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No Car Insurance


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My wife pays 20,000 baht per year for full coverage on a 4 year old Honda.

So, if you've got an 'old car' probably no need for full coverage. You're probably looking at 10,000-15,000 baht per year. Considering how often foreigners get pulled by police, I'd get it, and if you do wreck and don't have it, somebody will soak you for every satang you have.

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It could be very serious if you are involved in an accident.

No matter how careful you are, it can happen.

I was hit whist stationary by a motorbike some months ago and unfortunately the poor guy died of his injuries a few hours later.

If I had not had proper insurance with a bail bond, I would probably have been locked up for the investigation period or longer. My vehicle was impounded for 3 weeks until the police were more or less satisfied by the witnesses statements. Now I face a private damages court case from his family for 300,000 THB, but my insurance company say they will pay this if the judgment goes against me.

So yes Neeranman, from my experience I think insurance is very important.

The garage where I bought my truck arranged the number one insurance at about 20,000 THB for the policy, also re-taxed it, after the old tax expired a few months later.

You also need the government insurance as well to stay legal.

I think you can also get bail bond cover with no. 2 (TPFT) and no.3 (just Third party) cover if the car is old and not worth insuring comprehensively.

Pretty sure you could get most car sales places to arrange cover for a small commission, or seek out an insurance company in your area. They will need check the book and take a photo of the vehicle.


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I have got no insurance yet for my "new" car. Does anyone know a decent place to get this? How important is it for an old car? What do the police say if they catch you?

At the end of the day, it just comes down to money: If you get caught by the police, you give him 200baht and he'll let you go. If you get involved in an accident, you can pay the other guy off. If there's a fatality, you can pay the family off - i know a thai woman who paid 50,000baht to the dead man's family as hush money. But is it worth - just get insured, mate !!

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The compulsory government insurance (Por Roh Bor) costs around 700 baht per annum.

This is also necesary to get the vehicle tax disc each year!!

Full third party insurance will cost around 5000 baht.

Full cover 20-30K depending on the vehicle and age.

There are plenty of companies around that will cover you

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The compulsory government insurance (Por Roh Bor) costs around 700 baht per annum.

This is also necesary to get the vehicle tax disc each year!!

Full third party insurance will cost around 5000 baht.

Full cover 20-30K depending on the vehicle and age.

There are plenty of companies around that will cover you

Thanks Astral and others for the replies.

Yes it could be serious and I will definately get it soon.

I have the compulsory already.

I mean the Full 3rd party is what I am wondering about.

I can aford 5000 a year.



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I think we are paying about 3000 3rd party for the farm pick up and about 14000 full cover for the 4wd Isusu.

Loads of thais dont have insurance, its a chance you take, but if you have an accident its going to put a big hole in your wallet.

I'd say if its an old car get 3 rd party if new full cover.

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How old is the car ?

You will not get  insurance if it is too old .

What if he has an old beater and he rear ends an M5 BMW being driven by a minister's daughter; he's f###ed! Let's think here :D . Then again, anybody who gets into an accident shouldn't have been in that spot at that time and it is just their fate and karma :D . Let's just forego safety belts and direction signals while we're at it. Just curious; is it a law that drivers must have insurance in Thailand? In California it is a law, so insurance companies must give insurance to any driver no matter how bad his record is. Hence, bad drivers pay up the nose for it. The minister's daughter in the M5 would probably have full coverage anyway, so then I guess it would become her problem then. Unless the accident broke her neck :o . TIT.

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QUOTE(Thetyim @ 2004-12-30 11:53:09)

How old is the car ?

You will not get insurance if it is too old .

What if he has an old beater and he rear ends an M5 BMW being driven by a minister's daughter; he's f###ed! Let's think here . Then again, anybody who gets into an accident shouldn't have been in that spot at that time and it is just their fate and karma . Let's just forego safety belts and direction signals while we're at it. Just curious; is it a law that drivers must have insurance in Thailand? In California it is a law, so insurance companies must give insurance to any driver no matter how bad his record is. Hence, bad drivers pay up the nose for it. The minister's daughter in the M5 would probably have full coverage anyway, so then I guess it would become her problem then. Unless the accident broke her neck . TIT.

This post has been edited by mbkudu: 2004-12-30 19:25:07 QUOTE]

My car is 11 years old, does that mean I can't get insurance?

You are right, if I hit a Minister's daughter, I am f888888ed :D

Once a former Minister of defence's daughter wanted to go out with me. I tried to phone her and was told politely if I valued my life never to do so again.

I don't even want to think of the consequences of breaking one's neck. :o

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Here is my understanding:

The law states that you must have a prb (pa ra ba) which is compulsory 3rd party ins. This is very cheap as others have stated. If you cannot afford this you probably cannot afford to drive. You can buy a prb just about anywhere with your car registration doc.

You can also get your own fuller coverage (first class or chan neung). If the vehicle is over 7 (?) years old you cannot get theft (comprehensive) though. I have an old vehicle and I pay less than USD 100 per year in addition to the prb.

My insurer and others here provide substantial discounts for a no-claim letter from a previous insurer, the discount based on number of years without a claim, but up to 50% or so. Just write your last insurer to get the letter and turn it over to your insurer here.

Insurance here is very cheap here compared to most places I am aware of, and it is well worth having. Since your chances of being involved in an accident are much higher here it is stupid not to have it.

Here is my personal experience:

I was involved in an accident that was absolutely my fault. Fortunately nobody was hurt, but the other car was pretty messed up. Called the ins. co, guy came out on a motorcycle, forms filled out, that was the end of it. My ins. went up 1000 Baht the next year. If I hadn't had insurance coverage I would have ended up in a long haggle and probably been out the damages, which would have been many times the cost of my annual coverage.

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There was a guy on this forum only a few weeks ago who had an accident on his way from the car sales room - He had no insurance.

From recollection the driver of the other vehicle was claiming full vehicle replacement and medical costs, the unisured driver was faced with paying for his own car which was totalled and he was facing police procicution.

Driving without insurance is simply a stupid thing to do. The risks are enormous and the saving pitifull.

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Here is my understanding:

The law states that you must have a prb (pa ra ba) which is compulsory 3rd party ins. This is very cheap as others have stated. If you cannot afford this you probably cannot afford to drive. You can buy a prb just about anywhere with your car registration doc.

You can also get your own fuller coverage (first class or chan neung). If the vehicle is over 7 (?) years old you cannot get theft (comprehensive) though. I have an old vehicle and I pay less than USD 100 per year in addition to the prb.

My insurer  and others here  provide substantial discounts for a no-claim letter from a previous insurer, the discount based on number of years without a claim, but up to 50% or so. Just write your last insurer to get the letter and turn it over to your insurer here.

Insurance here is very cheap here compared to most places I am aware of, and it is well worth having. Since your chances of being involved in an accident are much higher here it is stupid not to have it.

Here is my personal experience:

I was involved in an accident that was absolutely my fault. Fortunately nobody was hurt, but the other car was pretty messed up. Called the ins. co, guy came out on a motorcycle, forms filled out, that was the end of it. My ins. went up 1000 Baht the next year. If I hadn't had insurance coverage I would have ended up in a long haggle and probably been out the damages, which would have been many times the cost of my annual coverage.

for a bad driver maybe, my most expensive accident so far in 14 years cost me 350baht, if u aint a good driver then get insurance, but if ur pissed when u have the accident your insurance is invalid anyway, insurance is a personal thing, if you have a couple of rottweillers in your house you really dont need insurance against burgalary, much the same as if you are a competent driver you will not need driving insurance 99 percent of the time...

yes i know most of you will say i passed my driving test first time, but basically that means you have the most basic driving skills on the road, how many of you lot actually took advanced driving lessons and actually learnt to drive properly?

6 years after passing my driving test i spent 6 months learning how to drive properly, as with everything there are differant skill levels...

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Then again, anybody who gets into an accident shouldn't have been in that spot at that time and it is just their fate and karma :o

That's what they say in Saudi where any foreigner involved in a traffic accident is automatically at least 50% guilty. The reasoning goes that the accident would not have happened if the foreigner had stayed in his own country instead of coming to Saudi.

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  • 1 year later...
At the end of the day, it just comes down to money: If you get caught by the police, you give him 200baht and he'll let you go. If you get involved in an accident, you can pay the other guy off. If there's a fatality, you can pay the family off - i know a thai woman who paid 50,000baht to the dead man's family as hush money. But is it worth - just get insured, mate !!

This will possibly work if you do not have the compulsory government insurance, but that would mean that the vehicle is unregistered as well, as you cannot get one without the other.

Full cover or comprhensive insurance is another matter, and a personal choice. There is no legal requirement that states you have to have it.

Also your government insurance covers you for a "non fault" claim of up to 50.000 baht and a higher figure in the event of death. Check it out, go read your policy :o

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There was a guy on this forum only a few weeks ago who had an accident on his way from the car sales room - He had no insurance.

From recollection the driver of the other vehicle was claiming full vehicle replacement and medical costs, the unisured driver was faced with paying for his own car which was totalled and he was facing police procicution.

Driving without insurance is simply a stupid thing to do. The risks are enormous and the saving pitifull.

Ditto. as G.H.

Your attitude/ignorance ect. ect. belongs to the past and is not acceptable, legally, socially or any

other way.

The car cover is the least of your considerations.

It,s the other requirements that are needed by law, not to mention the usual secondary demands.

All legal obligations including medical costs. bonds to bail you out and sureties if you are detained.

You are on a hiding to nothing financially should you have an accident with no cover.

Financially it could ruin you and your family.

What,s the matter with you guys who think you can settle things with a bribe.

We are not talking a minor infringment here Neeranam, get your commonsense/brain in order.

Get insurance to cover " All " your obligations if you are driving.

Do not even think about taking control of a moving vehicle otherwise.

It,s that simple.

marshbags :o:D:D

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Hi Neeranam....

The 700 per year basic coverage covers personal injuries only. So- if you hit the minister's daughter in the BMW and her neck is broken / she is injured in any way, her medical expenses will be covered but the damage to the BMW will not. You will need to negotiate with the third party to fix their car. If you can not afford to fix their car, you can possibly end up in prison.

5000 per year will cover the medical and all third party damage. This will cover the repairs to the BMW, but not your car.

Both of these plans above are easy to get from any broker, and I would recommend the 5000 baht plan. Driving with the minimum plan could ruin your financial security or jeopardize your personal freedom.

20,000 per year covers all the above and damages to your car. It is significantly more expensive because the insurance company figures that you are going to claim for absolutely everything, no matter how small- door dings, gravel scratches, etc.

This one will be hard to get for your 11 year old Mazda, because the insurance company figures it might have 11 years of wear and tear that they will end up paying out on.

Hope this helps in an easy to understand way. I had to be hit by an uninsured driver before I figured it all out, because I thought the basic plan would cover all third party injuries and damage like it does at home. I had to negotiate with him to get my car fixed, which is a real drag.

In the event of any accident, regardless of fault or level of coverage, call your insurance company. The claims agent they send will be a boon to negotiating with the third party if they are not insured because they will know the ballpark repair costs, and have all of the necessary forms and releases you will need.

Do go and get the 5000 plan as soon as you can mate! No matter how careful you are, accidents are happening every minute of the day all over the world.

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I wouldn't even consider driving without full coverage.

I have had a few minor accidents and one serious one and being able to call an insurance agent over to sort it out is worth the price alone in my opinion.

I had a Range Rover that cost over 50K a year to insure but it paid for itself when I had to replace the windscreen (40+K), put a new side mirror on because a bike rode into me and knocked it off (10K) and respray to cover over a few gravel dings etc (26K)

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It is difficult to get first class (comprehensive, including theft) insurance on a vehicle that is more than seven years old. This is what is commonly called "first class" insurance.

Third party liability insurance is generally available for vehicles less than 20 years old. If your vehicle is older than that, you still may be able to get third party cover if the insurance company inspects the vehicle and deems it in suitable operational condition.

Don't expect to rely on the compulsory Por Ror Bor scheme for much other than to register your vehicle. The Victims's Compensation Scheme, of which the Por Ror Bor is evidence of payment into, provides extremely limited no-fault payouts for medical expenses (baht 50k) and death benefits (baht 100k) only. It won't pay towards your legal liability to fix the other guy's car or any other property that is damaged in an accident. It also won't cover your legal liability for the other guy's loss of income, medical expenses in excess of baht 50k, wrongful death judgements, etc. In other words, it really doesn't do much.

Third party liability insurance is what will help keep you out of big financial trouble if you are liable in the event of an accident. It is very cheap. A few thousand baht per year is a typical premium for a small passenger car or pickup for a million baht limit. Some Thai insurers are willing to offer up to baht 5 million per occurrence property damage and baht 10 million per occurrence bodily injury. If you really push, you might be able to get higher limits than these, but these are the highest normally on offer from most Thai domiciled insurers. The difference in cost between low and high limits is usually negligible. My recommendation is to get the highest limits you can obtain and afford.

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wow ... a revival thread

I was just looking back at the thread (after writing a long reply - doh!) and noticed this too. Seems the new member dug up an old thread.

I do remember recent posts about Neeranam buying a Mazda Astina recently- thought that this was the car in question!

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wow ... a revival thread


Apologies jdinasia , unfortunately posters are varying their questions and T.visa members respond rather than go back to similar threads.

In my case i,ve replied to several going back some time, all have a similar line of advice to the basic one which is:-

Do i or don,t i take a chance on insurance, we try to offer good advice on a sound but friendly footing.

This of course depends on the posters content and attitude.

The Thai/international driving licence keeps coming up in different threads but again members respond anyway unless it,s a word for word repeat post that was recent and is on their past history.

Thai visa section are really up against it as lots of questions are repeated so they just refer you to the relevant thread when it is possible.

This is because they are getting many posts everyday and maybe can locate the relevant thread.

We cannot because without scrolling it is easier to reply at the time.

( the search facility always fails to give me a particular thread/topic which is probably my fault anyway. )

At the end of the day we can always help again or ignore the request.

In my case i like to do my best and act in a positive way and have understanding to this when it happens.

Incidently if you wish to go over the Thaksin threads you are debating you will find most of the comments at the start tend to mention most of the points being made later.

But no problem if you are positive and understanding.

( Not news items but people who are intent on causing unrest and spoiling the debates and constantly repeating past comments )

In my humble opinion of course, so just smile and accept it, negative comments are non productive.

marshbags :o:D:D

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