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Time Period For Thai Bank To Repo Home.

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Hi All,

At the moment iam working offshore. I just got off the phone to the wife.

Here is the problem. I leave her enough money for house repayments and living expenses

every time i depart Thailand for work.

In Oct, she came down with Dengue Fever even with medical insurance this used all

the money. Apparently the bank has been threatning repossesion.

My question is how flexible are the Thai banks on missed repayments?

Will they exict after 1 month? If they do were do I stand in getting the place back?

I would be suprised if they do as we only owe bit above 200K, but as we all

know this is Thailand and anything is possible.

Thanks for advice or experience. Cheers, Scabo

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The Bank needst to take your wife to court in order to get a possession order, I don't know for sure but I guess this would take at least a few weeks to arange.

You should ask your wife to go to the bank and explain the problem and also give the bank a payment date by which you shall have made up the missing payments.

You say you work 'off shore' can you not contact your bank and have funds sent to your wife's account in order to make the payments.

In future it might be a good idea to have an account at the bank where you have the loan and have a standing order to pay the loan. That account need not be in your wife's name hence you put the money in and let the bank take care of payments.

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Thanks for your reply GuestHouse.

In hindsite, I guess there are plenty of things i should have done,

not to be in this position. Just that things have worked out fine over the last

2 years. Laziness on my behalf.

I will be back in Thailand in less than a week, so hopefully i will sort out everything out then.

As every one who works O/S resides Thailand knows does your head in worrying about what may happen.

Lesson learnt, certainly be making some changes. Cheers again, scabo.

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