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Been meaning to read that one, junki. Read a little about her story in an interview she gave, sounds like it wasnt an easy life to get out of.

Interested to hear if anyone has read it too.

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Been meaning to read that one, junki. Read a little about her story in an interview she gave, sounds like it wasnt an easy life to get out of.

Interested to hear if anyone has read it too.

eek.....i`ve read a few chapters today.very interesting so far...text is very basic though as it was translated by someone...

i`ll be living in chiang mai in january, so feel free if you like to borrow it....i`ll need your address though and they`ll be a late fee of 200baht every month :o hehehe :D

Edited by junki3korean
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hmm i would be interested in reading more about the yakuza- are the women tattoed as well then or is it just coincidence that she is?

so far i`ve read nothing about her tattoos....but i think being bought by a head yakuza family she is likely to get tatoo`d up.

i find it attractive though :o

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If i recall correctly from the article both men and women have the tattoos done. Although i like tattoos myself too, as i have several, I would never be able to do what she did. But, her reasons of course were different to mine. Even so, she does look good.

Going to get myself a copy in the next day or two as ive been looking for something new to read. Thanks for the offer to lend me the book anyway junki, but the 200 baht fee is just too high for me :D:o

Edited by eek
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just re-read 'pillars of the earth' by ken follet and also read it's new sequel 'world without end'- both about 1300 pages each, but well worth it. very good books.

looking for a new good book so keep the suggestions coming!

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Tha Blind Assasin by Margaret Atwood was brilliant. A story within a story within a story. Hooked on her now.

Now reading The Siege by Helen Dunmore which is great but I fear it is not going to be a particularly happy book!

Also just read Iris Murdoch "The Diving Bell" (going through a highbrow stage!). Very weird. think you would like her girlx, but you may have read her already? I need to reread it I feel. Very evocative. One of those ones that keeps popping up in your head even though you think you didn't enjoy it that much.

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yeah i have devoured all of margaret atwood's books already. feminists in the US trip over themselves to get to her books, which i have never understood as she is not a feminist writer. she has a beautiful way of putting things. i met her at a book signing once in NY and she is a fascinating woman.

i bought 'shantaram' to re-read today just because it is another one of those 1000-page books which should last me awhile and i am headed to the islands next week and plan to have a lot of reading time. :D

but still looking for good authors. i hate that feeling when you have read all of an author's books and there is no more to come :o. i fall in love with writers and read everything they have voraciously and then feel sort of empty when i am done... until i find the next good author.

oh- has anyone read any of the other books from the guy who wrote 'jasmine nights'? i forgot to look for that...

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I am in the middle of The Blind Assassin, what a great book. She also wrote "The Handmaid's Tale" which, while good, is quite a disturbing story.

A really good read that is being made into a movie with Leonardo DiCaprio is "Shutter Island" by the same guy who wrote "Mystic River".

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hi! after reading this topic ive been searching all over phuket (well sort of :D ) for Yakuza Moon: Memoirs of a Gangster's Daughter

cant find it anywhere went to the usual bookshops in jungecylon and asked at the desk but no luck anone in phuket know where i can get this...im itching to read it now :o

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Yakuza Moon is a good one. Straight forward prose, riveting. Very slim book, can probably finished it in one reading. I thought I saw a couple of copies at the big book store in Central Festival.

Anyone read books from the various top 10 books of 2008 lists that are published by the newspapers?

Can't seem to find some of the recently published books. Do they take a year or so to get to LOS?

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It's non-fiction but I've just finished "What's Happening to Our Girls - how kids are overstimulated, oversold and oversexed". It's a brilliant account of how girls and young women are shaped by modern society. Really good book, although very confrontational for me, who has a young daughter currently hooked on a particular brand of clothing. www.maggiehamilton.org/booksandaudio/ourgirls.htm

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I've just been introduced to Stephenie Meyer's books (although I gather I'm a little late to the party). I've read the first two (Twilight and New Moon) over the last ten days and I just started Eclipse this morning.

It's like Buffy before the series went off topic - pure, self-indulgent fantasy and I can't get enough of it! :o:D

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