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Bar Girls, Gogo Girls, Masage Parlour Girls, Human Beings.


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Amidst all of my experiences here in Thailand, one in particular touched me deeply and changed my way of thinking.

I had taken bar girls home, also gogo dancers and even massage parlour girls just for the sake of getting my end away. I thought of them as no more than business aquaintences, treating them like Princesses one day only to discard them the next day for another beauty who would satisfy my desires.

Then I met a girl who changed my perceptions of Thai (bar) girls. Previously I had thought of Thai girls as nothing more than business pleasure. Play the game and tell them what they want to hear, only to say goodbye the next day and meet another the same night.

The other night I met another girl that changed my way of thinking. I can't say why specifically, she just did.

A part of it is me feeling sorry for the way that some North Eastern Thai girls are forced into the sex industry in order to escape a life of poverty. Yet they still seem to be happy, smiling people that are fun to be around (not everyone but most.)

Back home in the West Prostitutes are frowned upon. Dirty, sleazy animals that you don't want to be associated with.

For some reason Thai bar girls aren't thought of in the same way, although you wouldn't take one back to meet your family and tell them what she was really doing for a living when you met her. I suppose it's kind of accepted. Men go to Thailand for cheap beer, sun and sex.

This one girl has changed my way of thinking though. I won't go into details as to why, only to post my conclusions.

These people are human beings the same as you and I. Although our ideals are different sometimes, most are still nice people and deserve more respect than most Westerners give them.

The Western way of thinking is that because a girl has had so many sexual partners her that she is no longer worthy of being a viable other half. This is crazy. I know of at least 3 or 4 village "bikes" back home that have settled down with guys despite having many, many sexual partners. What's the difference??

The difference is that MONEY has been exchanged for their services and that is somehow different than buying a girl a load of drinks in a bar, buying her a meal, paying for her taxi fare back to your place, sleeping with her and then paying for her taxi fare home (which often costs more!)

In actual fact, Thai Bar, GoGo, Massage girls are HUMAN BEINGS just like you and I and deserve to be treated as such.

Your thoughts please?

Edited by jonaz
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It's now 09:22, I'll give this thread until 10:30 before it gets closed.

with the OP saying

The Western way of thinking is that because a girl has had so many c**ks in her that she is no longer worthy of being a partner

i would have to agree :o .... time is now 9.30am ...

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It's now 09:22, I'll give this thread until 10:30 before it gets closed.

with the OP saying

The Western way of thinking is that because a girl has had so many c**ks in her that she is no longer worthy of being a partner

i would have to agree :o .... time is now 9.30am ...

Agreed and edited accordingly! Time is now 09.35 :D

Edited by jonaz
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Well of course they are Human Beings. I've met policemen I like as well.

I just don't have too much admiration for them professionally, sorry, but there are other ways out of poverty and there are a lot of people who manage to live in poverty.

It's a shortcut for lazy people--and in my limited experience a lot of these are very lazy people.

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It's now 09:22, I'll give this thread until 10:30 before it gets closed.

Yeah this forum seems to be really good at censorship. I've noticed that. Why would this topic be deleted? :o

If you read the forum rules you will see that the topic you are trying to discuss is specifically not allowed and when someone starts to talk about the subject it usually lasts only a few minutes before it is closed. Having said that, you do deserve some sympathies in that the way you approached the discussion was half way reasonable albeit there were some parts of what you said that were better left unsaid. Sounds to me like this is yet another case of a once sex tourist going through the voyage of discovery regarding the people and culture of Thailand, most folks get there in the end.

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Nobody forced them to do what they do

If you've ever spent time in the villages amongst very poor people and become involved in their daily lives you would understand that whilst nobody forces the girls to do what they do, everybody forces them. The parents and family may apply pressure to the girls to provide income, the girls themselves are subject to cultural pressure and the knowledge that it is their responsibility to provide for the family. Coming from poor rural villages they will likely not have had much education past the age of 16 so their employment chances are far and few between. In a society where a university degree is the minimum requirement to become a sales assistant in Home Pro the rural girls don't stand a chance. Sure they can go to work in some capacity or other but when they wont even earn enough to keep themselves, let alone make a contribution to their family, there is no incentive.

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Well of course they are Human Beings. I've met policemen I like as well.

I just don't have too much admiration for them professionally, sorry, but there are other ways out of poverty and there are a lot of people who manage to live in poverty.

It's a shortcut for lazy people--and in my limited experience a lot of these are very lazy people.

Lazy in what sense? You man lazy in the sense that they don't propel themselves acidemically as is perceived to be the way forward in the Western world?

Most in bars don't have the same opportunities as most of us Westerners.

Not everyone's ideals are the same as well. I for one am not lazy, nor am I academically gifted. I won't be pressured into being someone that I am not though and am quite happy being myself on a day to day basis....sometimes lazy, more often not.

Very lazy people are still human beings you know.

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