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Visa Success

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i often read many of the posts on here of the succesful storys of visa applications so today i would like to add mine . i have a beautiful wife and 20 month old daughter who today recieved her settlement visa for the uk.a big big thankyou to davies khan who has been a great help and i can only say to any futre applicants if you need help in your visa application please use this firm the guy is a genuis. good look to all you people in the process of appliying for visa i hope you have all the success i have had. one very happy man col.

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Quite agree with you the Scouser is the No 1 man

He seems to know the right answers to all there questions and is so good at calming you when you are very stressed.

Only problem is the football team he supports lol. :o

Edited by chris22
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