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My Plant Looks Sick

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Can any one tell me just what's going on with the plant shown , its a few years old, and been growing well with no problems, but in the past few weeks its started to show some brown marks on the leaves, its watered most hot day's but not fed .




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It could be lack of Nutrients. You say its not been fed. Have you ever given it feed in its life time or has it been in the same soil/compost all its life?

I cant quite tell how big the pot is so maybe needs a bigger pot/container too.

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Those plants like shade and moisture. So if under a covered indoor /outdoor area might not be enough moisture.

The leaves if anything look scorched by the sun, they don't like direct sunlight.

If you ask a garden shop for some fertiliser suitable for ferns that will encourage new leaf growth, but it looks as though its present problem is too much sun and not enough moisture. Should have good drainage and water at least once every 2 days.

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cmsally is correct. Your "Bird's Nest Fern", or "Asplenium nidus", is getting exposed to direct sunlight. We are north of the equator, so as we get closer to December, the southern part of your home becomes more exposed to the sun. This may be your problem. Unless you recently moved it.


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Thanks for the comments, I have now moved the plant from its old long term position to a more shaded spot, its never been fed or re potted in the last Two years so may be its time to do both and see what happens next , I often wonder if I am over watering this type of plant ( it gets a watering every day ) any thoughts on over watering it ..? and am I correct in thinking that putting some sort of rocks in the bottom of the new pot will make for better drainage ? , also the last time I bought some plant food from a market ( small white balls ) after I sprinkled some on the plants soil , within a week it was dead , so now I am a bit concerned about feeding any plants..? :o

Thanks TL

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I love Bird's Nests, I have lots of them. Try repotting it and cut off the brown outside leaves, this is the way the plant regenerates itself. They don't need fertiliser just a shady, non windy place and they will thrive. Also never water it in the middle as this will cause it to rot as will overwatering. Fertiliser if you must use it dilute it as this will burn the plant.

I have one that's about ten years old and it's huge.

Edited by Swanky
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