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Farangs And Thai


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Are farangs more tight with their money? Thai people are very cautious of investing money on some thing they don't know. But I found out after I tell them what it is, they will buy it (after bargaining of course)

In contrast to Farangs, they know what it is, I hear all the excuses oh I ring you back when I am back from holiday, it is to expensive, and so on, I have sold my products only to Thai people yet. and I thought Farangs have more money then Thai people :o

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Huh Your lucky to find a Thai that will spend money.

I am Scottish and thought I was tight but my Mrs takes it to new level even for me!!!

Every time I want to buy something she says "no we no need, we will save"

She thinks we have plenty stuff already, and even if it is getting a bit worn it is still fine, well so she thinks 55555

FD :o

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I am an American, and I have observed that generally, Thais are more free with spending than Westerners I make a container which is demonstrably better than the existing alternative. It is also a little more expensive. In Thailand, they buy our container readily. In the US and Europe, it is a tougher sell. When they see our container at a trade show or test it, they are all over it and very enthusiastic. As soon as they find out that ours will cost them 10% more than their current container, 90% of them balk despite their extreme dissastisfaction with their current container, and despite that we can save most of them money in the long run.

On a personal spending level, I have known women who make 20,000 per month, sending home 5,000 of it, who would not blink an eye on buying a 6,000 baht pair of shoes or a 10,000 baht cell phone. I took someone once shopping for a laptop, and when the PowerMall clerk was not very polite, she wanted to leave and get her chosen computer at another store despite the fact that it was over 1,000 baht cheaper at PowerMall.

Everyone is different, but I do think Thais tend to be more willing to spend what they have than most Westerners.

Edited by bonobo
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I know lots of people. Some of those people are white. Some are black. Some are brown. Some, even, are Thai.

Some of those people like to save money. Some of those people like to spend everything they earn. Some of them - get this - spend more than they earn.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with race, and to stereotype people thus is palpable nonsense.

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It has nothing whatsoever to do with race, and to stereotype people thus is palpable nonsense.

Perhaps you should educate yourself on the matter before making it any more obvious of your palpable lack of knowledge on the subject (not that it would be any more obvious).

Conspicuous Consumption and Race a study by the University of Chicago and Pennsylvania

"Using nationally representative data on consumption, we show that Blacks and Hispanics devote

larger shares of their expenditure bundles to visible goods (clothing, jewelry, and cars) than do

comparable Whites. We demonstrate that these differences exist among virtually all subpopulations,

that they are relatively constant over time, and that they are economically large."

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I know lots of people. Some of those people are white. Some are black. Some are brown. Some, even, are Thai.

Some of those people like to save money. Some of those people like to spend everything they earn. Some of them - get this - spend more than they earn.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with race, and to stereotype people thus is palpable nonsense.

Isn't it 'palpable nonsense' to suggest there are no national characteristics?

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my Mrs takes it to new level even for me!!!

Every time I want to buy something she says "no we no need, we will save"

FD :o

Could you imagine if American women thought like this? The entire global economy is based on American women and their lust for more shoes.

And food.

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It has nothing whatsoever to do with race, and to stereotype people thus is palpable nonsense.

Perhaps you should educate yourself on the matter before making it any more obvious of your palpable lack of knowledge on the subject (not that it would be any more obvious).

Conspicuous Consumption and Race a study by the University of Chicago and Pennsylvania

"Using nationally representative data on consumption, we show that Blacks and Hispanics devote

larger shares of their expenditure bundles to visible goods (clothing, jewelry, and cars) than do

comparable Whites. We demonstrate that these differences exist among virtually all subpopulations,

that they are relatively constant over time, and that they are economically large."

it is a pretty small piece of research; it might be education level or relative wealth driving the conspicious consumption spending rather than race. They don't address that. Interesting, but not sure it helps us much to decide what difference exists between Thai and western spending.

After all, it doesn't really even address overall spending and it is all entirely by averages; stereotypes tend to be built up on more than just averages (even statistically significant ones). I am sure no white American male tends to like hearing that they are less academically inclined than a Chinese female; the stats might state this on average with sig diff but in reality the overlap is frigging huge and only an idiot would say something like this without a bunch of caveats.

Anyhow, what relevance it has to Thailand I am unsure. I certainly cannot think of what relevance it has to the rest of the world outside of generalities of doing research to get a bit of funding here and there.

Edited by steveromagnino
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I am an American, and I have observed that generally, Thais are more free with spending than Westerners I make a container which is demonstrably better than the existing alternative. It is also a little more expensive. In Thailand, they buy our container readily. In the US and Europe, it is a tougher sell. When they see our container at a trade show or test it, they are all over it and very enthusiastic. As soon as they find out that ours will cost them 10% more than their current container, 90% of them balk despite their extreme dissastisfaction with their current container, and despite that we can save most of them money in the long run.

On a personal spending level, I have known women who make 20,000 per month, sending home 5,000 of it, who would not blink an eye on buying a 6,000 baht pair of shoes or a 10,000 baht cell phone. I took someone once shopping for a laptop, and when the PowerMall clerk was not very polite, she wanted to leave and get her chosen computer at another store despite the fact that it was over 1,000 baht cheaper at PowerMall.

Everyone is different, but I do think Thais tend to be more willing to spend what they have than most Westerners.

Well Thai is not Thai.....like Americans are not all the same.


Our cleaning woman. From North-Mountain (not regarded as Thai) does not spend one Baht for anything but just now built a house for 400.000 Baht saved on cleaning.

Friend of my wife from the deep south. you would think very poor, she tells she does not even have 20 Baht for food. Got pregnant (very late maybe 40) put a house for 200-400.000 out of her pocket.

And the Chinese:

Customer: female, for sure xx Million USD not lazy to call for a 5 Baht discount....

Customer 2: Chinese male old with two stroke motorbike from the stoneage, clothe poor, pays everything cash, come for a 4 Baht Oring but buys also for 100.000 Baht cash out of the pocket. I asked my staff, he is the owner of a huge factory... If he would sit on the street I would give him 10 Baht.

So there are very different ones.

Of course I know these as well, no money, rent a room, get the salary 10.000 go to the shop buy the phone for 15.000 (borrow 5.000).... I know them well.

Look at American Farangs they are not all the same, so the Thais are not.

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On a personal spending level, I have known women who make 20,000 per month, sending home 5,000 of it, who would not blink an eye on buying a 6,000 baht pair of shoes or a 10,000 baht cell phone. I took someone once shopping for a laptop, and when the PowerMall clerk was not very polite, she wanted to leave and get her chosen computer at another store despite the fact that it was over 1,000 baht cheaper at PowerMall.

Everyone is different, but I do think Thais tend to be more willing to spend what they have than most Westerners.

Just described face effect.. Visible goods and signs of wealth are readily bought with little thought to 'value'...

I see multiple Thais whose vehicle(s) are >50% the value of thier home.. Go hungry to buy a BMW and dont invite anyone around simply to maintain a appearance of wealth.

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