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Pad Distributing Vcds, Leaflets On October 7 Police Violence


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PAD distributing VCDs, leaflets on October 7 police violence

BANGKOK: -- The People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gathered Monday morning at a shopping mall in the heart of Bangkok to distribute leaflets and video discs (VCDs) critical of the bloody police crackdown against demonstrators nearly two weeks ago, a PAD core leader said Sunday.

From the stage inside the Government House compound where the PAD has encamped since late August, protest core leader Sonthi Limthongkul reaffirmed on Sunday that the anti-government coalition's plan to gather at Central World, a major shopping mall near national police headquarters, to distribute VCDs and leaflets to passers-by regarding the police crackdown at Parliament on October 7.

The PAD said the VCDs and leaflets showed the police had used excessive force against the protesters.

Two people died and nearly 500 others were injured during the day-long clashes between the police and demonstrators.

Last Friday, the PAD marched through the Silom and Sathorn business districts, passing out their VCDs and leaflets to passers-by in Bangkok's primary business corridor.

Another PAD core leader, Pipop Thongchai, earlier reasserted that his group distrusted the government-appointed committee now probing on the causes of the October 7 incidents due to reports that the government tried to intervene and remove some of the 'straightforward' committee members.

Mr. Pipop said the PAD trusted the findings of the National Human Rights Commission, a respected neutral body, which announced Friday that the government was responsible for having given the order to disperse, while the police were responsible for carrying out the action.

The PAD, Mr. Pipop said, would rather entrust an independent investigative committee which could be set up by parliament and be comprised of members of the House of Representatives and senators, including the Opposition.

-- MCOT/TNA 2008-10-20

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It is more than a leaflet, more like a small magazine. Some pretty explicit pictures in it, which certainly do not show the police in a good light.

Whatever one may think of their views, it still doesn't excuse the conduct of the police in trying to disperse them on the 7th of October.

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on balance, I support PAD. ...that's not to say I'm behind all their leaders are saying, or every act each individual does.

However, their resolve to sustain a protest for so long - against a series of Thai administrations that are rotten to the core - is commendable.

Viva Pad!

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PAD's VCDs and Booklests on Oct 7 Crackdown in High Demand

UPDATE : 20 October 2008

Ever growing numbers of supporters of the People's Alliance for Democracy are heading to Bangkok to attend its ongoing rally at Government House, while VCDs and booklets promising the truth about the October 7th crackdown are in high demand in the provinces.

Supporters of the People's Alliance for Democracy or PAD in Chonburi province yesterday gathered outside Robinson's Department store in Sri Racha district to distribute Video CDs and booklets covering the police crackdown on October7th.

The gathering became a little heated when copies of VCDs and booklets were insufficient to meet the demands of those interested in more information about the incident.

Meanwhile, a throng of people in Songkla's Had Yai district gathered outside the railway station to receive the booklets and VCDs from the PAD network in the area, the PAD says it plans to distribute more copies to the people, following the high level of interest.

In related developments, a number of PAD supporters in Songkla province have traveled to Bangkok by train to join the anti-government protest in Bangkok.

A dozen members from a people's network against the plantation of gas pipelines in Sonklan's Jana district who have previously clashed with police officers, have also reportedly been sent to Bangkok to help oversee security for the PAD rally.

A number of PAD supporters from Pitsanuloke province have also been reported to be traveling by train to join the PAD rally in Bangkok.

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Those stupid brainwashed people are a disgrace for this country; they played with fire and now they keep complaining because the authorities (rightly) kicked their sorry useless asses :D

It's easy to see that you didn't get a leg blown off - if you had you might now be singing a different tune. :o

Edited by Artisi
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Those stupid brainwashed people are a disgrace for this country; they played with fire and now they keep complaining because the authorities (rightly) kicked their sorry useless asses :o

You're saying it was fine for the authorities to use teargas canisters that contained explosives that killed and maimed people? Using tear gas for riot control is one thing, using weapons intended to kill and maim is another. I wholeheartedly disagree that the people who were killed and maimed for life deserved this which you seem to advocate so much. :D Disgraceful is putting is mildly.

"...Pornthip said an experiment showed that the Chinese gas contained high levels of RDX — a chemical commonly used to make bombs and not a standard component of tear gas intended for crowd control. Pornthip's institute conducted the investigation as part of a probe into the clashes by the National Human Rights Commission.

Tests at a military field over the weekend found that a Chinese-made tear gas canister fired from a shotgun left a crater 8 centimeters wide and 3 centimeters deep (3 inches wide and 1 inch deep), she said, noting that it also "left a hole in a metal pipe."

Grenades filled with the gas left even bigger craters, including one that was 16 centimeters wide and 8 centimeters deep (6 inches wide and 3 inches deep), National Human Rights Commissioner Surasi Kosolnawin was quoted as saying by The Bangkok Post."




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Those stupid brainwashed people are a disgrace for this country; they played with fire and now they keep complaining because the authorities (rightly) kicked their sorry useless asses :o

On re-reading your post, I would suggest that it is a case of the kettle calling the pot black with regards to stupid.

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Doesn't matter on which site someone is staying, it's the own choice every individual has to make for his own.

But lack of humanity is a different think which would be punished in a normal civilized world.


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Those stupid brainwashed people are a disgrace for this country; they played with fire and now they keep complaining because the authorities (rightly) kicked their sorry useless asses :o

On re-reading your post, I would suggest that it is a case of the kettle calling the pot black with regards to stupid.


It is obvoious he just can't understand that the people he is supporting here,

WOULD use deadly and maiming force against protesters to SILENCE THEM.

Not reasonable force to move them from the gates.

That he doesn't understand that this is a much less acceptable than breaking laws of public assembly.

They break those laws to maintain the people's ATTENTION to their issues.

He just can't seem to understand that he is supporting people

who clearly will go to any length they can, including horrible violence,

to maintain control of the levers of power for their own ends ; ie. graft.

Maybe, hypothetically, possibly, there is a profit motive here too.

Sorry and useless fits, but not the protesters who are being the watchdogs at the gates.

No watchdog is a perfect pet, but they raise the alarm when things are bad.

Sometimes watchdogs scrap with other neighborhood dogs over territory and scraps,

but they STILL guard your house from thievery 24/7.

I feel sorry for Sathip's myopia, but I suppose he can't help it.

The country is not held hostage by any stretch of the imaginiation.

The jiggering of the constitution my Thaksin's puppets HAS been held in abeyance for a few months.

Mostly because PAD has been howling loudly each time PPP trys to get to it.


The government is doing things :

it has offices, it goes to meetings, presides over official ceremonies.

It travels freely, EXCEPT to Government house.

But like ANY government it also has to deal with protesters at various sites and times.

This is no different than UK or France or USA or China. All have protesters to deal with.

BUT and a BIG but, ithis govnt. doesn't get a free pass to give Thaksin a free pass.

No one is being held hostage.

Edited by animatic
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The video being distributed by the PAD in Bangkok of the October 7, 2008 clash with Thai riot police can be downloaded for free from here. Simply click the free user button.

This is a 49-minute video and the downloads require the Split & Contact application or similar to join the two files:

Bloody Bangkok 2008.avi001 and Bloody Bangkok 2008.avi002

An overview of the current situation as of October 20 including comments and photos by/of the various parties can be found here: Thailand political crisis worsens - further bloodshed forecast

There's not much new material in this, but what it does do is bring various pieces together in one article.

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A MINORITY has been held this country and its people hostage for months; now they assume the consequences, period.

yes so cut their legs....

Usually in other countries we cut limbs of minorities....

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A MINORITY has been held this country and its people hostage for months; now they assume the consequences, period.

We heard your stupid and thoughless comment the first time - no need to repeat it unless of course you want to confirm and remind us of your complete lack humanity.

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I saw the video. and sorry i cant see any evidence for police brutality. I saw many PAD members carrying baseball bats, sticks and steel rods. the police did fire gas. I remeber PAD yelling over loudspeaker to the police: "why dont you negotiate?" common. i want to see what will happen in every other country if a group of demonstrators will occupy the parliament building in the name of democracy.

maybe pad wanted noodle soup served by police? with o-lien maybe?

get reall!

Edited by ngieen
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I saw the video. and sorry i cant see any evidence for police brutality. I saw many PAD members carrying baseball bats, sticks and steel rods. the police did fire gas. I remeber PAD yelling over loudspeaker to the police: "why dont you negotiate?" common. i want to see what will happen in every other country if a group of demonstrators will occupy the parliament building in the name of democracy.

maybe pad wanted noodle soup served by police? with o-lien maybe?

get reall!

And so the use of explosive tear gas cannisters causing the loss of limbs and life is not police brutality? I'd hate to see what would happen if they really turned brutal then, perhaps some napalm would do it for you.

Get real!

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You missed my point friends, I'm not a supporter of the present government, TRT, PPP nor Thaksin and his cronies, I do think they are not good for Thailand. But, if you think that Chamlong (who's been stirring shit for more than 20 years now) and the other PAD leaders are better or can do better, you must be very naive.

I remind you that Mr. Thaksin (populist or not, this is not the point) was democratically elected by the majority of Thai people, the PAD is NOT a political party, they don't come up with any solutions or new political ideas. Look at the PAD speakers on stage, they're just barking, there is no dialogue, people in the crowd cannot participate or ask any questions, they are simply skillfully manipulated by those dangerous demagogues.

Now about the way the police dealt with the crowd : Yes, it is very unfortunate, the tear gas canisters were defectives... bad luck. Also remember that one of the guy who supposedly lost his leg had already lost it a couple of years ago... Manipulation, lies and exaggerations, be careful what you read and hear (from both sides I mean; police and PAD)

I also remind you that a police officer got badly injured after being stabbed in the abdomen with a pole by a "friendly and peaceful" protester who was "rightfully" and "peacefully" keeping back officials off a government building...

What I'm thrashing here is this intolerable "MAI PEN RAI" Thai mentality; give you an example :

- Every day, a 14 years old stupid ass is riding a bike on Sukhumwit Rd (while he should be at school), wrong side of the road, no helmet, no insurance, no license plate, mobile phone in one hand... The parents : "MAI PEN RAI", until the day the boy gets hit by a car driving there normally. Well, the parents are pissed and blame the driver for having killed their son, ask for a lot of $$$$ (it helps the grieving process, yes, yes, I assure you, jing jing...). Well, "MAI PEN RAI' right ?

So, once again, sorry for those who died (RIP)and wounded (cops and protesters), but there are ways to make things change legally, if you don't and keep pulling the tail of the tiger don't come whinging if you get bitten... But hey, "MAI PEN RAI" right ?

Let's face it, this country is going down the toilet because of this government AND the PAD.

Abhisit, save us !!!

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What I'm thrashing here is this intolerable "MAI PEN RAI" Thai mentality; give you an example :

- Every day, a 14 years old stupid ass is riding a bike on Sukhumwit Rd (while he should be at school), wrong side of the road, no helmet, no insurance, no license plate, mobile phone in one hand... The parents : "MAI PEN RAI", until the day the boy gets hit by a car driving there normally. Well, the parents are pissed and blame the driver for having killed their son, ask for a lot of $$$$ (it helps the grieving process, yes, yes, I assure you, jing jing...). Well, "MAI PEN RAI' right ?

So, once again, sorry for those who died (RIP)and wounded (cops and protesters), but there are ways to make things change legally, if you don't and keep pulling the tail of the tiger don't come whinging if you get bitten... But hey, "MAI PEN RAI" right ?

I must admit that I am quite neutral (not 100%, hey nobody is perfect). I really like this example. I think people get hurt and killed (from both side) is expected. Both side has to be blamed, not just the government.

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You missed my point friends, I'm not a supporter of the present government, TRT, PPP nor Thaksin and his cronies, I do think they are not good for Thailand. But, if you think that Chamlong (who's been stirring shit for more than 20 years now) and the other PAD leaders are better or can do better, you must be very naive.

......Thaksin (populist or not, this is not the point) was democratically elected by the majority of Thai people.....

they're just barking, ........skillfully manipulated by those dangerous demagogues.

.......Yes, it is very unfortunate, the tear gas canisters were defectives... bad luck.......

Also remember that one of the guy who supposedly lost his leg had already lost it a couple of years ago......

So, once again, sorry for those who died (RIP)and wounded (cops and protesters), but there are ways to make things change legally, if you don't and keep pulling the tail of the tiger don't come whinging if you get bitten... But hey, "MAI PEN RAI" right ?

Let's face it, this country is going down the toilet because of this government AND the PAD.

Abhisit, save us !!!

I saw the video this was NOT special effects.

That man's leg was blow apart.

He is also NOT the one legged man in the other picture,

though of slight resembalnce. But not the same person.

The foot of another hanging by tendons was NOT special effects.

I have seen footage from many riots, this was extrordinary.

I saw the teargas going off it wasn't defective.

Defect means it DOESN'T go off, or as big it should

or doesn't give off gas or enough gas.

What we saw is the INVERSE of defective. TOO effective.

And improperly used for crowd control.

This was revenge punishment for not kow towing to the big bosses.

I find the Thaksin crew much more scary than the yapping of PAD dogs.

Yet you also call these yapping dogs "master manipulators"... so which is it?

The current government and it's lapdogs of war show no feelings for others humanity.

They act in their interests without concern of others.

UNLESS there is a hue and cry, then they desemble a try to blame bad tools.

They have a WAR ROOM to take back the government control if the lose it soon.

Not exactly the nom de guerre or plume of a peaceful group for sure.

Your argument is utterly baseless.

But IT does support Thaksin and PPP in it's end effect.

So your opening saying you are unbiased is a false flag.

Does the means, justify the end?

To invert a classic aphorism.

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You missed my point friends, I'm not a supporter of the present government, TRT, PPP nor Thaksin and his cronies, I do think they are not good for Thailand. But, if you think that Chamlong (who's been stirring shit for more than 20 years now) and the other PAD leaders are better or can do better, you must be very naive...

...Now about the way the police dealt with the crowd : Yes, it is very unfortunate, the tear gas canisters were defectives... bad luck. Also remember that one of the guy who supposedly lost his leg had already lost it a couple of years ago... Manipulation, lies and exaggerations, be careful what you read and hear (from both sides I mean; police and PAD)

"Those stupid brainwashed people are a disgrace for this country; they played with fire and now they keep complaining because the authorities (rightly) kicked their sorry useless asses :o "

What was there to miss? You clearly stated the authorities acted "rightly," by using extreme measures, and that people who have a different opinion or are a "MINORITY," should suffer the consequences. The gas canisters were not defective, there were used as they were built for...destruction. Nothing defective.

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Think for a moment.

what the americans do if PAD will try to seize the pentagon?

what the russian will do to them if they try to block the kremlin?

i thought they paid very cheap for their acts.

many of the ppl there are being hired from the up country. 400, 500 a day. they have no political mind set. they are hired human shields by PAD who try to promote their own interest over the interest of the country.

i see enough grounds to lock jamlong for some 30,000 years and sonthi for another ice age. so dont whine on little bit of tear gas ...its still way cheap

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Think for a moment.

what the americans do if PAD will try to seize the pentagon?

what the russian will do to them if they try to block the kremlin?

i thought they paid very cheap for their acts.

many of the ppl there are being hired from the up country. 400, 500 a day. they have no political mind set. they are hired human shields by PAD who try to promote their own interest over the interest of the country.

i see enough grounds to lock jamlong for some 30,000 years and sonthi for another ice age. so dont whine on little bit of tear gas ...its still way cheap

I think you got the number wrong. I heard that 300 /day (plus food) to sit around against their will, and 1,500 for the guards. However many people (I believe a great percentage), especially bangkokian go there without being paid.

It doesn't matter anymore how much PAD paid. With Thaksin going to jail (although not physically), and the support of ... ....., PAD is on the road to Victory.

I have a feeling that this is the beginning of the end. I hope that ending is a happy one.

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You clearly stated the authorities acted "rightly,"
: They had the right and had to act, yes.
by using extreme measures
What extreme measures ? Tear gas are not extreme measures, they're used everywhere around the world to deal with threatening mobs. Were any bullets fired ? Were any protesters beaten to death ? No.
The gas canisters were not defective
you are right, as "animatic" said, the were too effective. On purpose ? Do your really believe that ? Just "chinese" bad luck (yeah, them again...), so who's to blame ? The cop who was just doing his job or the guy who bought the "equipment" ? Not the same result in terms of police brutallity no ? But I agree that all the operation was f.... up, yes. Anyway, ask any professional, they'll tell you it's almost impossible to deal with a mob without "casualties" (unfortunately).
they there were used as they were built for...destruction
:o ... C'mon... and slingshots, wood sticks, Molotov cocktails were used to "kindly" welcome the cops ?

people who have a different opinion or are a  "MINORITY," should suffer the consequences.

Of course not, but as soon as they express their "different opinion" illegally, are not opened to any dialogue, are unable to bring any constructive solutions, are threatening the interests of the rest of the country (not politicians, but fellow citizens who are losing their jobs because of this mess) , well they should accept the consequences... If they don't, well they can always start legal procedures and the judges will decide who is responsible.

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....they should accept the consequences... If they don't, well they can always start legal procedures and the judges will decide who is responsible.

And just how do you suggest a dead woman starts legal procedures?

Oh and don't forget the Police who so grossly misjudged their armament and tactics and job description,

should also expect to accept some consequences too. They are no doubt coming.

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And just how do you suggest a dead woman starts legal procedures?
Don't play stupid my petal, you knew exactly what I meant, I'm not even start arguing with you, thank you.
Oh and don't forget the Police who so grossly misjudged their armament and tactics and job description,

should also expect to accept some consequences too. They are no doubt coming.

At least we agree on something "animatic", people responsible for that mess, on both sides, will have to answer for their lack of judgment, absolutely.

In conclusion ('cause I'm not gonna spend my life arguing here), some of us disagree - and it's quite normal - but let's just hope that for the sake of its great people, Thailand will solve (peacefully) this problem very soon; because it's quite obvious that, no matter which government will lead this country in the near future, it will need stability and support to deal with very important (economic, international, social) issues.

Good evening :o

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And just how do you suggest a dead woman starts legal procedures?
Don't play stupid my petal, you knew exactly what I meant, I'm not even start arguing with you, thank you.
Oh and don't forget the Police who so grossly misjudged their armament and tactics and job description,

should also expect to accept some consequences too. They are no doubt coming.

At least we agree on something "animatic", people responsible for that mess, on both sides, will have to answer for their lack of judgment, absolutely.

In conclusion

but let's just hope that for the sake of its great people, Thailand will solve (peacefully) this problem very soon;

because it's quite obvious that, no matter which government will lead this country in the near future,

it will need stability and support to deal with very important (economic, international, social) issues.

Good evening :o

Well we can agree on this for sure.

Good evening :D

An hope for tomorrow to NOT come about as it appears today it might.

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You clearly stated the authorities acted "rightly,"
: They had the right and had to act, yes.
by using extreme measures
What extreme measures ? Tear gas are not extreme measures, they're used everywhere around the world to deal with threatening mobs. Were any bullets fired ? Were any protesters beaten to death ? No.
The gas canisters were not defective
you are right, as "animatic" said, the were too effective. On purpose ? Do your really believe that ? Just "chinese" bad luck (yeah, them again...), so who's to blame ? The cop who was just doing his job or the guy who bought the "equipment" ? Not the same result in terms of police brutallity no ? But I agree that all the operation was f.... up, yes. Anyway, ask any professional, they'll tell you it's almost impossible to deal with a mob without "casualties" (unfortunately).

You are incredible...

So you are saying that none of the cops had any idea what the effect of their equipment were? Really? So that would mean they haven't done their basic riot training - and this would be who's fault? Surely it would be the police's.

Too effective? Jesus Christ on a pogo stick - these aren't tear gas grenades that with the stroke of luck are to efficient, these are tear gas grenades for military[style] use. Dispersed via rapid deployment by detonation of the grenade instead of the common [law enforcement style] grenades that release the gas in a controled fasion with no explosion whatsoever. A grenade that contains RDX is potentially LETHAL. Infact, it's border-line if they could be called less lethal as a detonation in close proximity has a direct chance, not a small one, of killing or maiming a person.

These grenades would never be accepted in the west - and yes, they show the typical Chinese style of dealing with protesters are criminals against the state and therefor using military style of force - and anyone that purchased, tested and trained with them would had to have known their effect.

And even if we assume that none of the police officers had no idea what the grenades could do due to improper training, it is VERY clear to see how different they are compared to normal tear gas grenades as the EXPLODE with a very CLEAR BANG when they release the gas. It's just impossible that the officers launching them was totally unaware.

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