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Thai Military Dress Uniform


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just watching on TV the Thai Military wearing what looks like bear skin hats. Looks a bit similar to the Grenadier guards. anyone know the history of the Thai Military use of this uniform? Was it a gift or a copy or are they the originals?

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just watching on TV the Thai Military wearing what looks like bear skin hats. Looks a bit similar to the Grenadier guards. anyone know the history of the Thai Military use of this uniform? Was it a gift or a copy or are they the originals?

I think they took it from the UK. Sorry I cannot give anymore info but it could be easily found on the web :o try wikipedia

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the majority of thai uniform idea came from europe, of course. during the old time, siam used to have alot european foreign coming for trade and stuff....so the government or royalty want to be cool and so they adopt the military uniform from euro.

i think it just stupid, thailand should just made there own design of military uniform.sigh

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Watching the Royal Funeral on saturday I was very impressed with the uniforms.

The gaurds, all in different colors looked resplendant. green, light blue, dark blue, yellow and some other colors too. In the UK its just a standard red uniform with a black busby.

I remarked to my Wife that I can't think of another country where state funerals are such a wonderful spectacle

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Watching the Royal Funeral on saturday I was very impressed with the uniforms.

The gaurds, all in different colors looked resplendant. green, light blue, dark blue, yellow and some other colors too. In the UK its just a standard red uniform with a black busby.

I remarked to my Wife that I can't think of another country where state funerals are such a wonderful spectacle

Queen Victoria would have probably had a fit if she saw her foot guards dressed in anything other than red tunics.

From what I remember from my own Army days the 'woodentops' were always a little different compared to line infantry Regiments, no single lance Corporal stripe for instance.

I too was impressed with the Thai military on parade, their slow march , same as British Army, hard work to keep up and in the heat and full ceremonial uniform!.

Good show.

Sgt Major (ret) PhuToei2

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And the medals...my god how impressive, they were weighed down by all their regallia...does anyone know what campaign or battle they fought in to receive these awards? Or do they get them for making the tea? Maybe the "Corruption Cross" or the "Coupe Medal Of Dishonour" they did their duty!!

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