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How To Deal With 'criminals"


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If everyone used drugs, for sure we would still be in the dark ages. You can twist it anyways you like but most heavy drug users have damaged their brains in one way or another. You can't even see that dopers rob and even kill to get more drugs. Is that what you consider a normal healthy life style?

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i Take offence at being called a scumbag ,as i smoke cannabis does that make me a bad person nope far from it .The law on Cannabis around the world is unjust and stupid .The Dutch have it right ,I have used e in the past many many years of taking acid and whizz .

Though all thats in the past now i dont drink, and cant stand the stuff or drunks .Though i have smoked herb for other 25 years and i dont smoke cigrets .Dont tar all people with the same brush.

Alot of people who are very ill, use cannabis. Does that make them a SCUM BAGS as you say i am sure some of my friends with hiv and ms like being called that .

Cannbis courses no problems its the unjust laws of the lands that do .ps the Dutch have one of the lowest rates of drug use in the eu ,and thelowest rates of cannbis use .An England has one of the highest.

You lot work it out it does not take a rocket scientist.

No offence or sarcasm meant.......................But, reading and noting your use of capitalisation after punctuation marks/spaces, use of lower case in error, grammatical context in general and your spelling???

Suggest you leave the herbs/ cannabis alone for a while. Might be better to sink a Tiger or two :o

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Noted a few posters talking about drugs when they were younger and experimenting with all manner of things.

Realise that curiousity is what took man out of caves to where we are now (good or bad mai roo). Except taking drugs is not out of curiousity, more like an ego trip. "I want to be a rebel"/cool". "Bet people are impressed with me".

Seeing and experiencing the heartache and loss that drugs and it's effects can have on the individual and their family. Believe you need to have something missing in your head or life to take drugs.

So called soft drugs like cannabis has had devastating effects on young people I knew. From energetic, go getters who were assured a place at the good fortune table, lost it all. Became lethargic and could not care less about their world/future......

I drink, sometimes to excess and feel ill in the morning. That is me out of action for two days. Makes me angry with myself for being so stupid.

Drugs are for losers, you may not think so but they take thier toll over the years, out of your body, relationships and mind.

another one of those grossly over general statements with more holes than a swiss cheese that help us stay way behind.. where shall i start?

I can start as a general statement being a father who spent three years with a son, who went from soft drugs and petty theft to hard drugs with identity theft for stealing, finally losing his own life

I enjoy this, but also it makes me sad because you have a voice, a say, and yet it is so very wrong it makes me cringe ( hope that right word)

Yes and a pair of eyes that have seen the deterioration, suffering of a young human being

" drugs are for losers' legal ones too? so you are loser because you drink? So, in your completely flawed logic, everyone who takes drugs will ruin there life and is loser.

In a nutshell if taken to excess any kind of drug will ruin your life, if you do it, knowing what you could lose?? Then you are a loser

My god...and people who do not take are successful are they?

No, abstinence is no garantee of success. I never said it did. Read the post again

and by the way, what is the benchmark of success?

A sense of fufillment. Ability to take care of oneself with no help/support. Attainment of goals, etc.

Is it " follow all those laws, deny yourself the possibilty of enjoying certain things that have been deemed to dangerous( but we know many will anyway because its need) to try pay all those tax, do not do this/ that, be a good little robot, retire at 60, enjoy your pension..

to me that is far far from success.

Your comments, not applicable to my post?

care to make a bet?

Do not gamble, above your comments, not applicable to my post

can you not see how backwards this is? There can be no absolutes- please try and grasp this

wether you like or no- I tell you this, many people take many sorts of drugs, even heroin( which actually even may lengthen life) and are very happy, successful, heathy.

Never knew heroin extended life, rather the reverse> Please quote the GMC paper and when published. Oh? If possibe the year, Victorian and Edwardian era's do not count??

That is a fact. I know many like this.Many may not, and the way perhaps to help stop this is new policys.

mass/wrong generalisation will impeed this

By your response, makes me think you take drugs??? That being the case it has not helped your grammar, spelling or punctuation

Edited by tmd5855
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Tautological arguments and disingenuous uses of logic that don't say anything useful about how the laws relate to reality. Laws that cannot be enforced make a mockery of justice.

It does not matter if a law is just or not, if by your own actions you cause someone else to break the law, you are playing a part in them being punished under the law.

..and perhaps those actions may lead, as history has shown us towards a law that has a chance of working and serving society in a far more practical progressive way

would you agree? and are you sure that it does not matter if a law is just or not

should we really all be just like sheep and follow the laws without question

and another typical little error

i take it you actually mean if caught, tried, convicted because breaking the law does not, never has done and never will automaticly mean going to jail.

Do you agree?

I wish people here would grasp that

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i Take offence at being called a scumbag ,as i smoke cannabis does that make me a bad person nope far from it .The law on Cannabis around the world is unjust and stupid .The Dutch have it right ,I have used e in the past many many years of taking acid and whizz .

Though all thats in the past now i dont drink, and cant stand the stuff or drunks .Though i have smoked herb for other 25 years and i dont smoke cigrets .Dont tar all people with the same brush.

Alot of people who are very ill, use cannabis. Does that make them a SCUM BAGS as you say i am sure some of my friends with hiv and ms like being called that .

Cannbis courses no problems its the unjust laws of the lands that do .ps the Dutch have one of the lowest rates of drug use in the eu ,and thelowest rates of cannbis use .An England has one of the highest.

You lot work it out it does not take a rocket scientist.

No offence or sarcasm meant.......................But, reading and noting your use of capitalisation after punctuation marks/spaces, use of lower case in error, grammatical context in general and your spelling???

Suggest you leave the herbs/ cannabis alone for a while. Might be better to sink a Tiger or two :o

what about you..? you are a 54 year old male, but look like a 30 something thailady. What are you on? I ahve nothing any trannys though, and if thats the case, you look fine

why not stop all this sillyness and think of a way forward...

you have proven that theres some very vital things you have not a clue about about( heroin) what else is there ? put aside the ego,amit whe wrong

do not go off on side issues, this is not an english school

this man happens to be far more enlightend than you

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i Though all thats in the past now i dont drink, and cant stand the stuff or drunks .

though i have smoked herb for other 25 years and i dont smoke cigrets .Dont tar all people with the same brush.

Alot of people who are very ill, use cannabis.

Does that make them a SCUM BAGS as you say i am sure some of my friends with hiv and ms like being called that .

Cannbis courses no problems its the unjust laws of the lands that do .ps the Dutch have one of the lowest rates of drug use in the eu ,and thelowest rates of cannbis use .An England has one of the highest.

You lot work it out it does not take a rocket scientist.

No offence or sarcasm meant.......................But, reading and noting your use of capitalisation after punctuation marks/spaces, use of lower case in error, grammatical context in general and your spelling???

Suggest you leave the herbs/ cannabis alone for a while. Might be better to sink a Tiger or two :D

what about you..? you are a 54 year old male, but look like a 30 something thailady. What are you on? I ahve nothing any trannys though, and if thats the case, you look fine

why not stop all this sillyness and think of a way forward...

you have proven that theres some very vital things you have not a clue about about( heroin) what else is there ? put aside the ego,amit whe wrong

do not go off on side issues, this is not an english school

this man happens to be far more enlightend than you

I apologise, made a big mistake, should not of teased or corrected you, reading my replies show I am a bully :D

Reading your post, thought there were a wiff of high altitude ozone in there, which to excuse the silliness or, poorly thought out statements.

Realise now you should be at school. So, hurry along there sonny, mummy has your sandwiches and clean panties in case of............. :D

My attempt at sarcasm, no offense 55555 55555

But I would suggest you type out any future post's in word.

Do a spell/grammar check, cut, then paste on the reply board.

It would read a lot better and you would then appear enlightened, if not grammatically correct :D

PS Never called anyone a scumbag in my post's?? You must be mistaking me for someone else...5555555555 555555555

Will pass on your nice compliment to the wife, (thanks) she is 36 not 30 something :o

Edited by tmd5855
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But I would suggest you type out any future post's in word.

Do a spell/grammar check, cut, then paste on the reply board.

It would read a lot better and you would then appear enlightened, if not grammatically correct :o

Just like you obviously do eh?

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If everyone used drugs, for sure we would still be in the dark ages. You can twist it anyways you like but most heavy drug users have damaged their brains in one way or another. You can't even see that dopers rob and even kill to get more drugs. Is that what you consider a normal healthy life style?

okay- the first flaw in that nice little bit of retoic is the false premise based upon the illision " if" ( when anything starts with this- watch out)

not everyone will

its as simple as that.

so all the retoric afterward that flawed gaff sounds good but its another completley flawed statement.

and most is not all, so I do not need to twist by your logic, you have already said some do not damage their brains. I happen to know that there is far more who, when do so correctly suffer zero damage at all

have a great time, do no harm. I would consider that a healthy lifestyle.

I think not exercising freewill is a sort of damage.

Perhaps if different policy it may reduce killing and robbing.. holland has vastly reduced this problems

the same happened when the windows were opened, it now has the least rate of sex crimes in europe

men did not have to rape, they could go to the windows

users here do not have to steal- they sign up

has this worked, by and large yes, has the popular way worked- no, and it never will

And here I will test you... these are my personal favortes, one can use them in classes of how not to present an arguement

can you please explian another stunning flaw in your types logic-

how can you know that most heavy drug users damage their brain? have you reseached every single heavy drug user? who has? according to you someone has, because you say they all have

oh dear, see what I mean...not doing very well are we?

please, please please tell me how you 'know" this...

has it ever crossed that open , progessive mind of yours that most heavy drug users do not subject themselves to yours or any other intellgence gathering network

let me whisper a little fact into your ear.... most drug users keep it personal, most people will never know as they keep it to themselves

therefore you can not possibly know that most damge their brains

you only can know about the ones who do have serious problems, and even this has varibles

and another little fact there are far more who do not, than do

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