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Foreign Company Set Up In Thailand

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Dear all,

I need everyone help on this...

I am a Singaporrean and is holding a multiple Non O Visa and my wife is Thai Nationality...We have just received an offer from a foreign company in Malaysia which is owned by my friend.

The scenario is ...

1) Me and my wife are offered to be their local partner in Bangkok.and will received a 10-20% percentage from the profit

2)They are planning to set up a cmpany and Branch office in Bangkok.

3)The company are mainly dealing in Service and Automobile.

On my part we do not have to worry for any cost because all the company set up and financing will finance by the foreign company which they will inject some money from overseas to start a small office and to find a potential Client in bangkok bussiness..

So my question is that ..how easy is this going to be??

what are the procedure for a foreign company set up here in Bangkok???

and i will be the Director in Bangkok branch and i would like to know how many Foreign Director can it be In a Company listed in Thailand..

Offcource they have their own internatiional Lawyers by their side...But as for me i am still an individule what is the best thing for me to do ???

If any1 could give me a free consultation for my startup please do email me at [email protected]

And last Do we need to look for an office first before applying for a company ???

maybe we could have tea together...I need help on this ...Thank You



[email protected]

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