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Adopting Thai Village? Bhan nam khem ?


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I am a Dutch national, living in Thailand (Paknam, just south of Bangkok). My father is vice-mayor in a small county in Holland. He has contacted me with the folloing request:

The county wishes, in the aftermath of the Tsunami, to adopt a Thai village or Ampoer (how do you transliterate this: อำเภอ?), and help rebuilding it. This help is not aimed at immediate relief (something that is urgent, but offered already). This is an offer for long term help, and the aide will start coming to Thailand not earlier than the end of January. In other words, it will not be to clear the first rubble, but to rebuild what was destroyed, and possibly in the future continue cooperation to develop the place further.

I am at a loss, which village (which Ampoer) to choose for adoption, and how to find poeple to be entrusted with the communication.

I have (very Thai) four days off around the new years, and I'm considering simply going to the area (first aiming at Khao Lak) and see for myself. However, will the Ampoer be opened over the new years? I guess so...

Anyone with suggestions, can contact me; it will be greatly appreciated. Especially welcome will be advice about the following:

1) Which Ampoer to choose?

2) How to find reliable contacts there; do you have any contacts within the area you are suggesting?

Thanks for the help!

I can be contacted through email - [email protected] - though I'm not 100% sure I will be online the coming days... More direct will be my Thai mobile at 09 1108638. I can speak Thai reasonably well, but I can't read it. Please mail in English!

Ben Trein

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I think that is a great gesture.

My two bahts worth would be to donate your time and money to any Muang in the Phan Nga area, as Phuket and Khao Lak are predominately owned by multi national Resorts. Im not saying they are all multi nationals in those areas, but a lot of those who will be worst affected are outside the tourist strips.

Please keep us informed on how you progress with your offer.

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Like Tornado said, I'd probably stay away from the major tourist areas.

However, I would imagine any of a number of villages in Ranong and Krabi would qualify. Perhaps the best way to do this is to watch for the inevitable stories of villages being wiped out (which have probably already started).

An alternative is to set up a development fund, administered by you or someone you designate, which can then assist with the distribution of funds - or better yet, direct payment of bills - related to village reconstruction.

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Thanks for those comments; and as requested I'll keep you posted. If time permits, I may even create a website covering news about it, but that's not going to be any time soon.

As we ran out of people to call, my wife went down south to select a place. We have 'chosen' the village of Ban Nam Khem, not far to the north of Khao Lak. This because it was the first place my wife found that was indeed completely wiped out. 2400 people out of 4000 either dead or missing... However, no one was still in the village when my wife arrived, so communication still has to start...

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Baan Naam Khem is an excellent selection. I have friends who live there, and after 10 days have just found out that they are all alive and well. Most of them work in Koh Kho Khao Resort and I received a phone call today to tell me that everyone who works at the resort are OK. Apparently there were many tourists sleeping in their rooms and the staff went to warn them of the impending wave and they were not taken seriously. So, I can only assume that they perished. Very sad.

I will more than likely go there in the next 2 weeks to hug all of my friends and tell them how happy I am to see them. I will also be taking some clothing and basic necessities to them.

Excellent work, bentrein.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I´m back in Sweden after one month i Thailand, now I have had some time of thinking and several nights without sleep.

Our group of 17 people from Sweden spent 8 days at the Koh Kho Khao Resort and left for Krabi on dec 26:th, 9.10 am. We took the ferry to the mainland and left with 2 minibuses about 9.40, so we left 50 minutes before the Tsunami hit the village. Both my brother and sister with their families at Koh Lanta and Koh Jum also survived and was almost unhurted.

All this nights without sleep and bad conscience that WE all survived the Tsunami!!!! But still, we are so lucky and feels that we are newborn....

I want to do something for the island of Koh Kho Khao and the citizens. Is there any help program that I can donate to?

Please contact me on [email protected]

Baan Naam Khem is an excellent selection.  I have friends who live there, and after 10 days have just found out that they are all alive and well.  Most of them work in Koh Kho Khao Resort and I received a phone call today to tell me that everyone who works at the resort are OK.  Apparently there were many tourists sleeping in their rooms and the staff went to warn them of the impending wave and they were not taken seriously.  So, I can only assume that they perished.  Very sad. 

I will more than likely go there in the next 2 weeks to hug all of my friends and tell them how happy I am to see them.  I will also be taking some clothing and basic necessities to them. 

Excellent work, bentrein.

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  • 3 weeks later...

To Lasse920: The Thai government keeps saying that they've got everything under control, and that no help is necessary... How much of that is true remains to be seen. If you want to help, don't send money directly here, but send it through a renown organisation which you trust will actually use your money to help, and not pay the people who have plenty already - which is very common all throughout Asia.

To all interested in my project: We've indeed settled on helping out in BanNam Khem, but adoption is not going to happen. As the government's mills turn slowly, it isn't exactly clear yet what's going to happen. But most likely we're going to (try to) set up a non profit fishing co-op through which the local fishermen can get a fair(er) price for their fish.

For those of you who read Dutch, there's a website of the private help programme our county is planning to join.

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I was at the several of the camps which house many of the familys from Baan Nam Khem recently the biggest is Baan Maung - you will be able to see reports and pictures in

Thailands Tsunami

You will see reference, within the pages of the site, to the acting head man, Maithree - he would be a good man to make contact with and consult with. He is honest, realistic and fair.

If you need help in making contact with him, let me know as we are in regular touch with him and could help with expalining the position.

Good Luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

If any one has a chance to help the camps directly I would urge you to do so. We are still in touch with the people in the camps near Bhan Nam Khem and although there are lots of things being promised to them - things are taking a long time to materialise.

Bush Sn and Clinton were there recently which will hieghten the profile somewhat.

We are just sending in our second load of fishing nets and tackle in as they are now building their own boats on site.

Look at the recent pictures and news updates on the following site.....

Bham Nam Khem - Thailands Tsunami


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