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Protesters Injure 4, Damage Scores Of Cars In Reaction To Pm Vote


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Protesters injure 4, damage scores of cars in reaction to PM vote


BANGKOK: -- About a hundred red-shirted demonstrators blocked access to Parliament and threw bricks at vehicles belonging to departing members of parliament, following Monday morning's critical vote, injuring one journalist and three MPs in their cars and damaging 30 vehicles after Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva won the vote as Thailand's new prime minister.

Disgruntled supporters of ousted, self-exiled former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra threw plastic bottles into the Parliament grounds and dragged police barricades to block the intended departure of the lawmakers after the vote finished around 11am.

Riot police negotiated with the protesters and were able to open exits for MPs to leave Parliament after a ten-minute altercation between the angry demonstrators and the authorities.

However, some protesters threw bricks pulled up from the footpaths at MPs vehicles, particularly from the Democrat Party.

Democrat MPs Peeraphan Saleeratwipak and Thana Cheerawinit as well as Puea Pandin MP Chaiyod Chiramethakorn were injured in the incident when their cars were attacked.

Meanwhile, some protesters kicked at vehicles of the MPs, and a bottle of liquid believed to be acid was thrown toward a group of red-shirted protesters, but no one was injured.

Protest leaders later told red-shirted group to disperse at Puea Thai MP Jatuporn Promphan's request for fear of any violence caused by a possible third party, so police could open traffic on Sukhothai Road.

Some protesters announced that they would gather at a community radio station in Soi Vibhavadi 3 and at Sanam Luang.

-- TNA 2008-12-15

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Several injured in rock throwing by red-shirted people

BANGKOK: -- A reporter and several other people were injured when angry red-shirted supporters of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra threw rocks against vehicles leaving the Parliament compound.

The red-shirted people became angry after Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva was elected the next prime minister.

The protesters blocked the gates of the Parliament for about 30 minutes but were later pushed off by police.

They then waited at a gate and threw rocks at vehicles which were leaving, breaking their windows.

Sitthichai Jaruhiransakul, a reporter of Prachathat, was hit at his nose, causing it to bleed.

-- The Nation 2008-12-15

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The colour of the shirts may change but the hate and animosity remains the same. Thailand has become a divided nation and the new PM has his work cut out to reunite it. At least this time it was only bricks, next time it may well be their favoured projectile : grenades.

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All of this sh_it is started to be SO boring. When will they stop?? How long will it be for more?? Dont they realize that NOTHING ever changes on this country - but just a faces on the street banners? Red t-shirts, yellow, pink or black.... Rainbow'ed id_ots.

Oh God, pls give them some brain... :D "They said they wanna revolution...??©"

Still dont understand - WHERE IS THE POLICE AND THE FORCES??

Oh sorry - I do, I do...they are too busy collecting the tip money from the drivers, motorcyclists etc - I've seen them doing this today's morning, EVERY morning... :o


Last month I've (as a company) lost around 500K euros from that airport case - the money which would come TO THIS COUNTRY and up the wealth of the locals as well.

Pls, continue...Rainbow'ed id_ots. Just keep doin'. :D

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What is interesting is that during his recent televised speech, Thaksin asked his followers to back away from violence and try to peacefully coexist with other facets of the government. My wife was watching it and translated for me as she listened. It seems that perhaps he is attempting to build some goodwill for his eventual return to the Kingdom... or he is saying one thing on air but quite something different in private. But obviously there are zealots among his camp that refuse to back down and want to pick a fight...whether their true motivations are ideological or financial is the big question. I concur it is high time for the security forces to step in and start doing their jobs. Thailand is getting an undeserved bad rap because of all the protesters. My sensing from Thai contacts in several locales is that normal, everyday people want harmony and peace. Many have doubts that the new government can achieve these goals but most want to give them a chance. People are fed up with violence and vitriol.

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Fore Man>>At this point Thaksin will be able to say 'never use violence' and not have to worrie, the issue is so flammable that he can count on the most die hard fans to use it anyway. And he can claim reasonable deniability of infusing any violence into the events taking place.

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....edited...... or he is saying one thing on air but quite something different in private. ....

Well, regarding this issue, "The Man" has build some incredible reputation for exactly this... yes/no/No/Yes/Yes/No/No/Yes

"I am going to retire from politics!" :o

See what I mean?

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I wish they would stop it all but its not likely is it, afterall, the PAD mob set a precedent, its obvious that the (much larger) red group will feel that they need to fight their corner.

Its a pity, the new guy has a good resume and economically could get Thailand going. I firmly put all this mayhem though at the doorstep of the PAD - its them that have turned Thailand into a banana republic.

For the good of the country, I hope that the police go in strong now against the Reds, and close-down any activity before it gets bigger AND that they lock-up Sondhi & the rest of the voodoo clan.

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So, the Red shirts had flags of Che Guevara on them at the stadium on Saturday, eh? Why don't they just come out and say what they think? Scared little rabbits.

My wife has been saying for a while now. "They wear red , the must be communists."

Edited by Mosha
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Problem is ... in economic good time it would die down and everyone going back to their business ... unfortunately Thailand is going to see unprecedented lay off and thousands (if not millions) people with nothing to do but being angry ... recruiting ground for perpetual unrest ?!

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Problem is ... in economic good time it would die down and everyone going back to their business ... unfortunately Thailand is going to see unprecedented lay off and thousands (if not millions) people with nothing to do but being angry ... recruiting ground for perpetual unrest ?!

Yes, 'Seneque', there are going to be a lot who lose their jobs in tourism who will feel : "PAD lost me my job".

But also, after a time of protesting the idiots who are not political, or even up to earning a bit of money as paid 'protestors', but relish a 'rumble', start to join in.

In the West, they latch on to football for their 'rumble thrill', but anything will do, and here yellow shirts v. redshirts is available.

It won't all settle down soon, though.

The people of the North and the Northeast know full well that the 'powers that be' in Bangkok have lived fat at their expense, and now the emergent middle-class want to climb on the bandwagon.

Thaksin was clever to work out how to make election success out of it, but the fact remains that he delivered on his promises. I was thinking of that this afternoon in our new district hospital, looking at people in outpatients who, when I first came here, would not have been able to afford their treatmen.

As far as the people up here are concerned, Thaksin was the best Prime Minister that they ever had. (The fact that he 'got up some noses in Bangkok is not something that is held against him here---if anything, it's the reverse!).

There is a four-word phrase that I hear that sums it up: "We not take Chuan".

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I just dont get it. PAD blocks airport and causes untold disruption and distress yet thet now win by having their own PM.

I thought that the democrats were a minority in the parliament so how can a PAD man get the PM's job.

Its no wonder that the red shirts are upset.

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I just dont get it. PAD blocks airport and causes untold disruption and distress yet thet now win by having their own PM.

I thought that the democrats were a minority in the parliament so how can a PAD man get the PM's job.

Its no wonder that the red shirts are upset.

The PPP was a minority in the parliament too.

And calling a democrat leader for PADs man is misleading. Just because they don't hate him doesn't mean they love him. He can still erupt their anger in many ways.

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So, the Red shirts had flags of Che Guevara on them at the stadium on Saturday, eh? Why don't they just come out and say what they think? Scared little rabbits.

My wife has been saying for a while now. "They wear red , the must be communists."

oh, i think people use che guevara out of political context.

PAD supporters had images of che, too.

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I just dont get it. PAD blocks airport and causes untold disruption and distress yet thet now win by having their own PM.

I thought that the democrats were a minority in the parliament so how can a PAD man get the PM's job.

Its no wonder that the red shirts are upset.

Abisit is not a PAD man. Democtrats won the majority, and will answer to both the yellow and red if policies do not suite the needs of the country in whole

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I just dont get it. PAD blocks airport and causes untold disruption and distress yet thet now win by having their own PM.

I thought that the democrats were a minority in the parliament so how can a PAD man get the PM's job.

Its no wonder that the red shirts are upset.

Abisit is not a PAD man. Democtrats won the majority, and will answer to both the yellow and red if policies do not suite the needs of the country in whole

He is a PAD man and without them he would still be on the outside.

Abhisit answers to PAD, the Army, The supposed middle class "intellects" :o:D and now Newin.

Anybody it seems but the electorate.

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I just dont get it. PAD blocks airport and causes untold disruption and distress yet thet now win by having their own PM.

I thought that the democrats were a minority in the parliament so how can a PAD man get the PM's job.

Its no wonder that the red shirts are upset.

Abisit is not a PAD man. Democtrats won the majority, and will answer to both the yellow and red if policies do not suite the needs of the country in whole

He is a PAD man and without them he would still be on the outside.

Abhisit answers to PAD, the Army, The supposed middle class "intellects" :o:D and now Newin.

Anybody it seems but the electorate.

Grandpops you seem to have forgotten your dementia medication, time will tell all. (Bought electorate.)

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When PAD blockaded the parliament there were no injuries to the MPs, there were no reports even of attempts to physically attack them.

The violence was between PAD and police.

Go Away PLUS.

Stop your hatred and allow the new Government a chance to make Thailand better place for all, even people like you who is only happy if you can cause to spread your hatred.

Peace and success be with the new government.

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I just dont get it. PAD blocks airport and causes untold disruption and distress yet thet now win by having their own PM.

I thought that the democrats were a minority in the parliament so how can a PAD man get the PM's job.

Its no wonder that the red shirts are upset.

The PPP was a minority in the parliament too.

And calling a democrat leader for PADs man is misleading. Just because they don't hate him doesn't mean they love him. He can still erupt their anger in many ways.

tawp thee ppp had 233 vs 167 mp's not enough for a majority but they had the first crack at forming an alliance please get your facts straight

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That's the whole problem, the people didn't get to vote for a new PM, he was just ushered in by the PAD. If there were a real vote, Taksin would be right back in, because he is still the best of the worst.

I guess the peaceful Thais in Esan will need to "re-educate" the Hi-So Thais in Bangkok about what is really important in life, which isn't always being greedy.

Also, the folks in red will only attack the actual people they are angry at, that's why they are not beating up motorcycle taxi drivers and police, but the actual MP's that are trying to take over the Gov't again by force instead of having a real election.

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....edited...... or he is saying one thing on air but quite something different in private. ....

Well, regarding this issue, "The Man" has build some incredible reputation for exactly this... yes/no/No/Yes/Yes/No/No/Yes

"I am going to retire from politics!" :o

See what I mean?

Yes, both you and TAWP are right of course. Thaksin's era and its sorry aftermath will haunt Thailand for a long time and new hatreds will be nurtured and new targets will be in the sights of many of the newly disgruntled. My (Thai) friends tell me that Thaksin had many bright ideas but the wrong execution. The man could have gone down in history as a savior but his meglomania and consuming greed did him in. Now his name will live in infamy.

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Problem is ... in economic good time it would die down and everyone going back to their business ... unfortunately Thailand is going to see unprecedented lay off and thousands (if not millions) people with nothing to do but being angry ... recruiting ground for perpetual unrest ?!

Yes, 'Seneque', there are going to be a lot who lose their jobs in tourism who will feel : "PAD lost me my job".

But also, after a time of protesting the idiots who are not political, or even up to earning a bit of money as paid 'protestors', but relish a 'rumble', start to join in.

In the West, they latch on to football for their 'rumble thrill', but anything will do, and here yellow shirts v. redshirts is available.

It won't all settle down soon, though.

The people of the North and the Northeast know full well that the 'powers that be' in Bangkok have lived fat at their expense, and now the emergent middle-class want to climb on the bandwagon.

Thaksin was clever to work out how to make election success out of it, but the fact remains that he delivered on his promises. I was thinking of that this afternoon in our new district hospital, looking at people in outpatients who, when I first came here, would not have been able to afford their treatmen.

As far as the people up here are concerned, Thaksin was the best Prime Minister that they ever had. (The fact that he 'got up some noses in Bangkok is not something that is held against him here---if anything, it's the reverse!).

There is a four-word phrase that I hear that sums it up: "We not take Chuan".

You have very misplaced ideas about Mr T.

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That's the whole problem, the people didn't get to vote for a new PM, he was just ushered in by the PAD. If there were a real vote, Taksin would be right back in, because he is still the best of the worst.

I guess the peaceful Thais in Esan will need to "re-educate" the Hi-So Thais in Bangkok about what is really important in life, which isn't always being greedy.

Also, the folks in red will only attack the actual people they are angry at, that's why they are not beating up motorcycle taxi drivers and police, but the actual MP's that are trying to take over the Gov't again by force instead of having a real election.

There were real elections, and now the majority of the chosen MP's decided to form a new Government.

That is called democracy, making compromises.

Maybe difficult to understand for someone used to a 2-party system.

And, let us not forget, that during his time, personal gain for a few cronies was tuned to a very fine degree.

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Well, the PAD giveth so the UDD giveth unto Thailand too.

The police top ranks of the police should all be sacked for allowing the PAD to set a bad example of law breaking and for standing idly by when the PAD was attacked. The military have no responsible for domestic security unless it's a matter of national security from an external threat. Anything else is the responsibility of the police.

I'd have to say that the ineptitude of the Thai police is unbelievable. They make the Keystone Cops look serious. Surely they can't all be morons who have no idea of what "policing" means. Their ineffectiveness and corruption must come from the top ranks and this needs to be cut out.

Best short term solution for Thailand ? Remove the top 4-6 ranks of police and make the remainder responsible to the army. Then, if any of the remaining police can be promoted on merit and clean record then do so until they replace the military ranks.

Everyone says to abide by the law, but the law is nothing without enforcement. The judges are on the right track. Time to get the police into line as well. Pay them a decent wage might help.

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