unintentional pregnancy somewhere down the road.

Interview your surgeon, ask how many he has done and exactly what procedure he will use and if he stumbles and mumbles something like, "Umm, we will decide when we get in there", run for the nearest exit.

Educate yourself before you go in so you can ask intelligent questions!


Stay off the bicycle for a week or two... :o

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Had mine done long, long ago and it was quick and painless but then, that was in a place where such things are commonplace.

It strikes me that any procedure that is not at all common in Thailand, I would go to Bumrangrad in Bangkok and spend the money before letting someone carve into my sack. A poorly done snip and stitch can grow back together, leading to a very sorry unintentional pregnancy somewhere down the road.

Interview your surgeon, ask how many he has done and exactly what procedure he will use and if he stumbles and mumbles something like, "Umm, we will decide when we get in there", run for the nearest exit.

Educate yourself before you go in so you can ask intelligent questions!


Stay off the bicycle for a week or two... :o

Thanks for all the helpful info chaps - I feel like I'm joining some kind of an elite group here. Talking of feelings (good segue, huh?). I've read that it's OK but I'd just like some re-assurance that doing IT is no less of a pleasurable experience.

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Thanks for all the helpful info chaps - I feel like I'm joining some kind of an elite group here. Talking of feelings (good segue, huh?). I've read that it's OK but I'd just like some re-assurance that doing IT is no less of a pleasurable experience.

As far as I know IT is always a pleasurable experience. I have a couple of friends who were Network Administrators and they said it was great.....


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Read www.dontfixit.org before you do anything.

I am in chronic pain. Had it done long before the Internet.

Try to find a doctor or urologist (they're the ones who have to repair the mess afterwards) who has had a vasectomy.

Can't find one? They don't want to discuss it?

There is a reason for that!

Vasectomy is lunacy. You will regret it. Use natural birth control methods instead for x years until menopause. A vasectomy is for life.

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Minor point, but objectively there are NOT too many babies.

In fact Thailand's birth rate is lower than that of the USA.

In fact Thailand's birth rate is lower than the level needed to sustain the current population.

In fact if you go out and look around in the villages you will even see empty local schools, closed due to lack of children.

Given that Thailand is NOT a first world country that can rely on a smaller but highly skilled workforce, and a very safe environment, this is a VERY worrying trend.

Go out and make babies! Thailand NEEDS babies desperately.

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Go out and make babies! Thailand NEEDS babies desperately.

Only if you'll change the nappies, bring them up lovingly and pay for their education :o . Problem is, I'd be going on seventy by the time any new progeny of mine got into secondary school and the very thought of all that football and frisbee and party games and driving around and making them do their homework makes me feel faint already so, much as the idea of having another one of my own appeals on one level, practicality is going to win out. Interesting points though, thanks.

Trevor's post and the site he linked to is giving me pause for thought. I started this with my mind pretty much made up and just looking for some practical advice about local facilities but now I'm not so sure. It does seem as if a significant minority of people do suffer serious after effects so a lot more research is in order.

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Read www.dontfixit.org before you do anything.

It will make you squimish if you read it afterwards!

In reponse to the post Thailand needs more babies. I answer the world needs less babies. What would happen if there was a decrease in the world population? More food for everyone? Less pollution? Cheaper oil? the list goes on doesn't it? In my opinion, people should be adopting more.

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Okay - found the receipt:

Dr Sumeth Handagoon, Chiang Mai Ram Hospital,

Total cost B6,429 (B4,000 of which was the fee for the doc for the op).

I had the snip in April, so info should be current.



Do NOT wear loose underwear for the week immediately after the op, snug jockeys rather than airy boxers.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Okay - found the receipt:

Dr Sumeth Handagoon, Chiang Mai Ram Hospital,

Total cost B6,429 (B4,000 of which was the fee for the doc for the op).

I had the snip in April, so info should be current.



Do NOT wear loose underwear for the week immediately after the op, snug jockeys rather than airy boxers.

Vasectomy -- like vaccination -- is just another cash cow for the medical mafia. Did you think to ask the doctor if he had had a vasectomy himself. Middle-class Thais just DON'T. They have more sense than the BBC-brainwashed Westerners.

To the OP: just use natural methods of birth control, with the emergency pill and abortion as last-ditch back-ups. Don't mutilate your crown jewels guys ... you'll regret it one way or another, sooner or later. Is it natural to do this surgery? No f***ing way.

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Okay - found the receipt:

Dr Sumeth Handagoon, Chiang Mai Ram Hospital,

Total cost B6,429 (B4,000 of which was the fee for the doc for the op).

I had the snip in April, so info should be current.



Do NOT wear loose underwear for the week immediately after the op, snug jockeys rather than airy boxers.

Vasectomy -- like vaccination -- is just another cash cow for the medical mafia. Did you think to ask the doctor if he had had a vasectomy himself. Middle-class Thais just DON'T. They have more sense than the BBC-brainwashed Westerners.

To the OP: just use natural methods of birth control, with the emergency pill and abortion as last-ditch back-ups. Don't mutilate your crown jewels guys ... you'll regret it one way or another, sooner or later. Is it natural to do this surgery? No f***ing way.

So the annual vasectomy session, exclusively for Thais I believe and gratis, at the Mother and Child Hospital is part of the BBC's plan to brainwash the Thai people?


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Vasectomy -- like vaccination -- is just another cash cow for the medical mafia. Did you think to ask the doctor if he had had a vasectomy himself. Middle-class Thais just DON'T. They have more sense than the BBC-brainwashed Westerners.

To the OP: just use natural methods of birth control, with the emergency pill and abortion as last-ditch back-ups. Don't mutilate your crown jewels guys ... you'll regret it one way or another, sooner or later. Is it natural to do this surgery? No f***ing way.

Trevor, your original post and link gave me pause to consider - a lifetime of pain/discomfort even, is too high a price to pay so I'm doing a bit more research amongst friends who either did it or looked into it seriously in England. However....

...your claim that vaccination is simply a money making wheeze for the medical profession is completely off the wall and doesn't even merit the effort of a serious challenge. Do you really believe that? I'm amazed.

Furthermore, the idea of using "natural birth control" techniques which are notoriously unreliable and then shifting the burden of remedy onto a loved one even, if as you claim it's a "last ditch back up" is kind of prehistoric in its outlook. Phew! Glad we're not married, eh?

PS Don't dis the Beeb - I used to work there and don't recall any brainwashing re. vasectomies. Don't think it's even featured on The Archers apart from the cattle as far as I can remember.

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Vasectomy -- like vaccination -- is just another cash cow for the medical mafia. Did you think to ask the doctor if he had had a vasectomy himself. Middle-class Thais just DON'T. They have more sense than the BBC-brainwashed Westerners.

To the OP: just use natural methods of birth control, with the emergency pill and abortion as last-ditch back-ups. Don't mutilate your crown jewels guys ... you'll regret it one way or another, sooner or later. Is it natural to do this surgery? No f***ing way.

Trevor, your original post and link gave me pause to consider - a lifetime of pain/discomfort even, is too high a price to pay so I'm doing a bit more research amongst friends who either did it or looked into it seriously in England. However....

...your claim that vaccination is simply a money making wheeze for the medical profession is completely off the wall and doesn't even merit the effort of a serious challenge. Do you really believe that? I'm amazed.

Furthermore, the idea of using "natural birth control" techniques which are notoriously unreliable and then shifting the burden of remedy onto a loved one even, if as you claim it's a "last ditch back up" is kind of prehistoric in its outlook. Phew! Glad we're not married, eh?

PS Don't dis the Beeb - I used to work there and don't recall any brainwashing re. vasectomies. Don't think it's even featured on The Archers apart from the cattle as far as I can remember.

I was just using the Oxbridge-mafia-run BBC as a metaphor for the way Westerners are brainwashed into believing what the authorities and professions tell them. One example is the fairytale that male hormones are unaffected by vasectomy; patently untrue as back-pressure in the testes causes self-destruction of the testicular cells. My andrologist in London, Dr Malcolm Carruthers http://www.goldcrossmedical.com/ has written books about post-vasectomy complications; over 20% of his patients are vasectomised -- double the national rate of vasectomy -- go figure. And it IS a cash cow: do the sums -- 50,000 snips in the USA annually times $300 ... c'mon don't make me laugh ... and that's not including the cost of urologists attempting to fix up all the complications ... it's a massive cash cow! And I'm talking real-world costs, not NHS-subsidised.

Natural birth-control are not 'notoriously-unreliable' if conducted properly. Have you tried before dismissing it out-of-hand? It takes practice; use abstention/condoms/masturbation during the high-risk days, it's not the end of the world ... but chronic testicular pain is, believe me! And there are the last-ditch remedies I mentioned which DO NOT inflict chronic pain on the body like vasectomy can.

Actually, female sterlization -- in contrast to vasectomy -- is fairly popular in Thailand. But this too can have long-term effects on hormones and cause internal infection. Not recommended but preferable to male sterilization.

P.S. Don't forget to read the real-world forum comments at www.dontfixit.org

P.P.S. A survey of your mates is hardly justification (or not) for undergoing vasectomy. Men don't even like to talk about the subject. But those who do admit that sex is not the same afterwards.

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