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Are Asians In General The Worlds Worst Drivers?


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Probably Yes, with Thailand topping the list. You only have to see how they teach their babies to ride motorcycles.

Thai policeman....."this is a one way street", Thai motorcyclist...."yes I know, I'm only going one way".

This mentality says it all.

Of course they follow the road rules, they make them up as the go along.

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I realize this is not statistically relevant, but in the US, as a passerby, I have never seen a dead body as a result of a traffic accident (I was a volunteer EMT, and I have seen bodies in the performance of my duties, though.)

However, since the initial post here, I have seen two. One was right outside my condo in Phasi Charoen, and the other one was on Rama 3 Saturday night.

The fact that I have seen two fatalities in such a short time can be attributed to coincidence and timing, but it may be indicative of the relative danger of driving here and the skill and/or driving habits of the people doing the driving.

Edited by bonobo
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Thai driving habits behind 4 wheels are dangerous enough, but usually most drivers follow the same habits, however dangerous or selfish they are perceived to foreigners unused to the "rules of the road" here. The system works relatively well, after you get used to it.

The riders of 2 wheeled transport though, do not appear to give one single sh!t about their own or anyone else' safety. I've driven past probably hundreds of dead or dying motorcyclists. :o 2 Wheeled transport here seems to be Darwin in motion, or at least an unemployment solution...

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The US, Canada, Oz, Europe and the UK were driving motor vehicles many decades ago. Rickshaws were the go in most other places, way back. I was driving cabs 40 years ago and the 3 types of drivers us cabbies kept an eye on were nuns, orientals and guys wearing hats. The nuns and hats have largely disappeared but the orientals have increased in numbers, and here in Oz nearly all cabbies are from the aforementioned rickshaw places. OMG.

It wouldn't be so bad if they all drove at a slow pace. It's the erratic driving which is hard to handle. And the brake lights flashing intermittently (at speed) on freeways. What is that about? Foot off accelerator=car slows. Me no need brake unless I stopping. Magic. Not funny. Maddening.

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I have lived in Thailand since 1987 and my job takes me all around the world, so in my humble opinion Colombian drivers are the worst drivers and if we are speaking about continents then definitely South America.

I would also say Thai driving standards have improved quite a bit in the last 20 odd years, but I would still rank them in the top 10 of worst drivers.Actually car handling is good, but they have poor discipline and very little regard for driving safety.

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Regarding seniors who can't see over the wheel, I have a true story that happened to my great grand father around 60 years ago, he was past eighty at that time. He was stopped by the police after running a red light. To the police officer who asked him if he didn’t see the red light, he had this famous reply “I’ve enough problem to see the road, so the lights on the side of the road …” It was different times, so the police officer politely asked my great grand mother to drive carefully back home, to take the keys from her husband and to make sure he never drives again, what she did.

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  • 1 year later...

French people do have some concept of where the road is but no idea which bit of it they should be on (not quite true, they think they can drive on any part of it they like) and that there might be others using it.(again, they know you're there but assume only because you want to p1ss them off and interfere with their right to drive anywhere they like) I used to see them reversing round roundabouts, driving the wrong way down one-way streets at break-neck speed, flying through red lights…I concluded French people become temporarily insane when they get into a car. (not entirely convinced it's temporary)

I decided, when I had survived driving through France and made it to Italy, that Italians like to prove the existance of god by trying to kill themselves and everybody else whilst driving. The fact that no-one died proves (to them anyway) that god not only exists but loves them and protects them.

Spain was an eye opener too, again I reckon they start the engine, point the vehicle where they think they might want to go and leave the rest to divine intervention, just not quite as fast as in Italy.

Germany, well, as you might expect, they stick by the rules. One rule may well be you MUST drive at 150mph if the rules say you can.

New York was like driving in some kind of weird parade, 5mph bumper to bumper repeatedly sounding the horn.

I've only driven in Thailand for a couple of days around Phuket, didn't find it that bad actually. Bit surprised to see 8 people on a motorbike welded to a food stall cruising the wrong way towards me on a busy main road but they were slow so everyone survived!

I drive every day in London and whilst people generally speaking do stick to the rules, I often wonder if everyone has a completely different set of rules!

Have to say that if I see someone doing 23mph on a 60mph road completely oblivious to the fact that he/she shouldn't be doing that in the outside lane and the lane next to it simultaneously at 5:30 in the evening, chances are that person is Chinese.

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I have lived in Thailand since 1987 and my job takes me all around the world, so in my humble opinion Colombian drivers are the worst drivers and if we are speaking about continents then definitely South America.

I would also say Thai driving standards have improved quite a bit in the last 20 odd years, but I would still rank them in the top 10 of worst drivers.Actually car handling is good, but they have poor discipline and very little regard for driving safety.

I find most people that say Thailand has bad drivers are just scared of the fast pace, they cant handle it. I see many close calls in Thailand but not allot if accidents.

I actually think it takes more skill to drive in Thailand then it does to pussy foot around in some western nanny state.

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Not if you have ever been to Italy or France.

I have, and always thought they had some sense of where the road was, but here,I am new to Thailand, but i already know that I have to look 4 ways on a one way street before crossing it. :)

French people do have some concept of where the road is but no idea which bit of it they should be on and that there might be others using it. I used to see them reversing round roundabouts, driving the wrong way down one-way streets at break-neck speed, flying through red lights…I concluded French people become temporarily insane when they get into a car.

By comparison the Thais are relatively civilised and the Singaporeans are totally orderly.

I would say Mediterranean driving is the worst in the world.

Actual road statistics of death per capita would not support your proposition.

Thailand has one of the worst - -higher than any med country.

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Not if you have ever been to Italy or France.

I have, and always thought they had some sense of where the road was, but here,I am new to Thailand, but i already know that I have to look 4 ways on a one way street before crossing it. :)

French people do have some concept of where the road is but no idea which bit of it they should be on and that there might be others using it. I used to see them reversing round roundabouts, driving the wrong way down one-way streets at break-neck speed, flying through red lights…I concluded French people become temporarily insane when they get into a car.

By comparison the Thais are relatively civilised and the Singaporeans are totally orderly.

I would say Mediterranean driving is the worst in the world.

Actual road statistics of death per capita would not support your proposition.

Thailand has one of the worst - -higher than any med country.

Actually no, Thailand does not have one of the worst records in the world.

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Probably not the worst... but close...

Thai drivers just do not think about other drivers and the best way to drive to keep the traffic flowing without causing a hold up behind... Its cartoon driving here just go forward/diagonal and be totally oblivious to the chaos caused behind.

My taxi driver yesterday was driving up the @ss hole of the car in front in the rain and i knew everyone was driving to fast on the now slippy roads and guess what....a sudden braking in front in the outside lane of a 3 lane highway and we skidded for about 5 metres and slowly slithered to a halt inches from the car in front...the thing that made me laugh and shake my head...the taxi driver just could not handle the skid..he just kept his foot firmly on the brake and let the car do its thing...no dabbing the brake trying to correct the stearing or anything...basically just hang on a see....

No driving education/skills but somehow it works here and you do not see so many bashed up cars.......

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The driving here is absolutely dreadful, although i seem to remember it being slightly worse in Beruit. Mindyou the same rule applies...why overtake on a clear straight road if there's a blind bend coming up!

What i do find interesting is the amount of expats here that have been brought up in a culture of "don't drink and drive" and yet come here and become serial offenders. It's too easy just to knock the Thais, but the fact of the matter is that with certain aspects foreigners are just as bad as they are.

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Probably not the worst... but close...

Thai drivers just do not think about other drivers and the best way to drive to keep the traffic flowing without causing a hold up behind... Its cartoon driving here just go forward/diagonal and be totally oblivious to the chaos caused behind.

My taxi driver yesterday was driving up the @ss hole of the car in front in the rain and i knew everyone was driving to fast on the now slippy roads and guess what....a sudden braking in front in the outside lane of a 3 lane highway and we skidded for about 5 metres and slowly slithered to a halt inches from the car in front...the thing that made me laugh and shake my head...the taxi driver just could not handle the skid..he just kept his foot firmly on the brake and let the car do its thing...no dabbing the brake trying to correct the stearing or anything...basically just hang on a see....

No driving education/skills but somehow it works here and you do not see so many bashed up cars.......

If there is not allot of bashed up cars then they must have some skill.

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The driving here is absolutely dreadful, although i seem to remember it being slightly worse in Beruit. Mindyou the same rule applies...why overtake on a clear straight road if there's a blind bend coming up!

What i do find interesting is the amount of expats here that have been brought up in a culture of "don't drink and drive" and yet come here and become serial offenders. It's too easy just to knock the Thais, but the fact of the matter is that with certain aspects foreigners are just as bad as they are.

Your just scared of the roads.

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East Europeans are worse then useless, the combination of drink driving and speeding in their shiney new BMW or Merc soon slows them down though.

A 10 GBP bribe is enough to pay the plod out there if caught.

The most dangerous place to cross the road on the entire planet has to be the intersection next to the entrance of Soi Cowboy, have they finished building the walkover yet????

An interesting nickname. Posting rights suspended pending advice of a choice of a different nick.

Or proof that his name is really Mike Hunt ?

I used to work with a guy named Mike Hunt!

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No driving education/skills but somehow it works here and you do not see so many bashed up cars.......

If there is not allot of bashed up cars then they must have some skill.

Yeah, its like a double negative..or something.... I don't know.....

Driving for me here is opposite to the UK... you flash lights here to say..don't move an inch i'm coming straight through that gap at warp speed...(UK flash lights to be polite and let people pull out) but as no one here has any intention of letting people pull out.....they haven't figured out a way to signal this..

No road rage here...if there is a queue of cars just keep driving to the front and squash in....no horns. no angry middle fingers..just carry on as you were.....

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Actual road statistics of death per capita would not support your proposition.

Thailand has one of the worst - -higher than any med country.

Depends on if you think Algeria and Tunisia are Med countries?

Here's a little graphic, from Wiki that puts it into perspective and per capita (100,000) basis. Plainly shows that Thailand is not real good, but not even near the worse, and actually better the Malaysia. Having lived and driven a lot in Malaysia, it does agree with my experience. I suspect China is so low, as is Cambodia and Laos, because of the low numbers of cars.


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I had to smile at the comment on crossing the road at rush hour in Cambodia , In the recent 3 day water festival where over a million extra people come to watch the dragon boat races , only 6 deaths were reported , in the 6 days of Sonkran , how many hundreds die in Thailand ? Even with a 15 times population , that is a huge difference .

In Toronto Canada there is an ongoing joke "How do you make an asian blind ?" , answer "Put a windshield in front of his face ".

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I think drivers in large parts of Asia, Africa and Sth America are probably equal worse because of the lack of proper road education, lax license requirements (ala rather badly devised driving tests) and poor/inconsistent enforcement of traffic rules. Notice I say "drivers in Asia" rather than "Asian drivers". An Asian born and bred in say USA will probably drive like everyone else in USA.

On the other hand, go to Pattaya and see farangs driving just as badly as the locals, double parking and larking on motorcycles, despite their supposed superior road education. Drinking and driving? Let's not go there. So perhaps farang drivers are just as bad when the enforcement of traffic rules has been somewhat compromised.

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On the other hand, go to Pattaya and see farangs driving just as badly as the locals, double parking and larking on motorcycles, despite their supposed superior road education. Drinking and driving? Let's not go there. So perhaps farang drivers are just as bad when the enforcement of traffic rules has been somewhat compromised.

When in Rome.... :)

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Sri Lanka is hair raising, to say the least :-D vehicles large and small use oncoming lanes automatically, moving out of the way of each other at the last minute to avoid collisions. You get similar in Thailand, but Sri Lanka is a whole other level of mental.

Argentina is another fun one, you'll struggle to find a taxi without collision damage there. I once found myself in one with a bullet ridden windscreen, apparently someone had turned a semi-automatic on him earlier in the evening.

Edited by danw
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I think drivers in large parts of Asia, Africa and Sth America are probably equal worse because of the lack of proper road education, lax license requirements (ala rather badly devised driving tests) and poor/inconsistent enforcement of traffic rules. Notice I say "drivers in Asia" rather than "Asian drivers". An Asian born and bred in say USA will probably drive like everyone else in USA.

On the other hand, go to Pattaya and see farangs driving just as badly as the locals, double parking and larking on motorcycles, despite their supposed superior road education. Drinking and driving? Let's not go there. So perhaps farang drivers are just as bad when the enforcement of traffic rules has been somewhat compromised.

Road education ? what a joke.

It takes more skill to drive fast and aggressive. I am one of those farangs in Pattaya that drives like a Thai motorbike taxi, I love the roads in Thailand.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Add East Germany to your list.

Check out the delinquent pensioners, weekend drivers and boys still not old enough to shave.

An excellent form of entertainment in Vankong Canada was to watch the Asians drive in the snow..our telephone co building was on a hill at a junction....whenever it snowed it was a wonder the building didn't fall over as the employees gathered along the windows watching and making bets on first "fender bender"...usually it would be a Mercedes or a BMW with a little face peering through the "white knuckle" gripped steering wheel...

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Vietnam strangely very law abiding and careful

You must be joking, Vietnamese driving is terrible!!

I've only been in Vietnam once, for four days, but in those four days I saw directly at least one (minor, thankfully) accident every day. I also saw several wrecks and "debris fields" in the roads.

I remember standing near an intersection in Da Nang, waiting for some of the other people from the travel group; I was looking at the absolutely insane, chaotic and reckless driving (mostly motorbikes) across that intersection, all directions going through it at the same time without stopping. I stood there and told to myself, "I'm going to see an accident", about two minutes later I see a guy swerve violently to avoid another motorcycle crossing the instersection, lose control fall and slide up to the center of the crossing. The guy was stunned for a few seconds, wobble his way up to a vertical position, upright his banged up motorcycle and then try to slalom his way out among the traffic that was still buzzing around as if nothing had happened.

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The driving here is absolutely dreadful, although i seem to remember it being slightly worse in Beruit. Mindyou the same rule applies...why overtake on a clear straight road if there's a blind bend coming up!

What i do find interesting is the amount of expats here that have been brought up in a culture of "don't drink and drive" and yet come here and become serial offenders. It's too easy just to knock the Thais, but the fact of the matter is that with certain aspects foreigners are just as bad as they are.

Your just scared of the roads.

That's a clever reply

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