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Trying A New Business In Thailand

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I already live out here and make money but my friend in the UK is saving up lots of money and wants to come here to live, he's going to get an education visa and learn a bit of thai whilst he stays here but is also looking for a business to invest in or even perhaps start his own...

I'm a bit worried about the routes he's going down to find this business and I've tried to explain to him the pitfalls of coming here hoping to do business but it seems my point is not getting across how hard it is to do business over here, especially with no real contacts and I just want some examples of what to do and what not to do when thinking/moving/doing business here is concerned - I think i know them all(or many/most) but the way I'm telling him doesn't seem to have enough gravity... or maybe he understands but is doubting me, any ideas??

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sometimes you just cant convince people they are making a mistake just advise him to live here for a year or so to feel out the market for whatever buisness he wants to do. Time seems to change peoples ideas about thailand, and how things really are. This is a fantasy world for many unfortunatly the harsh realty sets in sooner or later that buisness is buisness is be it here or there

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This is a fantasy world for many unfortunatly the harsh realty sets in sooner or later

Thanks for your reply

You're absolutely right about that!

This guy is not silly, he's very bright actually.

He was talking about some businesses that was not a bad investment in theory, it's just there was no reason for these people here in bkk to offer him the opportunity... I'm mainly interested in peoples thoughts and experiences about business here in Bangkok.

I'm still thinking and talking with him :o

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I already live out here and make money but my friend in the UK is saving up lots of money and wants to come here to live, he's going to get an education visa and learn a bit of thai whilst he stays here but is also looking for a business to invest in or even perhaps start his own...

Sounds like he has the right idea.

Start with a lot of cash, stay here for a bit and look around, learn some Thai.

Can't fault any of that. He just needs to move "slowly slowly" before jumping into any business. But the same applies anywhere in the world. From what I have seen, the guys who make a real success here are the same guys who would make a success anywhere. And the ones who loose are the same losers you find everywhere including Farangland....

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I have worked all over the world and found Thailand the hardest of all to do business, thats from the shop floor to management, they do not meet time schedules and dont realise the importance of time and quality control, im retired now but would never advise anyone to start a business in thailand.ill add that actually to do business in thailand as opposed to exporting is even worse,.of course there will be some that will disagree and im sure there are some that are succesful, but for a greenhorn to come to thailand im afraid a bed of roses it will not be,. :o

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I already live out here and make money but my friend in the UK is saving up lots of money and wants to come here to live, he's going to get an education visa and learn a bit of thai whilst he stays here but is also looking for a business to invest in or even perhaps start his own...

Sounds like he has the right idea.

Start with a lot of cash, stay here for a bit and look around, learn some Thai.

Can't fault any of that. He just needs to move "slowly slowly" before jumping into any business. But the same applies anywhere in the world. From what I have seen, the guys who make a real success here are the same guys who would make a success anywhere. And the ones who loose are the same losers you find everywhere including Farangland....

Couldnt agree more,.however some savvy businessmen have also lost it all in thailand,.the ones that are doomed for sure are the guys that are say a plumber all there lives then come to thailand and buy a bar or similar,.best advice is to take a long holiday first and as soon as the rose colored glasses fall of you may have an idea of direction, i wish him luck,.
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In my opinion, Thailand is NOT a level playing field. There are many legal obstacles to overcome that are of no concern to Thai businesses. If you manage to overcome the obstacles and have a better mousetrap, within a short time there will be a Thai business on both sides of you selling the same better mousetrap.

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