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"wai"ing Husband/wife/bf/gf


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I saw a elderly gentleman of European origin(old farang codger) being "wai"ed by his Thai looking girlfriend on meeting. I thought it looked very odd. Maybe it is to make him feel good, boost his ego, or simply respect, although it didn't look like that.

It got me wondering about if Thai husbands/wives ever wai - I doubt it.

My wife used to wai me on our first few metings but stopped once we got "serious".

Now, the only time my wife wais me is when I give her money! This is a kind of joke as an old Thai friend did it to her farang husband to make him feel important and "the boss", although it was only true where money was concerned.

If your wife/husband wais you, are you getting you ego inflated or do they really respect you?

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My wife wai's me when I give her something.

It is good manners, but when there are only the two of us, it does seem like over playing it,

but I go along if it makes her feel good. In my book a simple thank you will do.

However with the children I will insist on the wai!!

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My wife wai's me when I give her something.

It is good manners, but when there are only the two of us, it does seem like over playing it,

but I go along if it makes her feel good.  In my book a simple thank you will do.

However with the children I will insist on the wai!!

Do you feel it's your duty to raise your kids to have 100% thai customs altough you are not thai yourself? Do you believe its the "right" way to behave rather than something which is only right to certain times and places? Sincerely asking coz I'm interested, please no offense.

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My mom sure never wai my dad.That would be too weird!!! Wai is usually how u greet people u dont know well or not that close to u.Like me I never wai my grandmom cos she lives next to me and we r kinda close but if i see the other grandmom who lives far away and whom i not see so often i do wai her.I think a girl who wai her bf is a complete lunatic!!lol

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Do you feel it's your duty to raise your kids to have 100% thai customs altough you are not thai yourself? Do you believe its the "right" way to behave rather than something which is only right to certain times and places? Sincerely asking coz I'm interested, please no offense.

I never expect my daughter (now 12 years old) to wai me and she doesn't do it. She wais as she should to Thais and I insisted on that when she was younger. It's automatic now of course. When she meets members of my family she'll go for the hug/kiss approach.

Confusion occasionally arises when I pick her up from school and the teacher will tell her to wai 'Papa', first of all because she thinks 'Papa' sounds silly and then she'll give me a slightly uncomfortable kind of wai.

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If I wai'd my wife, she would wonder what I had done!! If she wai'd me, there would be a short bust of laughter from me followed by "what do you want?" :o

She would never wai a farung, only a Thai person. When she greets a farung she shakes their hand.

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If your Thai wife/GF gives you something, do you shake her hand...???

I would be shocked and quite offended if my wife waied me everytime I gave her a gift. She is not inferior to me, she is not a slave and she doesn't have to be "Ghreng Jai" me in any way - we are equal partners in our relationship!

When it comes to kids, it's a delicate balance. Watching my one year old son clumsily wai people is dead cute and at this point has no real cultural significance.

However, when he starts getting a bit older I would like him to be able to differentiate between westerners and Thais and act accordingly (i.e Wai his Thai grandparents/friends for greeting, thank you etc. and be polite to his western grandparents/friends with saying please, thank you, a little kiss etc.)

The coming together of two cultures can only benefit children in my opinion, not only with different languages but also the little differences in tradition and customs.

I wish I had the opportunity that my son has as he grows in both years and personality.

Oh to be young again...!!!

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If I wai'd my wife, she would wonder what I had done!! If she wai'd me, there would be a short bust of laughter from me followed by "what do you want?"  :o 

She would never wai a farung, only a Thai person. When she greets a farung she shakes their hand.

What's a farung? :D

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If I wai'd my wife, she would wonder what I had done!! If she wai'd me, there would be a short bust of laughter from me followed by "what do you want?"  :o 

She would never wai a farung, only a Thai person. When she greets a farung she shakes their hand.

What's a farung? :D

A walking ATM

A life support system for a wallet

Me...shall I go on.. :D

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My mom sure never wai my dad.That would be too weird!!! Wai is usually how u greet people u dont know well or not that close to u.Like me I never wai my grandmom cos she lives next to me and we r kinda close but if i see the other grandmom who lives far away and whom i not see so often i do wai her.I think a girl who wai her bf is a complete lunatic!!lol

Obviously a newbie and not knowing much about the practice. Whenever sitting with a bunch of local friends and someone else comes into rest. or bar everyone does it as a hello gesture , Thai or farang. These are guys that see each other daily.

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If I wai'd my wife, she would wonder what I had done!! If she wai'd me, there would be a short bust of laughter from me followed by "what do you want?"  :o 

She would never wai a farung, only a Thai person. When she greets a farung she shakes their hand.

What's a farung? :D

A farung is someone who orders a beer "chung". :D

I never wai my wife, nor does she wai me. And I never see other "Thai married to Thai" wai each other.

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My daughter wais me when I collect her from school (in England) and always has done.I think you know when it is the right thing to do.

The gf does it every time we meet, even in public places with others around. Very traditional non bg.

As for this joker whats the non bg comment all about? I fail to see the relevance.

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If I wai'd my wife, she would wonder what I had done!! If she wai'd me, there would be a short bust of laughter from me followed by "what do you want?"  :D 

She would never wai a farung, only a Thai person. When she greets a farung she shakes their hand.

What's a farung? :D

A walking ATM

A life support system for a wallet

Me...shall I go on.. :D

Oh...farang :o

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If I wai'd my wife, she would wonder what I had done!! If she wai'd me, there would be a short bust of laughter from me followed by "what do you want?"  :D 

She would never wai a farung, only a Thai person. When she greets a farung she shakes their hand.

What's a farung? :D

A walking ATM

A life support system for a wallet

Me...shall I go on.. :D

Oh...farang :o

Now I understand.walkclr.gif

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She would never wai a farung, only a Thai person. When she greets a farung she shakes their hand.

If she met the Pope are you saying she wouldn't wai? :o

I think a Thai who has been brought up well by their parents would always wai someone older regardless of their nationality, except bf/gf and husband/wife.

I cannot imagine a young Thai girl not waiing certain older farang like Jonas, and other farang superstars.

I personally don't like westernised Thai people shaking my hand(only when in Thailand) it is stupid to wai my wife and shake my hand. I know one who studied abroad and comes from a well known Thai family who didn't wai my friend who is double their age and of a higher social class - terribly rude. One of my friends with one of those ridiculously long titled names always wais me as I am a couple of years their elder.

I would tell my wife to wai an older family relative of mine if she thought she didn't have to do it which, of course doesn't happen.

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My daughter wais me when I collect her from school (in England) and always has done.I think you know when it is the right thing to do.
The gf does it every time we meet, even in public places with others around. Very traditional non bg.

As for this joker whats the non bg comment all about? I fail to see the relevance.

The relevance is the traditional values and respect which is showed. One day you might exp. this if you stay longer than a week in suk, soi 4, no joking.

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My daughter wais me when I collect her from school (in England) and always has done.I think you know when it is the right thing to do.
The gf does it every time we meet, even in public places with others around. Very traditional non bg.

As for this joker whats the non bg comment all about? I fail to see the relevance.

The relevance is the traditional values and respect which is showed. One day you might exp. this if you stay longer than a week in suk, soi 4, no joking.

No Joking maybe, but I still don't get why you threw in the non bg comment - was it to suggest that a non bg holds mantains more traditional beliefs than bg? If so what about a fbg?

You do seem a bit uptight why not get yourself down to suk,soi 4 for a bit of traditional relax bkk style.

Keep it real and lets not start making cat calls with prejudice.

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