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Immigration Chief Cracks Down On Unwanted Foreigners

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rken, Shouldn't bitch too much about US imm. I have friend in SF, it took him over a year to get his loving wife into the US and a green card and the whole bit.

Now he would give any thing if they would not have let her in. His wife got Americanized real fast ( her new found Americanized Thai friends in US straightened her out ) now shes making life hel_l for this guy. Taking him to the cleaners.

She got a smart lawyer care of her new found Thai friends.

His life is hel_l. Courts, lawyers, ,divorce, money money money down the drain.

Plus all the heartache I hear about.

Never take Thai wife to America.. You heard it here.

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That is the problem; we are NOT wanted here.

Thailand makes it annoying and tight with the 30 day and 90 day visas to make staying in Thailand difficult.

They could make it a lot harder, but they could make it more lucrative too.

Currently everyone jumps a border somewhere and has to pay travel and Visa's into other countries.

They could save everyone much pain by simply allowing extensions to be done in-house and paying a price for the same.

Therefore the money stays in Thailand and could be used to pay for the system that has just been dreamed up.

PS, If they are going to get a good satellite image of my wifes house in the village, I would like a copy too.

Google Earth has such poor quality maps of Surin that I can't make out where the village is, let alone having a picture of the house!!!

Ummmm...what do you mean, "everyone jumps a border"? That might be your situation, but certainly is not mine, nor is it that of many other expats here.

I also do not follow your comment "...allowing extensions to be done in-house". What is "in-house"? It seems to me that there is an extension mechanism in place for those who qualify...working on permit, marriage to a Thai national, education purposes, etc etc etc. Granted, the process may not be as streamlined and efficient as it could be, but what governmentally-run process is?

There is a process in place for visa extensions for those with a "legitimate reason to be here". Those reasons are rightfully determined by the Thai government, and "I want to be in Thailand long-term without going through the proper steps" is not one of them.

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Giving Thai officials the finger on arrival on Phuket and elsewhere will become customary if Cabinet approves a proposal from Thai Immigration officials to make fingerprinting compulsory for foreigners arriving at Thailand's international airports.

The proposal would enable officials to also keep track of foreigners as they travel around Thailand.

- Full report at www.phuketwan.com

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Funniest thread on TV for ages. It reminds me of the visa change thread 2-3 years ago in which the same thing happened - moral outrage, fear and petty griping by those here on tenuous grounds.

It's a shame. It really is.

Funny to hear those who want to leave because of the changes . . what's stopping you all?

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... informers who prove themselves as having excellent powers of observation, good memories and a concise, accurate reporting style are now issued an ID card that enables them to quickly report a suspicious foreigner and have the case taken seriously by Immigration.

I'm sure there would never be any abuse of this power, :o

Glaciers and bureaucracy move about the same speed so all of this is much ado about nothing, :D

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With the aim of smoothing out the immigration process for many foreigners, Gen Chatchawan said that foreigners known to be honest, responsible and posing no threat to Thailand can be issued cards that will facilitate swift passage past immigration checkpoints.

I reckon I'd qualify for one of those... :o

Where do I sign up?


Me too :D

Me too, but how many Baht do I have to pay to be known us such a foreign person? :D

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in the matters of wanting to make thailand a more 'investable' country, and make people have more respect for the region, will he work towards reducing the corrupt immigration offices at all the thai boarders? (especially poipet (which is nothing short of a farce) ,, and also nong-kai (laos), which has the most crazy exchange rate in place to rip off all people carrying thai baht, in order to get 10 dollars extra for the laos visa)

I am talking about the immigration staff from the 'neighbour' countries, (NOT thailand immigration officers).

also, will he give lessons to thai immigration officers in mathematics so that they can count 90 days (with the visa-waiver rules). I have personally had to correct one officers maths twice!!

also, why does the Airport have ONE DAY FREE OVERSTAY??? why is this not also at the boarders? why is the airport special?

on a side note, it would be good if the thai immigration website could be made more accessible and have the rules of this 90 days waiver visa written more clearly.

also, having a GOOD english speaker on the help-line would make thailand more foreign-friendly!!

if he wants to make people invest in thailand and trust thailand,, how about resolving the many un-resolved issues :o

it would certainly make foreigners lives easier!

and if thailand wants foreiogn investment, it has to make more foreign-friendly policies!!

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This is big brother at his worst. Think of the possibilities you get a speeding fine in your home country but fail to pay it because you were on the way to the airport and now living in Thailand eventually an arrest warrant is issued and your biometric passport is marked as such and hey presto no need for extradition treaties you are refused re-entry to Thailand for a very small offence or am I just being pessimistic

Possibly, but just in case, stop dicking about, be a good chap and go pay your traffic tickets, eh? Social responsibility begins at home!

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-- Phuket Gazette 2008-07-29

The system is not only to arrest illegal immigrants but also to offer higher levels of safety and protection to VIP visitors. In order for the database to be practical, only those with visas that allow longer stays and VIPS are monitored,” Gen Chatchawan explained.

All they have to do is surrounf Soi's 1,3 & 5 with army troops, house to house, room room searches and demand everyone show their passports, that would take care of a couple thousand illegals, then do it again a week later, then again in a month.

They would not only get the illegals but I am sure once they are penned up in the Immigration jail, they would gladly give up their 'benefactors' those that look the other way, accept payoffs, and issue bogus visa extensions year after year.

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...Speaking about the 54 Burmese who suffocated in a refrigeration truck en route to Phuket on April 9, Gen Chatchawan said, “By law, this incident cannot be classified as human trafficking as there was no employer identified as being involved, meaning that it was simply a violation of entering without passing a checkpoint....

It took 20 posts before anyone commented on this nonsense. This shows the intellectual calibre of the man and indicates that the rest of his ramblings should also be disregarded.

Yes Jetset, it grabbed my attention but after a mouthful of coffee all the rage and indignation subsided. After all, it does fit with their reasoning on most criminal investigations that may mean having to actually do some work, i.e. a body is found bound, gagged and brutally stabbed to death in a partially burned out apartment. The crime scene investigators quickly ascertain from the neighbors that the victim was a likable, friendly sort with no known enemies. In that case it can't possibly be a homicide, just another inexplicable (but very determined) suicide.

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He explained that Immigration will introduce a real-time national database called “Pisces” (Personal Identification Secure Comparison Evaluation System) as well as Advanced Passenger Process (APP) and Advanced Passenger Information (API) computer systems so that officers can quickly and more effectively process arrivals.

As the new IT database systems are already named, has anybody ever heard of them. In the west it would take years of planning (and multiple budget overdraws) to create such a thing, so surely there must be some documentation about this from different sources?

I am sure the Phuket Gazette will quote multiple opinions from the various involved government agencies in their print version, but as we have only the online article as source, maybe somebody can write more here?

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This is one of many quintessential press releases by a Thai ministry who’s turn it is to justify their meager existence. The catchy system names and superlatives are very similar to any western puff piece used when rolling out a new product or service. Substitute a Sony, HP or IBM and it sounds just like their product release announcement. Of course you usually don’t have dead Burmese in the mix nor does it contain a “Rat Squad” component.

The systems are nothing new to developed countries. The general talks about “important Synergies” like he just discovered the cure for AIDS. What he means is that they will be getting dedicated telephone lines that will somehow let one computer talk to another and share information contained in various databases. I just think back to just a few short months ago when renewing my Retirement Visa watching the officer review my giant file and logging me in a ledger the size of a extra large pizza box.

For almost two years I’ve had a Thai Longstay Management Card that gives me fast track privileges in and out of Thailand’s airports. I simply pay for the improved service. I guess if Immigration gives me a free card I can become an informer. I do have excellent powers of observation, my memory is ok and I can report in a concise manner when necessary.

The general tells us technology at Immigration is going to “shake up the ranks” that will enhance national stability to improve investor confidence? What a load…No where do I sign up.

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I don't think I have ever read more crap in just one article in all my life, and this coming from the general in charge for immigration of a country :D

His comment on the 54 Burmese deaths and "Burmese can work at rates that Thais will not accept and employers cannot afford to pay more – making them a necessity" says enough on how the powers of this country think about their society.

Truly disgusting :o

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Well guys the current govrenment is under attack from every direction. So lets show the citizens that we are working and improving things. Doesn't matter what we think, but the image does matter to Thai's.

A bit different to see it coming out of Phucket, for years it was Pattaya amd all those changes, never changed one thing in Issan. I will take that back can't use the same embassy letter as long.

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In addition, details of where foreigners reside, including satellite pictures with details of where foreigners live, are now stored on a centralized database and monitored for irregularities, he said.

I would be quite interested to hear where those sat pics are supposed to come from: as surely a commercial provider must be used, this might be quite a cost. Not that I am assuming here that the Thai government would simply steal them from a free service like Google Earth, there are now extremely strict guidelines against all this kind of illegal stuff in place here on Phuket. :D

What the hel_l is this supposed to tell anyone? My house is hidden under a cloud on google Earth! :o

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In addition, details of where foreigners reside, including satellite pictures with details of where foreigners live, are now stored on a centralized database and monitored for irregularities, he said.

I would be quite interested to hear where those sat pics are supposed to come from: as surely a commercial provider must be used, this might be quite a cost. Not that I am assuming here that the Thai government would simply steal them from a free service like Google Earth, there are now extremely strict guidelines against all this kind of illegal stuff in place here on Phuket. :D

What the hel_l is this supposed to tell anyone? My house is hidden under a cloud on google Earth! :o

But the assumption must be anyway that they are not using Google Earth, but a commercial service -- that's a lot of very expensive photographs.

As all those many pedophiles are not so easy to spot from space I guess they must plan to go for the really good ones where you can read cars' number plates and maybe the angry frown in the face of the caught-out criminals...

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You know guys I think I finally have this figured out, They do these things so we sit at our computers bitching instead of hanging at a bars causing problems :o

Good one,Ray

I'll drink to that. Oooops

Wake me up when/if it happens :D


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If you find one of these snitches with a 'license' to report, are they wearing vulontiers uniforms or are they under cover looking to cash 500 THB for going overe a red light? :o

Edited by frankman
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Speaking about the 54 Burmese who suffocated in a refrigeration truck en route to Phuket on April 9, Gen Chatchawan said, "By law, this incident cannot be classified as human trafficking as there was no employer identified as being involved, meaning that it was simply a violation of entering without passing a checkpoint.

I feel... like vomiting. :ome too, if this is not human trafficking and murder by law, what else is? why was the employer not identified? maybe because he's protected by some people in high places, maybe even a general (sounds very much like)


I mean consider this sentence : "Also, informers who prove themselves as having excellent powers of observation, good memories and a concise, accurate reporting style are now issued an ID card that enables them to quickly report a suspicious foreigner and have the case taken seriously by Immigration."

??? What does it mean ??? this worked very well in nazi germany, where those 'excellent, good, accurate' informers were even given a part of the loot, in those days usually jewish. these days in los police are given part of confiscated drug money as a reward, so next immigration officers and 'informers' may share the property of extradited unwanted aliens. why not?

Eventually, a rather very strange cocktail.

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If you read the Thai press you'll see no shortage of nationalistic type comments from Gen Chatchawan.

The best thing Thailand could do to improve the perception the international community has of its economy and investment climate is not use army Generals' to run civil service departments (other than the army).

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If you read the Thai press you'll see no shortage of nationalistic type comments from Gen Chatchawan.

The best thing Thailand could do to improve the perception the international community has of its economy and investment climate is not use army Generals' to run civil service departments (other than the army).

The Immigration Bureau is not a civil service department. It is a unit of the National Police. Its commissioner was incorrectly identified in the article as 'Lt Gen ...'; he is actually 'Pol Lt Gen...'

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Giving Thai officials the finger on arrival on Phuket and elsewhere will become customary if Cabinet approves a proposal from Thai Immigration officials to make fingerprinting compulsory for foreigners arriving at Thailand's international airports.

The proposal would enable officials to also keep track of foreigners as they travel around Thailand.

- Full report at www.phuketwan.com

How! would they be able to keep track of your movements??? perhaps there are plans to put scanners in every 7/11, karaoke and noodle stall around Thailand!

Get real, they will only know your movements if you are picked up by the 'old bill' (English slang: Police) everytime you have a skin full and start trashing the local karoke 'cause she won't go with you for 200 baht!

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