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Sky News Headline


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Just seen a Sky news headline which says Thai Police have ordered protestors to leave the airport or

" They will be liable to prosecution"

That is the way to move them on, they must be shaking in their flip flops

Bugger when I saw the topic title I thought summat was happening. You owe me a beer, I spilt my Chang.

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No not prosecutoin, electrocution

Issue boots to the police , heavy rubber boots. Douse the " Protestors "with water and then electrocute them. Very little clean up

"castration"? That wouldnt work for the police they've lost all their ba**s already!!

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"This is your last warning .....if you do not come out soon, we will warn you again..."

:o:D :D

and after that they will be warned seriously that 50 policemen with shields will come and try hard to remove them for 15 min.

Clearly the police does not want to do something.

They know Somchai is already past.

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Just seen a Sky news headline which says Thai Police have ordered protestors to leave the airport or

" They will be liable to prosecution"

That is the way to move them on, they must be shaking in their flip flops

What this? Do they mean that the protestors haven`t broken any laws as yet, and maybe they will be breaking the law if they continue?

What a joke this country has become.

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"This is your last warning .....if you do not come out soon, we will warn you again..."


And to think, some falangs give tea money to this band of cowards. Next time:

BIB: You go too fast. Give me 100baht for tea money.

Falang: Boo

BIB: Shriek, run for your lives, he said boo!

Sorry for another Monty python line "Brave brave Boys in Brown, when danger raised its ugly head, they bravely turned away and fled, brave brave Boys in Brown.... run away, run away"

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After the spineless government allowed a paid mob to overrun and occupy the government house, that was the sure sign of much worse to come. It is outrageous for that mob to storm the airports and destroy what is left of Thai tourism and confidence among foreign businessmen. Those people claim to love their country? What a strange way to show it.

I predict that PAD will win and that they will install the next corrupt government. Government corruption regardless of the party is the normal way of things here in Thailand and then it again will be business as usual. The elite will continue to run the country. The poor will remain poor and the rich will get richer.

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After the spineless government allowed a paid mob to overrun and occupy the government house, that was the sure sign of much worse to come. It is outrageous for that mob to storm the airports and destroy what is left of Thai tourism and confidence among foreign businessmen. Those people claim to love their country? What a strange way to show it.

I predict that PAD will win and that they will install the next corrupt government. Government corruption regardless of the party is the normal way of things here in Thailand and then it again will be business as usual. The elite will continue to run the country. The poor will remain poor and the rich will get richer.

Gary, I think the government had no chance and had to allow these occupancies, wink-wink.

As far as Elite vs Poor, historically they have always gotten away with it. All things end, and usually badly.

50-50 or better odds not this time. My two cents.


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