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500k is ridiculous, hi-so thai chinese don't get this much.

That's not true. 500,000 is probably the average price of sin sot at the moment for the middle classes and it's what I showed at my wedding to get married (it was all returned to me afterwards though).

For a hi-so wedding it will be in the millions.

Agreed, 500,000 is not an outrageous amount at all. But it is not up to her to set the price, that should be a red flag at least, and then to argue with you about it????? Not good.

A Thai couple in Issan near Si Songkram got married a year and a half ago, she is a farmer's daughter and he works in a factory in Chonburi, he paid a dowry of 200,000. Some of the posters on here are a little behind the times I think.


Please tell me you are kidding!!

A Farang does NOT have to pay 1 satang sinsot.

Do you want to know why?

Because you are not Thai!

I will repeat this so there can be no mistake.

You do not have to pay sinsot because you are not Thai!

If her family insists on you paying...run like heck.

A little behind the times?

Dude you are living in the 18th century. Buying a wife, goodness gracious.

What about your culture? does that factor in at all?


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I recently met a 70 yo guy who said he was dating a woman 1/2 his age for several months. She was supposedly an accountant and very beautiful. After all that time, she still hasn't allowed him to kiss her. When the marriage topic came, she wanted 1,000,000 baht for the privilege of picking her young (for him) forbidden fruit.

Now that deserves a <deleted>!

Yes,but he probably was'nt too fussed as he was getting plenty from the three or four 20 year old stunners he very likely had on the go at the same time..........

Roy gsd

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"on the weekends she had one of those carts that she sold pancakes on a stick and shakes and all that stuff. To hear her say it, she didnt go to work in a real job because she lived at home, and with the farm and that cart, she made more money than she could if she lived in BKK and had room, food, taxi/motorbike, gas, whatever... Actually that is very believeable. Surin is cheap, very cheap, her home they have 3 new trucks, and like 5 motorbike. She does not need anything really."

Wait a minute....

Her family owns a huge kick ass chicken farm? 3 new trucks? 5 motor bikes? ets etc....

and she sells kanom from a cart to earn money? lol yeah right.

So did you see the farm when you went to Surin?

Obviously another troll

Yes I have see the chicken farm. Dad has truck, oldest sister has a truck, and brother has a truck. All relatively new... My girl, the 2 sisters, a cousin, and mom have motorbike.

Yes, she sells that stuff on the weekends and at the night market for s little extra cash... I have been there and seen it. Met all her friends at the markets when I was there, its real. Why is it hard to believe? Canyou explain that to me? If you know something then let me know, instead of being a smart ass.

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Might I be so bold to ask a few questions of the OP. 1.What education level have you attained? 2. What sort of job do you have? 3. What country are you from? 4. IF you marry her, I assume you will take her to your country to live? You must have quite a job to have 12 hours a day to chat on the internet. In my previous job, if I was caught at such activity for 12 minutes, I would be history. I assume you are self-employed or something.

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500k is ridiculous, hi-so thai chinese don't get this much.

That's not true. 500,000 is probably the average price of sin sot at the moment for the middle classes and it's what I showed at my wedding to get married (it was all returned to me afterwards though).

For a hi-so wedding it will be in the millions.

Agreed, 500,000 is not an outrageous amount at all. But it is not up to her to set the price, that should be a red flag at least, and then to argue with you about it????? Not good.

A Thai couple in Issan near Si Songkram got married a year and a half ago, she is a farmer's daughter and he works in a factory in Chonburi, he paid a dowry of 200,000. Some of the posters on here are a little behind the times I think.


Please tell me you are kidding!!

A Farang does NOT have to pay 1 satang sinsot.

Do you want to know why?

Because you are not Thai!

I will repeat this so there can be no mistake.

You do not have to pay sinsot because you are not Thai!

If her family insists on you paying...run like heck.

A little behind the times?

Dude you are living in the 18th century. Buying a wife, goodness gracious.

What about your culture? does that factor in at all?


It's not about having to pay it is about whether you want to, plenty of westerners pay sin sod because they want to, not everyone is a tight arse. I can't discuss this further with you if you believe that sin sod is "buying a wife", how culturaly retarded is that statement?

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Seriously, there are some fuc_ked up <deleted> in this forum. I come in here and tell a story and get flamed for being a troll?

Roy gsd, Arrogant ass hole.

Sonofdon, you are a moron. Really, you have NO valuable input and your grammar is retarded. Seriously, <deleted>

Seriously, sounds to me like most of the people flaming me, dont know shit... and have no valuable input.

Strong E-balls in this forum/thread and quick to mow someone down for wanting to talk...

Looks like I made a mistake for coming here... Thats too bad... there is alot of useful information in here...

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Yes I have see the chicken farm. Dad has truck, oldest sister has a truck, and brother has a truck. All relatively new... My girl, the 2 sisters, a cousin, and mom have motorbike.

Maybe the other 10 Farang husbands she met on the internet DID pay 500,000 Sinsot each. :o

Or she must be making a fortune selling Pancakes from a cart.

And all of her friends stand around the cart too, just to meet you, how sweet. ! :D

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Yes I have see the chicken farm. Dad has truck, oldest sister has a truck, and brother has a truck. All relatively new... My girl, the 2 sisters, a cousin, and mom have motorbike.

Maybe the other 10 Farang husbands she met on the internet DID pay 500,000 Sinsot each. :o

Or she must be making a fortune selling Pancakes from a cart.

And all of her friends stand around the cart too, just to meet you, how sweet. ! :D


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Might I be so bold to ask a few questions of the OP. 1.What education level have you attained? 2. What sort of job do you have? 3. What country are you from? 4. IF you marry her, I assume you will take her to your country to live? You must have quite a job to have 12 hours a day to chat on the internet. In my previous job, if I was caught at such activity for 12 minutes, I would be history. I assume you are self-employed or something.

Sure, a ligitimate question.

I work in the middle east. Logistics. I sit all day and punch numbers into my computer. I mostly use Mocrosoft office. I originally came here as a 6G pipe welder, but got a promotion. I get most of my stuff done in the first 3-4 hours of work, then answer e-mail the rest of the day. Unless something happens and I have to leave the office. Thats how I am online all day. In December I am changing jobs and going back offshore. I will be working in the arabian sea as a pipe welder on a oil rig on a 28/28 rotation.

No, IF I was to marry her, I would stay in thailand. On the 28/28 rotation, that puts me in thai 50% of the time and making USD. Thats the best I can do for now. Im not going to marry her right now, just annoyed about the dowery.

I am american, finished High school, went to trade school for fabrication. I did well, got a high cert quickly. Started in shipyards, then went offshore in gulf of mexico, did well there, and got the chance to go international and worked off africa for a while, and traveld there. After that I got offered a job in the middle east.. and here I am now.

That good enough for you?

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Might I be so bold to ask a few questions of the OP. 1.What education level have you attained? 2. What sort of job do you have? 3. What country are you from? 4. IF you marry her, I assume you will take her to your country to live? You must have quite a job to have 12 hours a day to chat on the internet. In my previous job, if I was caught at such activity for 12 minutes, I would be history. I assume you are self-employed or something.

Sure, a ligitimate question.

I work in the middle east. Logistics. I sit all day and punch numbers into my computer. I mostly use Mocrosoft office. I originally came here as a 6G pipe welder, but got a promotion. I get most of my stuff done in the first 3-4 hours of work, then answer e-mail the rest of the day. Unless something happens and I have to leave the office. Thats how I am online all day. In December I am changing jobs and going back offshore. I will be working in the arabian sea as a pipe welder on a oil rig on a 28/28 rotation.

No, IF I was to marry her, I would stay in thailand. On the 28/28 rotation, that puts me in thai 50% of the time and making USD. Thats the best I can do for now. Im not going to marry her right now, just annoyed about the dowery.

I am american, finished High school, went to trade school for fabrication. I did well, got a high cert quickly. Started in shipyards, then went offshore in gulf of mexico, did well there, and got the chance to go international and worked off africa for a while, and traveld there. After that I got offered a job in the middle east.. and here I am now.

That good enough for you?

Jeez, all that and you think 500,000 Baht is a lot of money ? :o

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Looks like I made a mistake for coming here...

THat's the first sensible believable thing you've typed in the entire Thread. :o

Wow you are one smart ass piece of shit arent you? Who the fuc_k are you? Why are you in this thread? What is your problem?

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Might I be so bold to ask a few questions of the OP. 1.What education level have you attained? 2. What sort of job do you have? 3. What country are you from? 4. IF you marry her, I assume you will take her to your country to live? You must have quite a job to have 12 hours a day to chat on the internet. In my previous job, if I was caught at such activity for 12 minutes, I would be history. I assume you are self-employed or something.

Sure, a ligitimate question.

I work in the middle east. Logistics. I sit all day and punch numbers into my computer. I mostly use Mocrosoft office. I originally came here as a 6G pipe welder, but got a promotion. I get most of my stuff done in the first 3-4 hours of work, then answer e-mail the rest of the day. Unless something happens and I have to leave the office. Thats how I am online all day. In December I am changing jobs and going back offshore. I will be working in the arabian sea as a pipe welder on a oil rig on a 28/28 rotation.

No, IF I was to marry her, I would stay in thailand. On the 28/28 rotation, that puts me in thai 50% of the time and making USD. Thats the best I can do for now. Im not going to marry her right now, just annoyed about the dowery.

I am american, finished High school, went to trade school for fabrication. I did well, got a high cert quickly. Started in shipyards, then went offshore in gulf of mexico, did well there, and got the chance to go international and worked off africa for a while, and traveld there. After that I got offered a job in the middle east.. and here I am now.

That good enough for you?

Jeez, all that and you think 500,000 Baht is a lot of money ? :o

I would LOVE to meet you in person, and we can talk about this, I would love to hear you say this shit to my face.

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Might I be so bold to ask a few questions of the OP. 1.What education level have you attained? 2. What sort of job do you have? 3. What country are you from? 4. IF you marry her, I assume you will take her to your country to live? You must have quite a job to have 12 hours a day to chat on the internet. In my previous job, if I was caught at such activity for 12 minutes, I would be history. I assume you are self-employed or something.

Sure, a ligitimate question.

I work in the middle east. Logistics. I sit all day and punch numbers into my computer. I mostly use Mocrosoft office. I originally came here as a 6G pipe welder, but got a promotion. I get most of my stuff done in the first 3-4 hours of work, then answer e-mail the rest of the day. Unless something happens and I have to leave the office. Thats how I am online all day. In December I am changing jobs and going back offshore. I will be working in the arabian sea as a pipe welder on a oil rig on a 28/28 rotation.

No, IF I was to marry her, I would stay in thailand. On the 28/28 rotation, that puts me in thai 50% of the time and making USD. Thats the best I can do for now. Im not going to marry her right now, just annoyed about the dowery.

I am american, finished High school, went to trade school for fabrication. I did well, got a high cert quickly. Started in shipyards, then went offshore in gulf of mexico, did well there, and got the chance to go international and worked off africa for a while, and traveld there. After that I got offered a job in the middle east.. and here I am now.

That good enough for you?

Good enough. Thank you. Personally I don't like this Thai sin sod rip-off. If you marry her or not, you are likely to be hit up for various other money to support her family. If they don't need money, then why such an issue over a rather large sum for such a girl.

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Ill get straight to it. Ive been to Thailand about 8 times now. I get 3 vacations from work a year and for about the first 6 of them, I spent the whole time in pattaya. Partying and drinking and going with 1-2-3 different girls a day... The 6th trip, I started to get bored with the bargirls. The money, the Bullsh*t, little and big lies. Now, I dont care <deleted> a bargirl does and who sends her money. To me, Im just paying for company, and I would NEVER have a barigrl for a girlfriend. I just cant think about them like that. There are a few that were cool as hel_l and Im sure would make great gf's but yeah I just cant deal with that. I needed something more mentally stimulating when it comes to girls... However, it seems like I ended up with one anyway...

So, at my job, I get about 12 hours a day that I can be online. What do I do? Thailovelinks... Now, I have read just about all I can read about thailand from the internet, I have talked to SOOO many thai girls, bargirl and not. Talked to alot of thai guys about thai girls... I feel pretty confident that I have a good working knowledge about thailand/thai lady, dowery, face, and other things. (not trying to brag, just trying to paint a mental picture) I created my account on that website, and at the same time, started a dedicated MSN Messenger account just for said site. I had about 3 months until I would be back in Thailand, so I got to work. The goal was to try to meet a girl that I felt a "connection" with, and could call a "steady" gf. In about a month, I had just about every decent looking girl in the age range of 18 - 25. (Im 25 years old by the way) About 127 Girls from TLL were in my MSN. I had narrowed it down to 3 girls. 1 said she was 18, but turned out to be 16 (holy shit) 2nd, BKK girl, White skin, 24, in uni for masters, really pretty, not virgin, and she seemed like the one I wanted for a bit. 3rd was a girl in Surin, browner skin, tattoos (haha yeap) 24, great written english, and was living at home. I dropped BKK girl because in the end she kept falling off the earth for a week at a time and making up retarded lies. I dropped the 16 year old for obvieous reasons. The surin girl was the only one left that I had any intrest in. At first I didnt like this girl, arrogant, Obvieous time with farang, and basically pissed me off. One day we got to talking, and she seemed to turn off the arrogant attitude when she realised that I wasnt playing her dumbass games. So, over time, I began talking to her exclusively. To be honest, her written english was GREAT and very very good converstaions for hours. She had been to uni for 4 years (photo evidence of this) in surin, graduated, and stayed home to help with the farm. Now, that farm is a BIG ass chicken farm. Its huge. Like 4 or 5 BIG warehouses, you have to shower off and wear like these HAZMAT suits to go inside... Anyway, she finished uni, and worked at that farm working with the computer and documents and all that stuff... Actually she is very good on a computer. Very good in Excel and powerpoint... Anyway, on the weekends she had one of those carts that she sold pancakes on a stick and shakes and all that stuff. To hear her say it, she didnt go to work in a real job because she lived at home, and with the farm and that cart, she made more money than she could if she lived in BKK and had room, food, taxi/motorbike, gas, whatever... Actually that is very believeable. Surin is cheap, very cheap, her home they have 3 new trucks, and like 5 motorbike. She does not need anything really.

At first with this girl, I just pinned her as a poor bargirl... After a few weeks, I realised that there was more to it than that.

About the tattoos and the "whats up mannnn" bullshit... I asked about her past, and at first she denied anything wrong. When I drilled her about her tattoos, and her English, and everything else, she told me about Pattaya. She had a few "sisters" that she knew that worked in pattaya. Eventually they convinced her to go and see it. So, she did. For about 1.5 year, she would stay home, and then when she got bored she would go to pattaya for like a month. She told me that she ended up being a "vacation" girl for a few guys. When they came to thailand, she would go with them. She says "I just hoped that one would stay talking to me and want to be my bf..." I didnt like this at all... She says, "I just got cought up with the wrong friends" Bullshit. She ended up with an american boyfriend that she met in pattaya. She stayed with him for about 6 months and 3 of those month she lived in malasya with him while he worked. Apparantly he got bored, and started cheating on her in pattaya... She had too much of it and went home to surin heartbroken she says. At that time she got in Thailovelinks and consequently met me...

So, I let that go, because in the end, regardless of her past, she was REALLY trying hard with me and putting in 120% effort. I also felt a bit of a connection with her, and I know she was attracted to me. She would do anything I asked of her and then some... Seriously, we talked like 10 hours a day on MSN non stop about anything you can think of. And really it was impossible for her to do anything but talk to me... Online from like 1300 - 0200 thai time everyday. Her words "Strange, I miss you, and I just want you to know that im here and not going out" "I dont want you to worry" bla bla bla Seemed genuine enough. Infact, with her, she didnt really seem much different than a western girl, other than her drive to take care her family.

I went to see her in thailand and spent 3 weeks with her alone. She met me at the airport, and eventually we made it to Surin to "bring me around" her family. She got a big family. Funny thing, I did not get the normal treatment. Food and drinks, and people looking at me. Her father avoided me, and her mother kinda did too. Her 2 ugly ass REAL sisters talked to me and life in the family home went like I was not even there... Im a young guy, and I look like it... Her sisters couldnt believe that I could do the things that I could do... Read: take care of surin girl.. They just thought that I would not be about to take care of the girl. Same as a 25 year old thai guy in surin... Im not... So, apparantly her family didnt really take me seriously... Thats basically what I got out of it... And we didnt really spend alot of time in the home.... Her dad did give his truck to us to use and look around. She has a drivers liscence also.

I guess Ill touch base on sex for a bit..... This girl is NOT shy. Very hot natured girl. Had sex within the first hour of getting inthe room in BKK after I arrived. After talking for about 6 weeks solid on MSN, she really started to talk about sex... What she likes and all that... Girl KNOWS her body very well, and is just incredibly hot natured. I was actually amazed... Marathon hard sex, to the point of falling out... Loves to be dominated... Incredible... She also Likes to film the 2 of us doin it as well. Then gets hot watching it... I cought her 3 times watching that stuff on my computer before I woke up in the morning. Also, yeah not shy. we got drunk in Samui, I started talking about sex in the bathroom, with a ton of people outside, next thing I know, were in the bathroom going at it hard. The thought of getting cought REALLY turned her on. Very drunk in that bathroom, im slapping her ass, and going crazy, she is making a TON of noise and rubbing her privates violently. She squirts. Ive never seen that before... To that extent.... People are banging on the door and bargirls are laughing outside... She throws 1000bt on the bar and runs out. ALL I hear for the next 10 mins on thhe motorbike is "GODDD Strange you are soo cool" in drunk thai girl talk. Actually annoying. Then she wants to stop on some hill and look at the view. I stop. We walk down this rock thing, then off her pants go again. we tried to sex on that rock, but it hurt my ass-bone too bad... We had sex in her dads truck, just about anywhere you can think of that was public after that... Honest, this girl was almost exactly like when you got your first real gf when you like 16... Sex all the time, everywhere, want to try everything... Im serious shes just like a farang girl that takes great care...

Now, the trip is over, it was great, I felt good. I left thailand...

We talked about everything on MSN... Even about marriage and all that. I asked about dowery, and she said "My sister got 500,000baht for her dowery" "they will probably ask you for the same" Im thinking "yeah right" and that was that...

Well, everything was going great... Talking everyday for about 10 hours a day (NO SHIT) until about 0300 thaitime.. Westarted talking kinda serious after the second trip. About marriage and all that... Actually I thought about this girl pretty well like that. I thought about taking a few months off and staying with her to see how we were for a longer time... Eventually I want to live in thailand on a 28/28 rotation...

Now I started asking about marriage again, and dowery. 500,000 came up again. I blew it off, and she should not even be telling ME a fuc_king price. Its for ME to offer... Anyway, I got aggrivated one day, and wanted to has it out about money. She wants me to GIVE her mom 500,000 baht. PERIOD. Nothing comes back to me, straight up give it to her mom. Nothing about "face" MOM WANTS TO KEEP IT. I said hel_l no! I told her that I IF I wanted to marry, I would be the one to decide what I was willing to pay. I mentioned 100,000 (about the same as a good western engaguement ring) and her mom could keep that... I even went so far as to say I would put up the 500,000 for the "show" but I want 400,000 back after. Her family can keep everything else. She didnt like that at all.

So heres where Im at, <deleted> Im not going to pay 16,000 USD to her mom. Just give it to her... She should be thanking her lucky stars that a farang wants to marry her 24 (old for a thai guy) daughter with tattoos and a shady past. Its bullshit and I actually not going to give shit. On the one hand, this girl trys SOOO hard everyday, talkes to me 10 hours everyday, sits there even when im working, sends me shit about once a week in the mail. No money is ever asked of me, I almost feel like she worships me. She will do anything... On the other, there is the blatant greed from her mom... and her... Its going to ruin the relationship for sure...

Anyway, I guess I just want to know if Im being unreasonable or not... I care about her, and part of me wants to justify her actions.. the other part tells me to fuc_k her off... What do you guys think?

I will be going to see her in a few weeks, and I will talk about this again in person. Face to Face with her... If she holds strong to the 500,000 then I think Im going to have to dump her... Feels like shit though...


(yeah strong 1st post) haha!!!

Opinion? - if you dig deep enough you'll probably find you're not the first ex-pat being down this path with her: she's got her act well worked out - treat it like Disneyland: pay for your ride, have your fun, walk away afterwards. Like you said in your first paragraph, it is all just Bullshit at the end of the day. As for the 500K - shows just how willing she is to abuse the relationship if she can.

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Easy answer:

If you want to marry her, pay 500k.

If don't want to marry, or don't want to pay, don't pay 500k. If she makes a stink, you know her motivation (as if we all don't know already).

Come to think of it, I think I know this girl. The way you described her matches exactly a girl whose stink ditch I've been ploughing on and off. I mentioned I wanted 500K for some spending money, and she said, "No worry, I have kwai in back pocket. Soon he pay for marry. Then I with him 28 days and with you 28 days."

Small world.

LOL, I think I know her too.

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Might I be so bold to ask a few questions of the OP. 1.What education level have you attained? 2. What sort of job do you have? 3. What country are you from? 4. IF you marry her, I assume you will take her to your country to live? You must have quite a job to have 12 hours a day to chat on the internet. In my previous job, if I was caught at such activity for 12 minutes, I would be history. I assume you are self-employed or something.

Sure, a ligitimate question.

I work in the middle east. Logistics. I sit all day and punch numbers into my computer. I mostly use Mocrosoft office. I originally came here as a 6G pipe welder, but got a promotion. I get most of my stuff done in the first 3-4 hours of work, then answer e-mail the rest of the day. Unless something happens and I have to leave the office. Thats how I am online all day. In December I am changing jobs and going back offshore. I will be working in the arabian sea as a pipe welder on a oil rig on a 28/28 rotation.

No, IF I was to marry her, I would stay in thailand. On the 28/28 rotation, that puts me in thai 50% of the time and making USD. Thats the best I can do for now. Im not going to marry her right now, just annoyed about the dowery.

I am american, finished High school, went to trade school for fabrication. I did well, got a high cert quickly. Started in shipyards, then went offshore in gulf of mexico, did well there, and got the chance to go international and worked off africa for a while, and traveld there. After that I got offered a job in the middle east.. and here I am now.

That good enough for you?

Mate thats great, you don't have to justify yourself to these people. Sounds your doing really well. I personally would start looking again on Thai Lovelinks, there must be many attractive girls in Thailand who are not all after money.

Faranglandoz :o

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Seriously, there are some fuc_ked up <deleted> in this forum. I come in here and tell a story and get flamed for being a troll?

Roy gsd, Arrogant ass hole.

Sonofdon, you are a moron. Really, you have NO valuable input and your grammar is retarded. Seriously, <deleted>

Seriously, sounds to me like most of the people flaming me, dont know shit... and have no valuable input.

Strong E-balls in this forum/thread and quick to mow someone down for wanting to talk...

Looks like I made a mistake for coming here... Thats too bad... there is alot of useful information in here...


And to think I took the time to be gentle with you! :D Clearly the soft response was wasted on you so might as well give you my original thoughts of your posting, tissues ready? ok, here we go.

1. Another geeky <deleted> who likely couldnt get laid in his own country, arrived in LOS and quite likely got more sex in a day than he has had in his life ( with another person that is!) and kept coming back for more before finally realising that its quality, rather than quantity that counts.

2. A sad young guy who prefers to spend 12 hours a day chatting to females online rather than going out and meeting a few locally.

3. Was contacted by a lady who has far more experience than he has and who is fulfilling all his fantacies in cybersex form

in order to put her ahead of the field, met with her, realised that her english speaking skills and appearance was not that of a traditional farm gal but were that of a seasoned veteran of the nocturnal F... -your- brains- out- for- the -night- for- 1000baht -or- less species that promote thier business's in the tourist areas for as many years as they can before reaching their sell by date when they move on to either a mug punter or take employement in the local comunity for a 100 or so baht on a good a night.

4.Met the slapper who blew his mind by shagging him every way she knew how within an hour of their meeting and contiued to mesmerise him including an almost public show in a toilet ( which most bar ladies would not do) where he says he was spanking ( but I suspect was really doing something sounding similar) loudly for all to hear and upon leaving said toilet the lady threw down 1000Baht on the bar and fled with the wide eyed, open mouthed and well and truly hooked punter in hot persuit.

5. Slapper continued to do the business as agreed ( and presumably was paid handsomely for her services) met the family who clearly considered him to be no more than what was likely the last of a line of their daughters clients she had shamed them by bring home rather than leaving at the "office" before returning home, where no doubt tears were shed by both side's, and the though to settling down with a "nice" girl vanished from the equasion.

6. As client went tearfully through the gate, slapper walked off and to her suprise heard her name being called as a hand spun her around, to her suprise it was a previous punter of hers who threw his arms around her and hugged her for a moment before stepping back and giving her an admiring look up and down at which point he noticed the remnants of her tears and cried "Slapper( sorry dont know her name but got your discription) why are you crying? to which she replied

" because I am so happy to see you ofcourse"! (Ok a bit of possible fiction in there but no more than in your posting I suspect!).

7. Having sold the product to the client now came the negotiation as to price, thereby lies the fiirst problem for said client is of the opinion he is buying the product whilst the seller is only offering a very short lease that is likely to be terminated as soon as the client comes to his senses, stops paying the ongoing and extortionate monthly maintainange charges, or is cleaned out finacially, or she takes a shine to his fathers assets, whichever comes first really.

8. As in all negotiations the key is to highly overprice the product and discount down to a level that is still above what the produt is worth but the mug punter is prepared to pay, hence the 500baht starting price.

9. It is clear from your posting you are prepared to purchase to product but not at the asking price, so all that remans is for you and the slapper to agree on the price,. forget the mother, she is unliky to have set the price and be n no doubt she knows the prduct has no value in the local market and infact if not disposed of soooner rather than later could end up being a drain on the familis resources.

10. If you have got to number 10 you should know b now that my opinions may not suit eveybody but if you dont like answer's dont ask questions, especially f...... stupid ones! :o:D

Roy gsd

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Might I be so bold to ask a few questions of the OP. 1.What education level have you attained? 2. What sort of job do you have? 3. What country are you from? 4. IF you marry her, I assume you will take her to your country to live? You must have quite a job to have 12 hours a day to chat on the internet. In my previous job, if I was caught at such activity for 12 minutes, I would be history. I assume you are self-employed or something.

Sure, a ligitimate question.

I work in the middle east. Logistics. I sit all day and punch numbers into my computer. I mostly use Mocrosoft office. I originally came here as a 6G pipe welder, but got a promotion. I get most of my stuff done in the first 3-4 hours of work, then answer e-mail the rest of the day. Unless something happens and I have to leave the office. Thats how I am online all day. In December I am changing jobs and going back offshore. I will be working in the arabian sea as a pipe welder on a oil rig on a 28/28 rotation.

No, IF I was to marry her, I would stay in thailand. On the 28/28 rotation, that puts me in thai 50% of the time and making USD. Thats the best I can do for now. Im not going to marry her right now, just annoyed about the dowery.

I am american, finished High school, went to trade school for fabrication. I did well, got a high cert quickly. Started in shipyards, then went offshore in gulf of mexico, did well there, and got the chance to go international and worked off africa for a while, and traveld there. After that I got offered a job in the middle east.. and here I am now.

That good enough for you?

Jeez, all that and you think 500,000 Baht is a lot of money ? :D

I would LOVE to meet you in person, and we can talk about this,

I would love to hear you say this shit to my face.

I am sure if you were provide a phone number many will oblige you...... :o

roy gsd

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No doubt Maigo would say it to your face and believe it or not most of the old hands are like that here. Why bother posting a view point if you wouldnt say it in person? So stuff the I'm going to kick your arse mentality because you aren't - you post rubbish so expect to get bollicking that goes with it. :o

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No doubt Maigo would say it to your face and believe it or not most of the old hands are like that here. Why bother posting a view point if you wouldnt say it in person? So stuff the I'm going to kick your arse mentality because you aren't - you post rubbish so expect to get bollicking that goes with it. :o

True enough. Pretty sure if the same tale was told to a bunch of "old hands" in a local pub/bar/"library", the ones that weren't rolling on the floor laughing by the end of the tale would pretty much all say the same thing.

Problem is, when one is suffering from MGID disease, they have a hard time hearing anything that doesn't correspond with their way of thinking.

(MGID = My Girl Is Different. One of the most common afflictions suffered by single males in Thailand. One of the few (usually sexually transmitted) diseases that cannot be protected against, except by experience. Even after being diagnosed as sufferring from MGID and exhibiting obvious symptoms, most victims refuse to admit they are afflicted with it.

Tragically, some victims are re-infected numerous times. The lucky ones are sometimes able to return home with little more than the shirts on their backs. The unlucky ones ? Read the News Clippings forums.)

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Most of us marry because of several reasons, where Love is one of the absolute main ingredients.

Unless one wants to marry someone that is considered as just a maid/lover.

Now, here comes the weird thing.

If the OP really loves this woman, and wants to marry her.

Why in God's name is he describing intimate details about her online, where 1000s can read it.

If I described the sexual encounters me and my wife had, the first period we were together, I would have been ashamed of myself today.

So I believe the story is either fiction (interesting reading), or the OP is quite immature.

You know what? I never said i LOVED this Girl. I care yes... Im pissed about the money thing... You missed it dude and you know what else? You dont know me, you dont know who im talking about, and this story is 100% true. <deleted> just because I decided to join and post about what ive been thinkin about makes me a troll? Immature? I decided to try this Forum because from what I read, there seemed to be some pretty knowing people here. But apparantly my thread has seemed to draw some "holier than thou" types like your self.

Yeah I talked about the sex stuff because it was pretty dam_n intresting to me, and yeah I thought the people might like to read it too... I didnt post pics, give names...


You asked for oppinions, and you got them.

You were the one that talked about marriage with her. Nomatter who brought it up (you or her), you kept talking about it, and asking what to pay.

So, are you really interested in marrying her? If yes, why? Because she is cool to chat with, good in bed, and you spent a few weeks together?

Oh by the way, what is it with all this Immature "<deleted>" remarks?

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...Where does one get a job where the can chat with Thai girls on the internet their whole time at work?

The Middle East, apparently. Almost believable... :o

I work in the middle east. Logistics. I sit all day and punch numbers into my computer. I mostly use Mocrosoft office. I originally came here as a 6G pipe welder, but got a promotion. I get most of my stuff done in the first 3-4 hours of work, then answer e-mail the rest of the day. Unless something happens and I have to leave the office. Thats how I am online all day....
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Geez I think this guy maybe serious!!

I think you are stretching the truth a bit when you talk about her family.

I mean...the family poultry business you describe sounds like a multi million dollar concern.

That would make her the daughter of a rich Thai family. No way in h#ll would the daughter of a rich Thai family behave this way...no way.

Has anyone ever see a rich Thai woman (by Thai standards) selling kanoms from a cart on the street?

Closer to the truth, she is probably just another ex Pattaya bargirl that has exceded her used by date and is now trawling the internet dating sites trying to hook a gullable farang. The family poultry business is probably a chicken shack at the bottom of the crappy land they own (rent) on the outskirts of town that supplies them with a few eggs each week.

This girl has probably had 500 kilometers or co@k through her and she is asking 500k sinsot?!!!....for a slapper that even the local ja-ba junkie would not pay one satang for.

Doesn't that tell you anything??? :o

Wake up to yourself man...grow up.

You've had your fun, move on. Go have some fun but for gods sake don't take them home to meet moma.

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Couldn't get all the way through that first post, let alone whatever replies followed,

I too couldn't get through the whole post, although its intention and purpose was fairly evident early on, certain responses have been as predictable, what I personally do not understand is when it is all unravelled, whether the initial post breaks forum rules or not, whether certain responses break forum rules or not, surely its 'raison d'être' is to dilute the forum of its original intent.

It doesn't matter if the post is based on something that may have a certain amount of truth and not be of trollish nature, its purpose is to elicit response, singularly a good troll can do this and even if it is a troll by nature and something positive is returned, then it is beneficial as a whole, however this, obviously in my view, has nothing to offer.

And so the content of the OP and a certain amount of the responses diminishes the Forum in my view, I would also appear to be in the minority.

Good Luck

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