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Dinner/drinks At Hard Rock Cafe, Siam Square


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In a lifetime of living in Los Angeles, I'd studiously managed to avoid ever going to a Hard Rock Cafe, in any city.... Since back home, they have a reputation as being over-priced hangouts for tourists who think there's something special about album/CD awards hanging from the walls.

So, I'd likewise had little interest in frequenting the HRC here in Siam Square Soi 11, (just a short walk from the Siam Paragon/Siam Square complex), but the TGF wanted to go there last night, so we went for dinner and then drinks and a bit of dancing afterward. From the experience, two things really stood out:

1. Much to my surprise, the food we had (both happening by coincidence to order American BBQ dishes) was really pretty good, a bit pricey but in line with BKK standards for such farang fare. I had their hickory smoked sliced BBQ beef brisket with french fries and cole slaw for about 450 baht, while the GF had the hickory smoked BBQ ribs.

In a year of living full-time in BKK, it was actually the first time I found myself saying the food there tasted EXACTLY like something good that I would have tasted back home in the States.... Were it not for all the 20-something Thai women hanging with the 40-50 something farang guys, I would NOT have even known I was in BKK based on the food alone. :o I think there are not too many western eateries in BKK where you'd make that statement, i.e., the taste alone making you think you were back "home".

Beef served in BKK/Thai restaurants, except in the higher end hotel steak houses, has tended to be pretty bad in general, tough and not so well prepared. But both my sliced beef and the GF's pork ribs were absolutely tender and flavorful...both very good presentations of basic, commercial American BBQ food.

Given that, I had a tough time NOT wanting to try their hamburgers, of which they have a whole group on the menu in 10 and 7 ounce sizes, hoping they can replicate the same experience with the burgers. But that will have to wait for the next time around. So, I'd say the food there, based on our BBQ, is to the good.

2. Then as to the music and dancing, I'd say not so good. On a Saturday night, they were staying open until 1:45 am and had the same Thai band playing mostly a mix of American rock n roll from about 9:30 pm on, while reverting to recorded music during the periodic band breaks. The individual drinks tended to be around 300 baht. But we ordered a bottle of Jack Daniels for 1,800 baht with mixers, and they will keep any unused portion for you for up to 3 months. So the next time, you're just paying for the added mixers.

I found a couple things disappointing about the music and dancing. Although the interior of the restaurant is reasonably comfortable and decorated, the space arrangement is pretty lousy for watching the band on the first-floor stage. There's a smallish center section of tables that basically line up with the band stage, but then there's two side sections, right and left, that pretty much are away, as well as some tables actually behind a wall behind the band stage itself, where anyone there might feel like they've been put in detention. Then there's a second floor area where they have some tables that look down onto the stage around an open center area... But even those views are pretty limited.

That and, while a few times during the night the band got into some hopping music that had most folks up and dancing around their tables, since there's no dedicated dance floor, they'd then promptly veer off into more standard rock music where pretty much the only thing folks could do was the standard head nodding/gesturing.... So at least on this particular night, the dancing was pretty limited, though a few unescorted Thai ladies did seem to be managing to strut their stuff together no matter what the music was.... Can't imagine why..... :D

On the other hand, if you're not really into dancing but just want to go and listen to some pretty familiar and standard renditions of American rock songs, and have some pricey drinks, then HRC's the place. All in all, though, I'd go for the dinner, and then look elsewhere for drinks and music afterward.


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In a lifetime of living in Los Angeles, I'd studiously managed to avoid ever going to a Hard Rock Cafe, in any city.... Since back home, they have a reputation as being over-priced hangouts for tourists who think there's something special about album/CD awards hanging from the walls.

So, I'd likewise had little interest in frequenting the HRC here in Siam Square Soi 11, (just a short walk from the Siam Paragon/Siam Square complex), but the TGF wanted to go there last night, so we went for dinner and then drinks and a bit of dancing afterward. From the experience, two things really stood out:

1. Much to my surprise, the food we had (both happening by coincidence to order American BBQ dishes) was really pretty good, a bit pricey but in line with BKK standards for such farang fare. I had their hickory smoked sliced BBQ beef brisket with french fries and cole slaw for about 450 baht, while the GF had the hickory smoked BBQ ribs.

In a year of living full-time in BKK, it was actually the first time I found myself saying the food there tasted EXACTLY like something good that I would have tasted back home in the States.... Were it not for all the 20-something Thai women hanging with the 40-50 something farang guys, I would NOT have even known I was in BKK based on the food alone. :D I think there are not too many western eateries in BKK where you'd make that statement, i.e., the taste alone making you think you were back "home".

Beef served in BKK/Thai restaurants, except in the higher end hotel steak houses, has tended to be pretty bad in general, tough and not so well prepared. But both my sliced beef and the GF's pork ribs were absolutely tender and flavorful...both very good presentations of basic, commercial American BBQ food.

Given that, I had a tough time NOT wanting to try their hamburgers, of which they have a whole group on the menu in 10 and 7 ounce sizes, hoping they can replicate the same experience with the burgers. But that will have to wait for the next time around. So, I'd say the food there, based on our BBQ, is to the good.

2. Then as to the music and dancing, I'd say not so good. On a Saturday night, they were staying open until 1:45 am and had the same Thai band playing mostly a mix of American rock n roll from about 9:30 pm on, while reverting to recorded music during the periodic band breaks. The individual drinks tended to be around 300 baht. But we ordered a bottle of Jack Daniels for 1,800 baht with mixers, and they will keep any unused portion for you for up to 3 months. So the next time, you're just paying for the added mixers.

I found a couple things disappointing about the music and dancing. Although the interior of the restaurant is reasonably comfortable and decorated, the space arrangement is pretty lousy for watching the band on the first-floor stage. There's a smallish center section of tables that basically line up with the band stage, but then there's two side sections, right and left, that pretty much are away, as well as some tables actually behind a wall behind the band stage itself, where anyone there might feel like they've been put in detention. Then there's a second floor area where they have some tables that look down onto the stage around an open center area... But even those views are pretty limited.

That and, while a few times during the night the band got into some hopping music that had most folks up and dancing around their tables, since there's no dedicated dance floor, they'd then promptly veer off into more standard rock music where pretty much the only thing folks could do was the standard head nodding/gesturing.... So at least on this particular night, the dancing was pretty limited, though a few unescorted Thai ladies did seem to be managing to strut their stuff together no matter what the music was.... Can't imagine why..... :D

On the other hand, if you're not really into dancing but just want to go and listen to some pretty familiar and standard renditions of American rock songs, and have some pricey drinks, then HRC's the place. All in all, though, I'd go for the dinner, and then look elsewhere for drinks and music afterward.


Agree on the crap dance floor/stage. Manila and Pattaya Hard Rocks much better set up for that.

Band is always tight (mostly filipinos), but a little too perfect/studio session musician for my liking..i like a bit of a rough edge to my live music.

I lived here for ages, and go to HR often(at my wifes bequest)...i swear I've seen some of the same hookers there for at least 5 years now. Pay must be good :o

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Yeah it's alright. The only thing that is a slight downer is the hordes of sub-grade freelancers prowling the place.


Gravity seems to keep them contained to the ground floor (with the exception of the odd trip to the 2nd floor toilets to multitask their client/"boyfriend" base).

I prefer to loiter on the mezzanine, with a good view of the band.

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Hahahahaha... yes... "hopping" music is the kind that much older farang guys do...when they can no longer dance hip-hopping... :D (Just making this up, of course)...

My meaning was more along the lines of, music that had the place and people inside hopping... just like... the Bunny Hop... remember???? :o

As for last night, the TGF and I emerged from our BBQ meals with no intestinal problems... So maybe the abovementioned problem at HRC was a bad night...

As for the bartop dancing, yes, there was some of that last night at HRC also... A couple of the waitresses got into the act downstairs, and then one very active farang guy (in front of the band all night) joined them above, along with a lady guest or two....for one or two songs... It was kind of fun to watch, particularly if you're not sitting at the bar and having to worry about your drink landing on the floor...

On that subject, a week or so back, we spent the night at Boss...dancing around one of their circular large tables where they have come coyote girls and guests dancing table top... Almost lost our drinks kicked to the floor there 3 or 4 times, before I gave up and moved our drinks and us to a different resting place.

If you're going to run that risk, at least do it at the Magic Table on Suk Soi 7-1...where the table side view is more entertaining... :D

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Much to my surprise, the food we had (both happening by coincidence to order American BBQ dishes) was really pretty good, a bit pricey but in line with BKK standards for such farang fare. I had their hickory smoked sliced BBQ beef brisket with french fries and cole slaw for about 450 baht, while the GF had the hickory smoked BBQ ribs.

I agree on the food. I had the nachos, the man had a burger. Both were higher quality then we expected. Glad you mentioned it actually as I'd go back for the food alone. And if you go early there isn't the crowd.

For the entertainment, the bands rotate through so you can find decent ones (I'm told). I went twice and as I didn't like the bands both times, going faded from my agenda.

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Desi, et. al... How's the burgers there???

After our good experience with the BBQ the other day, it really gave me hope that HRC might be a competitor in the quest to find a seriously good hamburger here in BKK...

What say those...who may have already tried an HRC burger?????

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That's interesting Kiakaha... I had a Thai friend, not my GF who went with that night, who had previously told me HRC had Thai food on their menu... So I had assumed that.

But when the TGF and I stopped by the other night, their main menu had all farang food, except I think for one Thai item... pad thai.... We were there from 9:30 pm until closing time...

If there was a separate Thai food menu, we didn't see it... And they certainly didn't offer it to my Thai GF.... Guess next time... we'll have to ask....

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Ya... no shirts... no memorabilia for me... 420 baht...maybe.... $420 dollars... HARDLY!!!!

Of course, I'd personally never go to HRC for Thai food.... But occasionally, one finds oneself with a female companion who ONLY wants to eat Thai food along with their drinking and dancing.... :o

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That's interesting Kiakaha... I had a Thai friend, not my GF who went with that night, who had previously told me HRC had Thai food on their menu... So I had assumed that.

But when the TGF and I stopped by the other night, their main menu had all farang food, except I think for one Thai item... pad thai.... We were there from 9:30 pm until closing time...

If there was a separate Thai food menu, we didn't see it... And they certainly didn't offer it to my Thai GF.... Guess next time... we'll have to ask....

its kind of a thai style bar snacks/entrees/salads style menu..i usually get 3 or 4 items and just pick at it (pork neck, beef, dipping sauces etc...)...i particularly like the grilled sliced pork neck.

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Yeah it's alright. The only thing that is a slight downer is the hordes of sub-grade freelancers prowling the place.


For a minute there I thought you were talking about CM2 at the Novotel, but I noticed a lack of ME patrons in your post so that can't be it for sure.

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Desi, et. al... How's the burgers there???

After our good experience with the BBQ the other day, it really gave me hope that HRC might be a competitor in the quest to find a seriously good hamburger here in BKK...

What say those...who may have already tried an HRC burger?????

I was having something else but took a bite of his burger. From what I remembered, it tasted pretty good. But, I'm not what you would call a hamburger connoisseur these days so don't take my word for it.

I've been in SE Asia for many years, so gave up on the search for a seriously good hamburger. I now make my own when the urge comes along (and as a seriously good burger also has a serious calorie count with it, that's not often).

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