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I have her about convinced, that at least with me, "I do not know" is an acceptable answer

MY GOD!!! how did you THAT?!?!?!

have you also taught her how to say "I don't understand" insteading of just smiling and pretending?


I took the following approach. When I would ask a question and she would not immediately answer "Yes" or "No", and I could tell that she was not thinking considering her answer, I would simply say, "'I do not know' is an acceptable answer". It took a while but it seems to have soaked in. I am always careful to say, "If you do not know it is ok, tell me and we will see about how we can find out". I think giving her an out made it happen.

"I don't understand"...that is improving as well. When I explain something or ask something, if an answer or "ack" is not forthcoming, I will usually ask, politely, "Do you understand?" The response is usually "Yes" (= yes), "Not sure" (= I am close, please explain or ask again), or "Maybe" (in a light-hearted tone, = I do not have a farging clue).

tried all that... maybe just takes longer than 3 years...

response "yes" could mean anything... sigh... still... gotta love em :D

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I have her about convinced, that at least with me, "I do not know" is an acceptable answer

MY GOD!!! how did you THAT?!?!?!

have you also taught her how to say "I don't understand" insteading of just smiling and pretending?


I took the following approach. When I would ask a question and she would not immediately answer "Yes" or "No", and I could tell that she was not thinking considering her answer, I would simply say, "'I do not know' is an acceptable answer". It took a while but it seems to have soaked in. I am always careful to say, "If you do not know it is ok, tell me and we will see about how we can find out". I think giving her an out made it happen.

"I don't understand"...that is improving as well. When I explain something or ask something, if an answer or "ack" is not forthcoming, I will usually ask, politely, "Do you understand?" The response is usually "Yes" (= yes), "Not sure" (= I am close, please explain or ask again), or "Maybe" (in a light-hearted tone, = I do not have a farging clue).

tried all that... maybe just takes longer than 3 years...

response "yes" could mean anything... sigh... still... gotta love em :D

We are at 4 years 2 months...still in training.

I have her pretty well dialed-in on the responses. "Yes" truly means "yes" better than 90% of the time. Once in a while I will even get a "no" or "not understand". She is a smart girl and has figured out that I will not take the "let it slide" approach to avoid a bit of unease, and that when I am asking a question or explaining something it is important...I really do not like to talk all that much. At least not as much as I write/type. :D

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I have her about convinced, that at least with me, "I do not know" is an acceptable answer

MY GOD!!! how did you THAT?!?!?!

have you also taught her how to say "I don't understand" insteading of just smiling and pretending?


I took the following approach. When I would ask a question and she would not immediately answer "Yes" or "No", and I could tell that she was not thinking considering her answer, I would simply say, "'I do not know' is an acceptable answer". It took a while but it seems to have soaked in. I am always careful to say, "If you do not know it is ok, tell me and we will see about how we can find out". I think giving her an out made it happen.

"I don't understand"...that is improving as well. When I explain something or ask something, if an answer or "ack" is not forthcoming, I will usually ask, politely, "Do you understand?" The response is usually "Yes" (= yes), "Not sure" (= I am close, please explain or ask again), or "Maybe" (in a light-hearted tone, = I do not have a farging clue).

tried all that... maybe just takes longer than 3 years...

response "yes" could mean anything... sigh... still... gotta love em :D

We are at 4 years 2 months...still in training.

I have her pretty well dialed-in on the responses. "Yes" truly means "yes" better than 90% of the time. Once in a while I will even get a "no" or "not understand". She is a smart girl and has figured out that I will not take the "let it slide" approach to avoid a bit of unease, and that when I am asking a question or explaining something it is important...I really do not like to talk all that much. At least not as much as I write/type. :D

I think the most and I mean the worst action they do, is to get up, wia and say we go now! I'm sitting there looking like a thick c**t, saying "why whats wrong?" and they say nothin! until you get outside and they say paper wrong, have to do it again' Wot paper! they say, 'No sign" and as I grab her round the neck hissing" I could have signed it at the desk?" she says "No darlin, lady too busy you come back tomorrow!" AGHHHHHHHHHH! thats after sitting there for 5 hrs. Thank god I trained that out of her! LOL (ps: now I can leave her to pay all the bills with the ATM, and she doesn't touch a penny more! I must be very lucky)

Edited by peterandcat
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